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Chapter 2232 Come out and chat for a while

Chapter 2232 Come out and talk

As Mi Yuan and Li Qiaozhen met, the negotiations became smoother.

In just three days, the cooperation agreement on communication chips between MiKe Electronics and Qunxing Group was officially signed.

As for Qunxing Group, the person who signed the cooperation agreement was Li Qiaozhen, while the person who signed the contract on behalf of Mihu Electronics was Lu Dongsheng.

According to the agreement, within half a month after the contract is signed, Qunxing Group will provide Mihu Electronics with their own communication chips, while Mihu Electronics will pay Qunxing Company according to the agreed price...

With the conclusion of this contract, it also means that Mi Yuan, as a member of the negotiation team, will return to her original position.

Regarding this, Mi Yuan's heart was full of expectations, and at the same time, there was still a faint trace of reluctance in her heart.

What she expected was that when she returned to her original position, no one would disturb the life she had designed for herself.

And that trace of reluctance naturally came from Shen Lin.

She knew in her heart that with her departure, she didn't know when she would see Shen Lin next.

"Beep beep..."

A burst of phone ringing broke Mi Yuan's tranquility.

She picked up the phone, looked at it, and frowned.

But in the end, Mi Yuan answered the phone.

"Hello, Sister Song." Although Mi Yuan didn't like it, she still smiled and greeted the person on the other side of the phone.

For Mi Yuan, it is better not to offend anyone.

"Mi Yuan, Professor Chen asked me to ask you if you have time today." Sister Song smiled and said: "I am very optimistic about you and hope to communicate more with you."

"You are all young people. I think it would be good to gain more understanding."

Sister Song was Mi Yuan's colleague in her previous workplace, and her relationship with Mi Yuan was considered average.

This time Mi Yuan came back and the two of them had a meal.

She didn't know where she knew Mi Yuan's marital status, so she introduced an acquaintance to Mi Yuan without Mi Yuan's consent.

Mi Yuan felt very uncomfortable at the time, but the habit she had developed over the years allowed her to smile and chat with Professor Chen, so that Sister Song's face was not completely lost.

After leaving, she told Sister Song that she had no good impression of Professor Chen.

Now Sister Song actually called again, which made Mi Yuan feel very uncomfortable.

"Sister Song, it is impossible for me and Professor Chen, so please tell Professor Chen and ask him not to waste time."

Sister Song was not discouraged by Mi Yuan's rejection. She smiled and said, "Mi Yuan, we are old friends, and I am doing this entirely for your own good."

"You are almost thirty, and you have a child with you. It will not be easy for you to find him like this!"

"Although Professor Chen is also divorced, he has no children. Although his salary at the university is not high, he leads a research group at MiKe Electronics, and..."

In one breath, Sister Song talked about many of Professor Chen's benefits, and finally said: "Mi Yuan, this opportunity must not be missed, and it will never come back."

"Professor Chen is interested in you now, I think you should seize it, otherwise..."

Listening to Sister Song's teaching, Mi Yuan pondered for a moment and said: "Sister Song, I will return to Yangcheng in two days. Don't talk about this matter anymore."

"I'm not in the mood to look for it now, nor do I want to look for it. Thank you for your concern."

While talking, Mi Yuan hung up the phone directly.

Listening to the beeping on the phone, Mi Yuan felt silent for a while.

Although she didn't want to see Professor Chen, some of Sister Song's words made her feel very uncomfortable.

It turns out that in the eyes of Sister Song and others, I already look like a defective product.

"Beep beep..." The phone rang again. Listening to the ringtone, Mi Yuan said angrily: "Didn't I already say that? I won't meet..."

After Mi Yuan finished speaking, the person on the other end of the phone smiled and said, "Mi Yuan, who are you angry with?"

Listening to this calm voice, Mi Yuan suddenly felt her heart tremble.

Although the person who came did not say who he was, Mi Yuan, who was already very familiar with the voice, knew very well that the person calling was Shen Lin.

Why did he call?
What would he think of his angry words just now?


"Director Shen, I was talking to a friend just now. I..."

Mi Yuan wanted to explain, but she was unwilling to tell her about being blindsided. For a moment, her voice trembled.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mi Yuan, let's meet whenever it's convenient for you. I have something I want to talk to you about."

After hearing Shen Lin's invitation, Mi Yuan slowly calmed down.

Meeting Shen Lin was a matter of both rejection and expectation in her heart.

Finally, she calmed herself down and said in a calm tone: "Dr. Shen, I am available at any time, whether I go to your office or..."

When Mi Yuan talked about the office, she deliberately focused the meeting on work.

Shen Lin pondered for a moment and then said: "Mi Yuan, there is a cafe near the Engineering College that has not been open for a long time."

"The environment there is also good. How about we go there for coffee at three o'clock?"

Shen Lin invited himself to drink coffee?What's going on with him?
After hesitating for a moment, Mi Yuan finally said: "Okay, Director Shen, I will definitely go there on time."

Putting down the phone, Mi Yuan's mind was filled with this meeting.

The question of why Shen Lin asked her out was constantly swirling in her mind.

Did Shen Lin think that he was leaving, so he saw him off, or...

Amidst this speculation, Mi Yuan simply cleaned herself up and came to the cafe.

Because it was the wrong time, there was no one in the cafe.After entering the cafe, Mi Yuan saw Shen Lin wearing sunglasses.

Mi Yuan felt a funny feeling in her heart when she saw Shen Lin, who had changed his hair style and appearance, and looked like another person at first glance.

But she understood very well that if Shen Lin hadn't been dressed up like this, he might not have been able to go out.

"Director Shen!" Mi Yuan greeted Shen Lin softly when she came across from him.

Shen Lin said: "It's quite quiet here. I know you like coffee. It's a good place to chat."

While talking, the waiter came over and asked Mi Yuan what flavor of coffee she wanted.

After Mi Yuan ordered a cup of coffee, she calmed down. She smiled and said, "Dongzhou has changed a lot in the past few years since I left Dongzhou."

"In some places, I can't even tell where they are."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "This is normal. In fact, there are some places that I can't find even if I suddenly mention them."

The chat that two people started was basically nonsense.

But along with these nonsense, Mi Yuan's heart sank a little bit, and a feeling arose in her heart that Shen Lin was definitely not just chatting with her this time.

Just when Mi Yuan was guessing why Shen Lin wanted to chat with her, Shen Lin had already asked: "How are the millet grains? Are you fully recovered?"

Mi Yuan's heart tightened when she heard Shen Lin ask Xiaomi Li.

(End of this chapter)

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