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Chapter 2230 Are you teaching me how to do things?

Chapter 2230 Are you teaching me how to do things?

Hearing Wen Zaisong's warning words, Shen Lin raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

After Wen Zaisong finished his questioning words, he said calmly: "President Wen, are you teaching me how to do things?"

Shen Lin's voice was low, but Wen Zaisong on the other end of the phone felt a little bit of pressure.

He used to be Shen Lin's opponent, but now with the decline of Taiyu Group, his status can be said to be declining. Now, he is not qualified to say that he is Shen Lin's opponent.

At most, he is just an accomplice of Shen Lin's opponent.

Therefore, Shen Lin's words made him feel a little timid, but besides being timid, a trace of anger arose in his heart.

Shen Lin's reprimanding tone seemed like he didn't take him seriously at all.

In the past, Shen Lin and he were equals, but now, from Shen Lin's words, he felt that Shen Lin seemed to treat him as a subordinate.

This situation was difficult for him to accept for a while.

After thinking for a moment, Wen Zaisong already made a decision in his heart.

He must not bow his head, let alone to Shen Lin.

Because this would make Shen Lin doubt his purpose.

So he said angrily: "Director Shen, since you said so, let this matter end here."

"I am no longer involved in this matter. The negotiation between Director Shen and Qunxing Company has nothing to do with me."

How could Shen Lin not hear that this was Wen Zaisong's approach of retreating in order to advance.

He smiled and said: "Mr. Wen, from the bottom of my heart, I have always been very grateful for your efforts in this matter."

"And both myself and MiKe Electronics regard you as a friend."

"Since you don't want to deal with this matter, and we have been unable to reach an agreement with Qunxing Company, I think this matter will be left as it is for the time being."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said with a hint of deepness: "I am very optimistic about the future of the mobile phone industry."

"But it's not worth it. We sacrifice our own fundamental interests."

"What's more, we still have PHS. I don't believe that within a short time, mobile phones can completely replace PHS."

Wen Zaisong originally thought that Shen Lin would definitely keep him if he said he wanted to quit.

But he didn't expect that Director Shen's decision would be so decisive. He just said he didn't care, and he just gave up.

Stop playing!
How can this work? On my side, it is a very important part to lure Mi Ke Electronics into being fooled. If the temptation fails, it will ruin the important plan of Qunxing Group and Chairman Li.

President Li spent a lot of effort on this matter. If he was abandoned like this, how could President Li just let it go?

For a moment, he was at a loss.

In the end, his reason told him that at this moment, he could never give up just like that.

Otherwise, there is really no way to explain.

"Director Shen, I think the most important thing for you now is to stay rational and never act out of anger."

Wen Zaisong tried his best to keep his voice soothing and said: "My decision just now was a bit too reckless, so I want to apologize to Director Shen for this matter."

"Well, let me tell Director Shen's intention to Qunxing Company and see if they can give in."

Shen Lin said: "Mr. Wen, I think it's really unnecessary."

"The possibility of Qunxing Company giving in on this matter is very small."

"If you go to make peace again, you might face the blame from Qunxing Group. When the time comes, you, the person who helped, will be the person you are inside and outside."

"I don't want you to do this kind of thing."

Having said this, Shen Lin said solemnly: "Let's forget it."

"My team is also researching communication chips, and we may have a breakthrough soon." Shen Lin's words made Wen Zaisong feel even more uncomfortable.

His purpose is to let MiKe Electronics use the communication chips of Qunxing Company, and Qunxing Company will be responsible for everything after that.

Now that Shen Lin is no longer playing, he is the one sitting on the wax.

So he said very firmly: "Dr. Shen, let me insist on it one more time. If it doesn't work, let's talk."

Shen Lin hesitated for a moment and said: "Mr. Wen, if this thing is possible, I naturally hope that it can be done. If it is not possible, don't be too stubborn."

The two discussed some more issues before hanging up the phone.

Wen Zaisong put down the phone, gently picked up the handkerchief on the table, and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

He felt very tired.

It is really not easy to fight against Shen Lin.

Wen Zaisong felt that he was very clear about Shen Lin's purpose.

In Wen Zaisong's opinion, Shen Lin's decision just now should be half true and half false.

He didn't really give up making mobile phones, but if he was too determined, he might give up.

This is not only a test of one's own attitude, but also a test of the attitude of the Star Group.

From a tactical point of view, he should have lost the duel between himself and Shen Lin.

But from a strategic perspective, Wen Zaisong felt that he had won.

Because this situation was originally part of the Star Group's plan.

It's just that what Shen Lin paid here was different.

Shen Lin may think that he controls everything, but in fact, he really can't control anything.

Taking a gentle breath, Wen Zaisong dialed President Li's phone number.

For a person like President Li, if you want to contact him, you need to go through many layers of transfers.

Generally speaking, Chairman Li would not answer calls from people who did not have enough status.

But Wen Zaisong's call went directly to Chairman Li's personal phone number.

"President Li, I think your testing should be over." Wen Zaisong said in a deep voice: "I just talked with Shen Lin and said that they should relax some conditions and agree to some of our stars' requirements."

When Wen Zaisong said these words, he had already thought of President Li's preferences.

There was naturally a sense of flattery in his words.

President Li said in a deep voice: "What did Shen Lin promise to transfer?"

"Shen Lin's attitude is very firm. He doesn't want to transfer any of the patents you proposed."

As soon as Wen Zaisong finished speaking, he heard Chairman Li scolding on the phone.

This kind of scolding was hard to hear, but fortunately it wasn't him being scolded by Wen Zaisong, so he could still listen to it.

"I just said that Shen Lin's conditions are too harsh and I don't care about this matter. But at this time, Shen Lin said that he also wanted to give up the research and development and production of mobile phones. He also said that his PHS can also fight again. ten years."

President Li said: "So, you gave in and said you still want to help him?"

"Yes." Wen Zaisong did not hide it and said in a deep voice: "I think it is not a bad idea to surrender at this time."

"It can give Shen Lin the feeling that he is on the second floor and we are on the first floor. Everything is under his calculation."

“And really, it’s you at the top.”

President Li was very happy for such a compliment. He laughed loudly and said: "Mr. Wen, you did a very good job. This is a good time to close the net."

(End of this chapter)

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