Back to 84: Getting rich from collecting rubbish

Chapter 2228 The time is almost up

Chapter 2228 The time is almost up
"Director Shen, our assets are estimated to be close to 5000 million. If you can spend 40.00 million, you can hold [-]% of the shares."

When Dean Ma said this, he seemed to feel that his words were a bit wrong. He explained: "Our doctors and experts are also part of the resources here."

When Lao Mi heard the words 5000 million, he suddenly took a breath.

After all, this is an astronomical figure for him.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Dean Ma, your conditions are a bit too generous."

"40.00% is a bit too much. I think our MiKe Electronics' shareholding should not exceed 30.00%."

"And we are not planning to participate in the management of the hospital. We will just send a financial officer to supervise the revenue and expenditure."

Listening to Shen Lin's initiative to reduce the shares to 30.00%, Dean Ma looked slightly disappointed.

In his opinion, in this way, the investment capital invested by MiKe Electronics will be 3000 million.

Although 3000 million is a lot, compared with his plan, 3000 million is still not enough.

But since Shen Lin has said this, it means that he has made his decision.

Moreover, Shen Lin was able to invest 3000 million, which was already a great deal of face. If he insisted on asking for more, it would be a bit too much.

So he smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, 3000 million is fine."

"Come, let's all toast to Dong Shen and wish our cooperation a success."

Looking at Dean Ma with a smile on his face, Shen Lin raised his wine glass and said with a smile, "Come, let's have a drink together."

As he drank a glass of wine, Shen Lin continued: "Dean Ma, let me correct you. Although I only need 30.00% of the equity, I can still lend an additional 2000 million yuan to our hospital."

"This money can be paid back slowly."

Dean Ma, who was already prepared to live a hard life, felt deeply moved when he heard Shen Lin's words.

He knew very well that Shen Lin did this entirely to help himself.

For a moment, he felt like he didn't know what to say.

Finally, he raised his glass and said, "Dr. Shen, I won't say anything else. I'll drink this glass of wine first."

Shen Lin raised his glass and touched it with Dean Ma and said, "Dean Ma, you are too polite."

While the two were joking, they finally settled the matter.

Next, if we want to fully implement this matter, we need to take action at a higher level.

After finishing the meal, Shen Lin followed Lao Mi to the room again, looked at the condition of the millet grains, and then left.

Because Shen Lin wanted to see the condition of the millet grains, Dean Ma and others followed him one by one.

They must provide good services to Shen Lin, the God of Wealth.

After Shen Lin and others left, Lao Mi turned to Mi Yuan, who was watching the child fall asleep, and said softly: "Mi Yuan, there is something I don't quite understand."

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Mi Yuan was stunned for a moment and immediately cheered up.

As the child's body temperature returned to normal, Mi Yuan also regained her composure.

The arrival of Shen Lin will definitely make the family discover that Shen Lin and Xiao Mili are very similar in many cases.

In this case, Mi Yuan had already started thinking about her words.

After all, she wanted to cover up the relationship between Xiao Mili and Shen Lin.

Now that my father is saying this with a serious face, has he discovered something?

"Mi Yuan, I had dinner with Director Shen and Dean Ma today. During the meal, they talked about something." As Lao Mi spoke, he talked about the hospital.

After hearing what her father said, Mi Yuan pondered for a moment and said, "Dad, Director Shen often likes to leave room for leeway when doing things."

"For example, this time, Director Shen knows very well that he is not good at running hospitals." "So he is not prepared to take too many shares."

“Because the more shares you hold, the more responsibilities you have to bear.”

"Director Shen will control most investment projects below 30.00%."

"As for borrowing money, it is a matter of affection. After all, MiKe Electronics is not short of the 2000 million."

Listening to his daughter's explanation, Lao Mi suddenly sighed: "The thoughts of these rich people are really not something we can guess."

"But what Shen Lin did was considered very benevolent."

Mi Yuan listened to her father's emotion and smiled and said: "Shen Lin is very measured in what he does, but it is also to make it easier for him to make money."

Lao Mi said seriously: "Although Shen Lin does this for his own development, it is still very humane."

Shen Lin, who was praised by Lao Mi for being humane, was doing something impersonal at this time.

In the office of MiKe Electronics, Shen Lin was listening to York Hansen's work report.

As the development of the walnut company becomes more and more formal, York Hansen's job has begun to change from the director of the walnut company to the financial investment side.

"Director Shen, according to the news I heard from some old friends, it seems that Toros is going to do something big."

"I don't know what the big deal is, but he has gathered a lot of funds."

"We even reached an agreement with some capital."

York Hansen said: "Although there is no evidence, your loyal subordinates feel that this matter seems to be related to our company."

"Under such circumstances, I think Director Shen should carefully consider this matter to save us from being caught off guard."

Shen Lin listened to York Hansen's suggestion, with a trace of solemnity on his face.

He knew exactly what Toros was going to do.

According to the memory of his previous life, Shen Lin knew what Toros planned to do. It was precisely because of Toros's victories that all forces followed him.

He has now integrated all forces.

And now, he is cooperating with Qunxing Company.

This is also good news.

In a flash of thought, Shen Lin turned to York Hansen and said, "Mr. York Hansen, have you done any research on short selling?"

As a prince of Grass Flag Bank, York Hansen has been exposed to this kind of thing in the past.

However, as he joined MiKe Electronics and was assigned to Walnut Company, he became less involved in such matters.

Now hearing what Shen Lin said, he thought for a moment and said solemnly: "Director Shen, I have done a lot of short selling in the past."

"After all, where we worked at that time, there were a lot of things like this."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "That's great, Mr. York, are you interested in returning to the world?"

"We also have a fund that we can invest in it. We don't have to worry about anything else. We just need to follow Toros."

"Most of the time, we just follow what he does."

Shen Lin's decision made York Hansen's eyes light up.

Although his current job is not only easy, but also pays high enough, for a person like York Hansen who is unwilling to be lonely, he very much hopes that he can join the financial wave.

Shen Lin's decision undoubtedly gave him an opportunity.

"Director Shen, are we going to keep doing this?" York Hansen suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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