Chapter 2238 Silent Power

As the director of this banquet, even if Boss Zheng and others have different identities, it is still Mr. Ji who is hosting this banquet.

He also found Mr. Chen who was very proud of himself, but in his heart, he didn't pay much attention to Mr. Chen.

Even if Boss Zheng supports Mr. Chen, it is still difficult to know who will win this acquisition.

After all, he has the support of Director Shen.

"Everyone, thank you for coming to this cocktail party organized by us. Here, I would especially like to thank Director Shen, Boss Li, Boss Zheng..."

In one breath, Mr. Ji said the names of Shen Lin and others.

And the fact that he put Shen Lin first has attracted the attention of many people.

Of course, as he said the names of these distinguished guests, there were bursts of applause from all around.

Shen Lin naturally noticed the order of Mr. Ji's introduction. After hearing this introduction, he frowned slightly.

Because this kind of introduction undoubtedly made him too much in the limelight, which he actually didn't want.

Just when he was thinking about how to be humble, Boss Zheng stepped out.

He took the microphone from Mr. Ji with a smile and said with a smile: "I am also very honored to be able to attend Mr. Ji's cocktail party."

"To be honest, although I don't have much dealings with Mr. Ji, I have always known that Mr. Ji is a trustworthy person."

"Mr. Ji has also given me a lot of help on many things."

"Here, I would like to wish Mr. Ji in advance that the acquisition of Mr. Gao Lao's company will go smoothly. When the time comes, I believe there will be a grand reception waiting for us."

Having said this, his eyes fell on Mr. Ji and said: "Mr. Ji, you won't be reluctant to hold another cocktail party for all of us when the time comes."

Mr. Ji’s hands were shaking.

This time, although he felt that with Shen Lin's ability, he could still compete with Boss Zheng, he did not expect that Boss Zheng, who had already spread the news that he wanted to support Mr. Chen, actually announced his support at the beginning of the reception.

For him, this was an unexpected surprise.

It also means that not only does he no longer have the biggest obstacle, but he also has an extra layer of help.

With this help, his acquisition will be extremely smooth and extremely...

"How could I be reluctant to part with it? When the time comes, I will definitely hold a top-notch reception. I would like to thank Boss Zheng, Boss Li, Director Shen, and everyone for their support."

"I...I...will never forget everyone's support for our company."

Mr. Ji, who kept saying a lot of thanks, was extremely excited at this time.

In his mind, what was originally an extremely difficult matter had just become possible.

His biggest rival's support, inexplicably, became his support.

This made him feel extremely happy in his heart.

Some people are happy, and some people are sad.

The most uncomfortable person at this time is Mr. Chen.

He originally thought that Mr. Ji would set up the stage today and he would sing the opera.

But now, Boss Zheng's statement was like a stick hitting his head hard, making him feel dizzy.

what happened?

Boss Zheng had already promised to support him, so why did he break his promise at this time?

He... doesn't he know that no matter how well he conceals it, many people will know that he was forced to change his choice.

In that case, he would still lose face!

He wasn't convinced, and he didn't want to lose just like this.

He wants to save it, he wants to get everything that should belong to him.But just when she was about to retort, a man came to him and said in a low voice: "Mr. Chen, for your sake, I think you should shut up."

"You must know that there is a price to pay for speaking nonsense."

Listening to these cold words and looking at the person speaking to him, Mr. Chen's hands were trembling a little and he said: "Boss Zheng promised me that you..."

"Boss Zheng promised you friendship, but now, there are some things that Boss Zheng can't change."

"You, don't embarrass Boss Zheng."

The voice of the speaker was not high, but the word "embarrassment" was said with great emphasis.

After hearing this, Mr. Chen finally chose to give up.

Although this incident made him very sad, if he wanted to continue to develop his business, he could not offend Boss Zheng.

When everyone applauded Boss Zheng, Shen Lin also applauded.

He promised to give Mr. Ji a platform, but he did not promise to help him get it done.

There is a huge gap between the two.

Therefore, Shen Lin did not contact Boss Li, Boss Zheng and others, but took a plane to Xiangjiang when the reception was about to begin.

He did not expect that before the reception even started, Boss Zheng expressed his support for Mr. Ji in advance.

Others are also extremely supportive of Mr. Ji.

This matter is just completed.

Just when Shen Lin walked up to greet Boss Zheng, Boss Zheng had already smiled and said: "Director Shen, I was the one who was abrupt this time."

"Fortunately, the matter has been rectified no matter what. Don't be offended, Mr. Shen!"

After hearing what Boss Zheng said, Shen Lin was just about to say a few words of humility when Boss Li smiled and said, "Director Shen, we should strengthen communication in the future."

"Only by communicating more can we avoid things like today, what do you think?"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Then let's communicate more in the future. I believe that such communication will definitely help us solve many problems."

Because the goal had been achieved, the reception was only a third of the way, and Shen Lin said goodbye and left together with Boss Li and others.

Although Mr. Ji enthusiastically tried to persuade him to stay, Shen Lin and others left early without stopping.

After leaving the reception, Boss Li came to Shen Lin and said, "Director Shen, I heard that you signed a cooperation contract with Qunxin Company?"

Regarding this, Shen Lin did not hide it: "Yes, communication chips are rare. Although Qunxing Company's technology is a bit weaker, they can create communication chips."

"We have communication chips so we can build mobile phones."

After hearing what Shen Lin said, Boss Li said: "Director Shen, I have dealt with Chairman Li of Qunxing Group several times. He is not a person who can tolerate himself suffering losses."

"So Director Shen, I hope you can be more careful in this cooperation."

"It saves you the time to regret it."

Shen Lin didn't care what the purpose of Boss Li's warning was, but his starting point was for his own good, so he said in a deep voice: "Thank you for your concern. I will be careful in this regard."

"I believe that although Chairman Li is very capable, he will not be able to make waves in this cooperation."

Boss Li smiled and said: "Shen Lin, since you are so confident, it is naturally a good thing."

"We don't have to worry about it anymore."

Shen Lin smiled at Boss Li and said, "Boss Li, sometimes I still do things without thinking."

"I'm going to need Boss Li's help in the future."

Boss Li laughed loudly and said, "Dr. Shen, we are friends. If we are friends, we shouldn't be so polite."

(End of this chapter)

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