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Chapter 2231 I want to give Shen Lin some face

Chapter 2231 I want to give Shen Lin some face

Although Li Qiaozhen speaks softly, she gives people the feeling of being a lady.

But when facing negotiations, she often refused to give in, which gave Lu Dongsheng a headache.

There was even one time, no matter what Lu Dongsheng said, Li Qiaozhen insisted on one request without wavering.

This made Lu Dongsheng’s teeth itch with hatred, but he was helpless.

Under such circumstances, the negotiations slowly reached a deadlock.

In the guest house of Mihu Garden, Li Qiaozhen was drinking tea quietly.Next to her stood a capable woman who looked to be in her 40s.

The woman was wearing a suit and her hair only reached to her ears, giving her a very serious look.

"Miss, today's discussion has no results again. If you continue like this, I'm very worried that you will follow in the footsteps of Vice President Li."

There was a trace of seriousness in the woman's voice.

Li Qiaozhen smiled and said, "Director Jin, I know you are doing this for my own good."

"But I have already planned this matter."

"Don't worry, I'm not the idiot like my brother who doesn't know what to prioritize. I want to make meritorious deeds and express myself so that I can reach the sky in one step."

"Let me tell you, I have never looked down on people like him."

Listening to Li Qiaozhen's words, Team Leader Jin's expression did not relax. She said solemnly: "But your negotiations have reached a deadlock."

"The deadlock will be broken." Li Qiaozhen said: "But I can't let MiKe Electronics break this deadlock from me."

Having said this, Li Qiaozhen looked into the distance and said, "But one day, I will be the one who can break the deadlock."

Although Li Qiaozhen's words were a bit cryptic, Team Leader Jin still understood what she meant.

Looking at Li Qiaozhen's solemn look, Team Leader Jin finally sighed and said, "Miss, I also hope that you can take on this responsibility one day."

"To be honest, Qunxing Group will only become weaker and weaker in the hands of Vice President Li. He simply cannot bear the burden of Qunxing Group."

Just as the two people were talking, a rush of footsteps came over.

Li Qiaozhen turned around and saw a man in his 30s striding over.

"I think the news we have been waiting for has come."

Team Leader Jin was stunned for a moment, then strode towards the man: "What's the matter?"

"The president has given instructions." As the man spoke, he handed the document in his hand to Team Leader Jin.

Team Leader Jin really wanted to see the contents of the document, but she suppressed her curiosity and handed the material to Li Qiaozhen respectfully.

Li Qiaozhen glanced at the documents, and a smile appeared on her lips.

She said to Team Leader Jin: "Team Leader Jin, please help me contact the negotiators of MiKe Electronics and tell me that I hope to talk to Director Shen personally."

Hearing this, Team Leader Jin couldn't help but inquire: "Miss, did the president give you any clever tips to make MiKe Electronics surrender?"

"No, the president agreed to some concessions."

Li Qiaozhen said: "This kind of concession is also a favor. I am not prepared to give this kind of favor to Lu Dongsheng. He is not qualified enough."

"It's worth it to Shen Lin."

Listening to Li Qiaozhen's words, Team Leader Jin nodded and said, "Okay, I'll contact you right away."

As he spoke, Team Leader Jin strode away.

After Li Qiaozhen watched Team Leader Jin leave, she picked up the teacup in front of her and took a sip. ,

For her, she had already prepared for the outcome of this negotiation.It's just that she wants to be able to earn enough benefits for herself when the result is certain. This is what she wants.

Shen Lin should recognize this favor.

Just as Li Qiaozhen was silently thinking about the situation of her meeting with Shen Lin, Team Leader Jin came over.

With a hint of anger in her expression, she said: "Miss, Lu Dongsheng gave us a reply and said that Director Shen has been very busy these two days and does not have time to see you."

"If you have anything to discuss, you can talk to Lu Dongsheng."

"Lu Dongsheng can fully represent him and Mike Electronics."

Hearing this, Li Qiaozhen's expression suddenly turned cold.

She had been planning for a long time. If she could not see Shen Lin, it meant that her plan was a waste of effort.

She would never accept this situation.

So after taking a deep breath, she said to Team Leader Jin: "Team Leader Jin, if you tell them again, just say that there are some things that Mr. Lu Dongsheng can't decide on the spot, so I very much hope to be able to talk to Shen Let’s talk to Dong Kai.”

"Okay, I will definitely fight for them." Team Leader Jin knew Li Qiaozhen's intentions and responded solemnly.

Li Qiaozhen looked at Team Leader Jin who was leaving, with a trace of expectation in her expression.

Half an hour later, Team Leader Jin returned again, but this time, Mi Yuan returned with her.

Li Qiaozhen has always been very concerned about Mi Yuan.

The reason why she pays attention to Mi Yuan is mainly because of Mi Yuan's appearance.

As the eldest princess of the Qunxing Group, Li Qiaozhen has always been very conceited about her appearance, but this time she met Mi Yuan, who made her feel as if she was no worse than herself, or even a little better than herself.

"Miss, Miss Mi Yuan said that Director Shen has something to bring to you." Team leader Jin said in a deep voice: "This sentence is not suitable for me to convey."

Li Qiaozhen looked at Mi Yuan, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Mi Yuan, what does Director Shen have to say to me?"

Mi Yuan said: "Miss Li, what Director Shen asked me to convey is not suitable for too many people to know."

Having said this, she glanced at Team Leader Jin.

Team leader Jin did not leave immediately, but glanced at Li Qiaozhen. She was Li Qiaozhen's subordinate, so she naturally wanted to listen to Li Qiaozhen.

Li Qiaozhen hesitated for a moment, and finally waved towards Team Leader Jin and said, "Team Leader Jin, you go ahead and do your work. I'll listen to what Director Shen has to do."

Although Team Leader Jin was unwilling to give in, she still carefully said goodbye and left.

After Mi Yuan waited for Team Leader Jin to leave, she said: "Miss Li, Director Shen said that Mr. Wen Zaisong has conveyed your company's sincerity to him."

"So, he will not be involved in the next thing."

Listening to these words, Li Qiaozhen's hands trembled a little.

Although Shen Lin's words were soft, he actually told her very directly that he had mastered everything in the negotiation, so you should stop making trouble.

Looking at Mi Yuan with a calm expression, Li Qiaozhen took a breath and said: "Miss Mi Yuan, Director Shen is so confident that he doesn't even see me, isn't he afraid that I will interfere with him?"

Mi Yuan looked at Li Qiaozhen, who was so unwilling, and said with a smile: "Miss Qiaozhen, I don't know this. I'm just helping Director Shen convey this sentence."

"But based on what I know about Director Shen, the decisions he makes rarely change."

"Miss Qiaozhen, I think it's best for you not to cause trouble at this time. After all, many things are harmful to others and not beneficial to yourself. It's better not to do them than not to do them."

Li Qiaozhen silently glanced at Mi Yuan, and after a moment of silence she said, "Mi Yuan, you are right. It is best not to do things that harm others and do not benefit oneself."

"Please tell Director Shen, I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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