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Chapter 2237 You can take the initiative

Chapter 2237 You can take the initiative

Several subordinates around Mr. Ji, when they heard Mr. Chen's words, their faces became gloomy.

Being able to help Mr. Ji, he is naturally his confidant.

These people are also very clear about the situation in Xiangjiang.

Now that Mr. Chen has the support of Boss Zheng, and the other bosses have no objections, it can basically be said that the matter is done.

Is it possible for my boss to make a comeback?

Although in their hearts, they very much hope that their boss will have other means, they also know that this is not easy.

But there is no room for them to talk here.

Mr. Ji glanced at the satisfied Mr. Chen and said nothing.

After Mr. Chen walked over, a subordinate standing next to Mr. Ji said: "Mr. Ji, we... let's just treat this cocktail party as a cocktail party."

"In this way, you and our company's face can still be saved."

Mr. Ji glanced at the subordinate who had the courage to persuade him, then reached out and patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I know this matter well."

"You, don't worry too much."

As he spoke, he walked towards the other customer.

As the guests arrived one by one, it was almost time for the reception to begin.

However, Mr. Ji did not return to his villa, and still stood at the door, as if waiting for someone.

Just when the last trace of light on the horizon was about to disappear, three black Rolls-Royces drove over in a convoy.

The license plates of these three Rolls-Royces all have only one number.

Although it is very simple, the single number also implies a kind of majesty that makes people look up to.

As the three cars stopped, Boss Zheng, Boss Li and Boss Guo were seen walking out of the car at the same time.

Although Mr. Ji sent invitations to the three of them for this cocktail party, he did not expect that these three people would come together.

From Mr. Ji's point of view, it's good that Boss Zheng comes by himself this time.

But when the three people came, Boss Zheng would warmly receive them.

He greeted him with a smile on his face and said: "Welcome to the three bosses. The arrival of the three of you can be said to make my cocktail party more brilliant!"

Boss Zheng's face was full of smiles and he said: "Mr. Ji, we are old friends. We will naturally support your cocktail party."

"You are so polite, it goes without saying."

Boss Li and Boss Guo just smiled and did not speak.

After exchanging pleasantries with the three of them, Mr. Ji said to the deputy beside him: "Yuntan, you accompany the three bosses to the VIP room. Once I have finished greeting the VIPs, you will go there immediately."

The person called Yuntan is a middle-aged man in his 40s.

Although he is Mr. Ji's confidant, he has never received such an important person.

After all, even if Mr. Ji comes to receive such a person, it seems a bit inadequate.

"Mr. Ji, I... let me greet the distinguished guests on your behalf." Feeling that his boss had something wrong with his head, he said quickly.

However, his words were met with a cold gaze from his boss.

For a moment, he felt a little at a loss.

At this time, Boss Zheng seemed to have come to his senses and said with a smile: "Since Mr. Ji has distinguished guests, let's go there ourselves."

As he spoke, he walked towards the villa.

Boss Li smiled and walked out.

Just when Yuntan didn't know what to do, he saw a black car driving slowly from a distance.

This car is not bad, it is a business Mercedes-Benz.

However, compared with the Rolls-Royce with just three owners, it is quite different.

As the car arrived, Mr. Ji quickly greeted it.His body, which originally seemed a bit bloated, now seemed extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, he arrived at the car door and quickly opened it.

Boss Zheng snorted. It was obvious that Mr. Lu's actions made him very unhappy.

Yuntan stood beside Boss Zheng, but he was increasingly worried about his boss.

Although Boss Zheng no longer supports Mr. Ji, Mr. Ji will still be unhappy if he offends Boss Zheng in this way.

After all, compared with Boss Zheng, the strength of his own boss is still far behind.

Next, their company may have to face Boss Zheng's thunderous wrath.

Just when he was feeling anxious, he saw a young man in his 20s walking out of the opened car door.

Seeing that his boss was welcoming a young man, Yuntan felt that his boss was a bit unreliable.

Whose family is this junior? How can you open the door for him yourself?

Just as he was cursing in his heart, Boss Li, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "What kind of distinguished guest is Lao Ji welcoming? I didn't expect it to be you, Director Shen."

"Hahaha, Director Shen, your recent actions are quite big."

When the visitor heard Boss Li's greeting, he laughed and said: "Boss Li, we haven't seen each other for a while, but you are still in such good spirits."

"I was forced to do that. There is no way I can compare with you, Boss Li."

While talking, the young man greeted Boss Zheng again.

Boss Zheng, who was originally very dissatisfied with the visitor, smiled and said after hearing the visitor's greeting: "Director Shen, long time no see."

"I really didn't expect you to come to Mr. Ji's cocktail party."

Shen Lin smiled at Boss Zheng and said, "I am entrusted by others, and I am loyal to them."

"So this time, please help me!"

Boss Zheng's face suddenly became a little ugly.

Mr. Ji invited Shen Lin at this time, and Shen Lin made such a call again. It was naturally because of Mr. Gao's company.

If he hadn't said anything before, this matter would have been easier to handle.

But he had already let the words out. If he gave up at this time, how would his subordinates view him?

How will you be perceived by other partners?

How will your subordinates view you?

But without giving Shen Lin face, without saying whether he can win or not, breaking up with Shen Lin is definitely not what he wants to see.

For a moment, his heart was filled with hesitation.

At this moment, Boss Li suddenly patted Boss Zheng on the shoulder and said, "Old Zheng, you can take the initiative."

After hearing Boss Li's words, Boss Zheng was stunned for a moment and suddenly reacted.

He glanced at Mr. Ji twice, and although he was unwilling to do so, he finally nodded.

Shen Lin chatted with Boss Li and others for a while, then strode into the reception.

At this time of the reception, most of the guests were looking at the exit of the villa, because they all knew that Boss Li, Boss Zheng and others were coming.

Although most people here have no access to these three big guys, their eyes are still chasing the three figures involuntarily.

Among them, Mr. Chen, who had gained the support of Boss Zheng, looked the proudest.

Boss Zheng is here!

And he also dragged Boss Li and others over.

This is to encourage yourself.

As soon as they show their support for themselves, the matter will become a certainty.

Soon, he will complete the acquisition of Mr. Gao's subsidiary, thereby taking his business to the next level.

(End of this chapter)

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