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Chapter 2233 1 Everything for the Children

Chapter 2233 All for the Children

Why does Shen Lin care about millet grains?
This should be part of the conversation between him and me. He cares about millet grains mainly because he is looking for topics.

In Mi Yuan's heart, she quickly found reasons for herself.

After taking a breath to calm herself down, Mi Yuan smiled and said: "Thank you, Director Shen, for your concern. Xiaomi is recovering very well. She has gone out to play with the neighbor's children today."

Hearing that Xiao Mili had fully recovered, Shen Lin took a deep breath and then said, "It's fine if nothing happens."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Mi Yuan felt that her worries should have passed.

But just when she was thinking about how to change the topic, Shen Lin said: "You are very strict about the millet grains."

"Mi Yuan, many times, I tell myself that since you hide it so well, there is no need for me to reveal anything more. I just need to provide you and your child with a good living environment."

After saying this, Shen Lin took a sip of coffee and said, "But looking at Xiao Mili's sick appearance, I feel that doing this is a bit too selfish."

Mi Yuan was stunned for a moment!
She looked at Shen Lin with wide eyes, and her mind was surging like a river.

What does Shen Lin mean by this?
What did he discover?
Why did he say...

"Director Shen, I don't understand what you mean?" Mi Yuan said in a trembling voice after taking a breath.

Shen Lin looked at Mi Yuan who looked like she didn't know what she was talking about, and said calmly: "I know everything about Xiao Mi Li and your marriage."

"Although the man you found kept his promise, he still admitted everything to me."

When Shen Lin said these words, Mi Yuan's shoulders trembled.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that the burden on her body seemed to disappear all of a sudden, and there was no need to continue all the pretense.

The grievances, unwillingness and discomfort in my heart these days all surged into my mind.

For a moment, Mi Yuan's tears flowed out quickly.

"Then what are you going to do?" Although she had thousands of thoughts in her mind, Mi Yuan knew that it was all out of her control.

Will Shen Lin divorce Lu Xiaorong?This possibility is almost impossible.

Regardless of status or feelings, he cannot compare with Lu Xiaorong.

The main reason why Shen Lin was sitting here talking to him was probably because Xiaomi Li was his child.

He didn't want to leave it alone.

Shen Lin looked at Mi Yuan who quickly regained her composure. After pondering for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Mi Yuan, I don't want to say what is right or wrong about the millet grains."

"As Xiao Mili's parents, we must ensure that he grows up happily no matter what."

Mi Yuan felt a little heavy when she heard this.

She knew in her heart that Shen Lin's purpose of talking to her was mainly for Xiaomi Li.

Mi Yuan calmed down and gradually calmed down.

Thinking carefully about the experience between himself and Shen Lin, everything was unilaterally contributed by himself.

Although she could feel that Shen Lin did not hate her, Shen Lin always kept a distance from her.

And it was myself who caused the millet grains to be born.

"What I'm thinking about now is the happy growth of Xiaomi Li." Mi Yuan said in a deep voice: "Everything I have arranged should be able to make Xiao Mi Li grow happily."

"After all, in a big city like Yangcheng, divorce is not a big deal. And... with my company, I believe it can make up for some shortcomings."

Shen Lin picked up the coffee cup and took a sip, then said: "Mi Yuan, your arrangement doesn't seem to be a big problem."

"However, Xiao Mili's life cannot be without traces of his father."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said in a deep voice: "Xiangjiang is very close to Yangcheng, and I also have a lot of business there."

"How about next, I have people move the trading company's headquarters from Yangcheng to Xiangjiang."

Going to Xiangjiang from Yangcheng, Mi Yuan thought carefully about Shen Lin's arrangement. She felt that this arrangement was not bad in terms of what was good for her children.After all, the level of Xiangjiang is much better than that of Guangzhou.

And there are fewer people who know you.

"My parents..." Mi Yuan's parents are all relying on her now. If she goes to Xiangjiang, her parents will follow her.

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Uncle and aunt can follow you to Xiangjiang."

"The medical conditions there are also good. Maybe my aunt's condition will be better there."

Mi Yuan nodded and said: "Okay, then we will go to Xiangjiang."

"Don't worry, it's nothing. I won't disturb your life."

"Besides, you don't have to feel guilty about this matter, because everything was caused by me."

Shen Lin looked at Mi Yuan with a calm expression and wanted to say something, but couldn't for a moment.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "When I have time, I will go over and look at the millet grains."

After talking about the important things, both of them fell silent for a while.

It seemed that at this moment, the two of them had nothing to say.

In some quiet cafes, sad songs are constantly playing:

strange city
in a familiar corner
also comforted each other
also hugged and sighed
no matter what the ending will be
in the sandstorm
watching you go away

I'm so sad I can't help myself


Listening to this song, Mi Yuan's tears flowed out again unconsciously.

Shen Lin looked at Mi Yuan's appearance and couldn't help but sigh.

He knew what Mi Yuan wanted, but unfortunately, he couldn't give it to her.

After drinking all the coffee in front of him, Shen Lin coughed and said, "I'm leaving. When you go to Xiangjiang, I will visit you."

After saying this, Shen Lin walked towards the door.

Looking at Shen Lin leaving, Mi Yuan also picked up the coffee in front of her.

The slightly bitter coffee was also drank by Mi Yuan.

Although Shen Lin's treatment was a bit cold, Mi Yuan knew very well that this was the best choice Shen Lin had given her.

Since he promised to go see himself and Xiaomi Li, he would definitely go.

I believe this will also be of great benefit to the growth of millet grains.

The cause of the matter was himself. Although the situation here was extremely complicated, when it came to blame, Shen Lin really couldn't be blamed.

After all, he still won't belong to him!
Although Shen Lin left early, he was in the corner, waiting for Mi Yuan to leave before returning home.

He knew very well that his showdown with Mi Yuan was a bit cold towards Mi Yuan, but he had no other better choice.

"Beep beep..."

Just as Shen Lin was thinking about the next arrangements for Xiaomi Li, the phone suddenly rang.

Shen Lin picked up his PHS and took a look at it. He found that the person calling him was Lu Xiaorong. He calmed down and answered the call.

But what came from the phone was Xiao Guoke's voice: "Dad, when will you be back?"

Hearing this, Shen Lin felt that his heart melted a little.

He smiled and said: "Dad's business is almost done. He should go back soon. Tell your mother that I will be home in two or three days."

(End of this chapter)

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