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Chapter 2236 The overall situation has been decided

Chapter 2236 The overall situation has been decided
Xiangjiang, Repulse Bay Villa!

Two middle-aged men were sitting on the lawn chatting, and on the table where they placed their cups, there was an invitation.

The thin man smoking a cigar picked up the invitation and said with disdain in his voice: "This fat guy is a drunkard who doesn't care about drinking!"

"The reason why he held this cocktail party is probably related to the acquisition of Mr. Gao's company."

Sitting opposite the thin man, the slightly fat man said: "Brother Chen, what should we do?"

"What should we do? Of course we can do whatever we want."

"Just the day before yesterday, I visited Boss Zheng, and he did not object to our acquisition."

Having said this, the thin brother Chen said: "And he also said that Mr. Gao's company has always been run by our own people. Next, it should be run by our own people."

A smile suddenly appeared on the fat man's face.

He said excitedly: "Boss Zheng has expressed his position, and then this matter will be settled for the most part."

"You also know that Boss Zheng and Boss Li have a very good relationship. It can be said that they are one, hahaha..."

The thin man also laughed. He flicked the ashes from his cigarette and continued: "Fatty Ji comes to our place to develop, and we give him some sweet treats. We are giving his father face."

"However, he can't feel that he is really a person."

"This time. Let him know that there are some things that he should not dream about."

As the two people chatted and laughed, they felt more and more proud.

And while the two people were talking, there were also two people chatting in a villa not too far away from them.

One of these two people is Mr. Ji.

Sitting opposite Mr. Ji is a middle-aged man who is not too tall, thin and smooth.

He didn't have much respect for Mr. Ji, and he said angrily: "Lao Ji, what do you want me to say about you?"

"You invited guests to have an opportunity, why don't you tell me about this matter."

"I'm telling you that the acquisition of Gao Lao's company is not your business alone, it's the business of all of us."

"If something goes wrong in this matter, the loss will be both of our money."

In response to his companion's accusation, Mr. Ji laughed and said, "Old Mo, it's not that I don't want to tell you, I'm just preparing to meet and talk."

"Don't worry, since I dare to send out the invitation, there will be no problem in this matter."

"Hahaha, just keep your heart in your stomach."

Listening to these words, Lao Mo's expression did not feel relaxed, but instead became more and more impatient.

He said in a deep voice: "The news I got is that Boss Zheng has decided to support Lao Chen and others in Taihe."

"Now, I am trying to think of a way to gain the support of other big bosses such as Boss Huo or Boss Li. You broke my plan like this."

"At the cocktail party, if we were not prepared in advance and caught off guard, Boss Li and Boss Huo would not have trouble with Boss Zheng."

"You should know that their relationship is very good."

Looking at the worried Old Mo, Mr. Ji said in a deep voice: "Old Mo, my relationship with Boss Li and others is average, but I have already invited someone."

He knocked on the table and said, "As long as this person opens his mouth, even Boss Zheng will have to give in."

Lao Mo looked at Mr. Ji with a hint of suspicion in his heart.

Although Mr. Ji has great hands and eyes, his energy is not in Xiangjiang.

Can the person he is looking for make Boss Zheng bow his head?
"Okay, then I'll wait and see."

While the two people were talking, a man in a white shirt hurried over.

He glanced at Mr. Ji and said to Lao Mo: "Boss, I heard some bad news about Mr. Gao's company." Lao Mo's expression turned cold and he said: "What news?"

"Many people are now spreading rumors that Boss Zheng is planning to announce his support for Mr. Chen and others to acquire Mr. Gao's company at Mr. Ji's cocktail party."

The man in the white shirt said: "Boss, this news has been spread by everyone, it seems that it is not false."

Boss Mo's face suddenly turned gloomy.

Although he didn't know whether this matter was true or not, he knew something.

Here in Xiangjiang, if you spread rumors privately without Boss Zheng's consent, you will have to face Boss Zheng's thunderous wrath.

But ordinary people cannot bear this kind of thunderous wrath.

"Who did you hear this news from?" Boss Mo stood up and asked eagerly.

The man in a white shirt said: "Boss, I heard from a deputy manager of the investment bank that their investment bank is very close to Boss Zheng."

After hearing this, Boss Mo thought for a moment and said to Mr. Ji: "Mr. Ji, this news should not be false news."

"It's Boss Zheng who let him be released on purpose."

"He was deliberately trying to warn some people."

"I think if the person you are looking for is really useful, you might as well ask him to go find Boss Zheng and talk about this matter first."

Mr. Ji smiled and said: "Lao Mo, you don't have to worry. Even if Boss Zheng is determined to support Lao Chen and the others, we don't have to be afraid."

"The person I'm talking about is not afraid of Boss Zheng."

Lao Mo looked at Mr. Ji who was not panicking at all and sighed in his heart.

He had already invested a lot in the early stage of his cooperation with Mr. Ji, so now, although he was dissatisfied with Mr. Ji, he could only hope that the person Mr. Ji found would be reliable.

Mr. Gao himself is an influential figure, and the company he founded is a golden chicken that can lay eggs.

Now that the golden rooster has been released, it has attracted the attention of many people.

What's more, Boss Zheng also stood up, which made many people look forward to the development of things.

And Mr. Ji's reception is attracting a large number of business people.

In the eyes of many people, whether Mr. Ji can continue to establish himself in Xiangjiang depends on his performance at this cocktail party.

The time soon came for the reception. Outside Mr. Ji’s villa in Repulse Bay, luxury cars gathered early.

Not only business people from major companies, but also many celebrities from the entertainment industry also appeared at the reception.

What most of them are concerned about is who will own Mr. Gao's company.

As the host, Mr. Ji greets guests at the door early.

In the eyes of many people, Mr. Ji, who should be anxious, is now smiling and looking confident.

"Lao Ji, I want to thank you very much this time." Mr. Chen, who was a bit thin, strode in, accompanied by several subordinates.

As soon as he saw Mr. Ji, he smiled and said, "I'm really feeling a little guilty about using your brother's place to announce Boss Zheng's decision."

Mr. Ji laughed and said: "Mr. Chen, the matter has not reached the final step yet. Don't be too happy too early."

Mr. Chen chuckled and said, "Mr. Ji, I've been busy these days."

"In addition to Mr. Zheng, I have also visited Boss Li, Boss Guo and others these days. They are not opposed to our company's acquisition plan."

"You know, as long as they don't object, this matter will basically be settled."

(End of this chapter)

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