Chapter 2229 Under heavy reward
When Shen Lin faced York Hansen's inquiry, he did not answer immediately. Instead, he stood up and walked to the map on the wall of the office, pointed to a place and said: "Of course we can't follow all the time. While we are following, we are also To guide, what do you think about slowly guiding them here?”

York Hansen was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that Shen Lin would give such an answer.

Looking at the location of the Great Cosmos Kingdom pointed by Shen Lin, he pondered for a moment and said: "Director Shen, I think although there are some problems here, their strength is there, and it is not a good choice to attack them. "

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. York Hansen, of course we can't do it alone."

"However, as long as those who follow Toros take action together, he is not as powerful as you think."

"What's more, his income is also very high."

Looking at Shen Lin who was smiling, York Hansen said: "Dr. Shen, I know what to do."

"I will definitely bring that capital here as soon as possible."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. York, you know that I will never let my friends suffer."

"As long as you accomplish this, you can get one-tenth of the money we earn."

If Shen Lin's mission just now aroused York Hansen's ambition, then Shen Lin's current reward makes York Hansen feel excited.

Ten percent reward!
What a huge amount of money this must be!
York Hansen had a certain understanding of Shen Lin's money used to speculate in stock funds, and knew that it was a large amount of money.

And once this money is used to stir up the situation, the profit will definitely not be a small amount, or even...

"Dr. Shen, this...this is too much. I deserve it!"

York Hansen's voice was filled with a hint of trembling.

He had a feeling that if this one was done right, he could just retire.

Shen Lin looked at York Hansen and said with a smile: "Mr. York, although I have a lot of money, how much money you can make depends on your ability."

Having said this, a smile flashed in Shen Lin's eyes and he said, "You don't have much confidence in yourself, do you?"

York Hansen solemnly said: "Dr. Shen, don't worry, leave this matter to me."

"Not only will I turn the place you mentioned upside down, I will also make a lot of money for you and MiKe Electronics."

"This, you can rest assured."

"Okay, then I will wait for your good news, Mr. York Hansen. I hope we can all make a lot of money in this operation."

Shen Lin patted York Hansen on the shoulder and said, "When the time comes, I will never break my promise."

York Hansen still believed in Shen Lin's credibility. As a subordinate of Shen Lin, he had seen more than once that the boss distributed various profits to his subordinates.

It is precisely because of Shen Lin's allocation that the entire MiKe Electronics has a feeling of prosperity.

After discussing with Shen Lin what to do, York Hansen left Shen Lin's office.

Shen Lin, who had seen off York Hansen, poured himself a cup of tea, and then began to think about the millet grains.

The millet grains that look very similar to me can easily arouse the suspicion of many people.

Shen Lin is not afraid of these conjectures, he is afraid of the future!
Although the arrival of this child caught him a little off guard.

There was even a feeling in his heart that he didn't know what to do.

But a living child cannot hide it no matter what.

If Mi Yuan never gets married, what will happen to Xiao Mi Li's future?
If Mi Yuan gets married in the future, what will happen to Xiao Mi Li's future?
Each thought made it difficult for Shen Lin to make a decision.He couldn't ignore this child, but he couldn't make up his mind on how to deal with it.

But no matter how you deal with it, you can't get around one person, and that's Mi Yuan.

Just when Shen Lin was silently thinking about when to talk to Mi Yuan, his phone suddenly rang.

Shen Lin looked at the phone on his desk and frowned slightly.

While he was thinking about countermeasures, he really didn't like to be disturbed.

But the people who can call him directly are those who have a good relationship with him or have important entanglements with MiKe Electronics.

After glancing at the caller's number, Shen Lin answered the call.

"Director Shen, this is Wen Zaisong." The moment the call was connected, Wen Zaisong's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Shen Lin now has many things that require Wen Zaisong's cooperation, so he has always been very polite to Wen Zaisong.

"Hello, Mr. Wen, do you have any instructions?" Shen Lin asked with a smile.

Wen Zaisong solemnly said: "Director Shen, how dare I give you instructions? It's really something about Qunxing Company that I need to convey to you."

Having said this, Wen Zaisong said: "Miss Qiaozhen from Qunxing Company has already reported the negotiation situation to the directors of Qunxing Company."

"Chairman Li of Qunxing Company is very dissatisfied with the situation of this negotiation."

"The prince didn't play any good role in this either."

Having said this, Wen Zaisong paused and said, "Even me, the middleman, has suffered a lot, and President Li is also a little dissatisfied with me."

Hearing Wen Zaisong's somewhat complaining words, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Wen, you have suffered a lot because of our MiKe Electronics affairs."

"Don't worry, I, Shen Lin, am not someone who refuses to repay a favor. After this matter is over, I will definitely repay Mr. Wen for your support."

Wen Zaisong coughed and said, "Dr. Shen, we can talk about reports and other matters later."

"I'm a person who likes to have a beginning and an end. Since I've been involved in this matter, I very much hope that it will come to fruition."

"Dr. Shen, you can't be too insistent. You don't agree to any of the conditions put forward by others. If you do this, it will be very difficult for me."

Speaking of this, Wen Zaisong said in a low voice: "I think you must agree to at least one of their conditions, so that the Qunxing Group will not feel too disadvantaged."

Shen Lin secretly sneered in his heart, but on the surface, he still smiled and said: "Mr. Wen, the reason why I don't agree to Qunxing Group's conditions is because every one of their conditions is to kill Mi Ke Electronics."

"As for the pillar industries of our MiKe Electronics, you don't know that if we don't have these pillars, we may be very sad in the future."

"Brother, please tell Chairman Li of Qunxing Group and ask them to change some conditions. Maybe then, I will agree to their conditions."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Wen Zaisong frowned and said, "Dr. Shen, I have said everything I can say."

"But Chairman Li said that the communication chip of mobile phones is also a core technology for them. They can share it with MiKe Electronics. In fact, they have already suffered a loss."

"It doesn't make sense if you ask them to change conditions!"

"Director Shen, you can't just consider you and not others!"

(End of this chapter)

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