Chapter 2239
Shen Lin came to Xiangjiang this time mainly to support Mr. Ji.

But apart from this matter, Shen Lin also wanted to take the opportunity to arrange things for Mi Yuan and her son.

No matter what, Xiaomi Li is his son after all, and he can't ignore it.

So on the second day after arriving in Xiangjiang, Shen Lin planned to buy a villa first.

Housing prices in Xiangjiang are not low, but this is not a problem for Shen Lin.

When Shen Lin bought a villa this time, he focused on the location and environment.

Although he had bought a house in Xiangjiang before, most of it was done with the help of people below him. Shen Lin didn't want too many people to know about Mi Yuan's resettlement this time.

After sorting out his relationships in Xiangjiang, Shen Lin found Boss Guo.

Although there is some gap between Boss Guo and Boss Li in terms of financial resources, Shen Lin feels that he is more trustworthy.

For Shen Lin's small request, Boss Guo took the initiative to find several properties under his own ownership and let Shen Lin choose.

Because Mi Yuan would live here in the future, Shen Lin sent these materials to Mi Yuan and let her choose.

Because of the matter of purchasing a house, Boss Guo felt that his relationship with Shen Lin had improved to a higher level.

So while inviting Shen Lin to his home for dinner, Boss Guo asked Shen Lin with a hint of solemnity: "Director Shen, now that Toros has gathered a lot of capital on our side, what do you think they are going to do?"

Shen Lin was not surprised that Boss Guo could sense this situation. After all, Boss Guo was considered a big boss, so it was normal for him to sense such financial disturbances.

He was not prepared to hide this matter.

"Boss Guo, I naturally want to make money."

"Have you noticed that in many places, the economy is developing very well, but there are also quite a few loopholes in currency."

"People are ready to take advantage of these loopholes and make a lot of money."

Shen Lin's words made Boss Guo's expression change.

Although Boss Guo's roots are in Xiangjiang, he also has a lot of investments outside.

Although Shen Lin didn't mention the currency problems in those places, he was equally aware of it.

Once Toros and others attack those places, it will be a disaster.

Boss Guo pondered for a moment and then said to Shen Lin: "Director Shen, what are you going to do in this situation?"

Although Shen Lin is very young, Shen Lin's investment in futures was an eye-opener for Boss Guo.

Therefore, Boss Guo did not dare to treat Shen Lin as an ordinary person.

Shen Lin looked at Boss Guo who looked like he was asking for advice, and said with a smile: "There are some things that we can't change, so naturally we have to follow the trend."

Follow the trend!

After chewing on Shen Lin's words, a smile appeared on Boss Guo's face.

He felt that what Shen Lin said was undoubtedly the best choice. As long as he followed the trend, he would be able to gain a lot of benefits.

Moreover, following the trend can save him a lot of losses.

Taking a sip from the water glass in his hand, Boss Guo suddenly had another thought in his mind: "Director Shen, what if they target Xiangjiang?"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "At least they haven't set their sights on Xiangjiang yet, right?"

Boss Guo felt that Shen Lin must have a plan in this regard, but because his relationship with Shen Lin was not particularly close, Shen Lin was not prepared to say it.

Boss Guo can also understand Shen Lin's approach.

After all, although the two are friends now, they are not completely indifferent.

After the two people talked about the economic situation for a while, Shen Lin said goodbye and left.

He has already said what needs to be said. As for what Boss Guo chooses, that is Boss Guo's own business.

But just when Shen Lin was about to leave Xiangjiang, Mr. Ji came to the door.

Because of Shen Lin's intervention, Mr. Ji's acquisition of Mr. Gao's company seemed to be very smooth.It can be said that these days are when he is very satisfied.

Compared with when they met in Beijing, Shen Lin felt that Mr. Ji was at least several years younger.

He smiled and said, "Mr. Ji, do you have any advice?"

Mr. Ji said: "Director Shen, if it weren't for your help this time, my acquisition of Mr. Gao's company would never have been so smooth."

"It can be said that your intervention saved me a lot of money."

Shen Lin naturally knew this.

Someone even gave him an estimate of how much profit Mr. Ji could make from this business.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I just said a word, Mr. Ji doesn't need to take it too seriously."

Mr. Ji looked at the peaceful Shen Lin and said solemnly: "Director Shen, it is a small matter to you, but to me, it is a big deal."

"Our old man, thank you very much for your help."

"I hope you will be a guest at our home when you are free."

"The old man likes to play cards very much. I heard that Director Shen is also a master in this area. He is very much looking forward to having a good competition with you on the card court."

Listening to Mr. Ji's words, Shen Lin felt somewhat clear in his heart.

But he smiled and said: "Thank you, old man, for your consideration. I will definitely visit you later."

"I hope that when the time comes, the old man will not think that I am noisy."

Mr. Ji quickly waved his hand and said: "My old man very much hopes to have an interview with Director Shen."

As he spoke, an additional document appeared in Mr. Ji's hand and said: "Director Shen, a small gift is not a sign of respect."

Shen Lin took it casually and saw that it was a share transfer document.

According to the agreement in this document, Mr. Ji transferred [-]% of the shares of Mr. Gao's company to Shen Lin.

Ten percent doesn't seem like much, but coupled with the strength of Mr. Gao's company, this ten percent is a full four to five billion.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Ji, you are too polite."

"I said, no reward for no merit, please take it back."

Mr. Ji said resolutely: "Director Shen, I give you these [-]% shares. Although it is a reward for you, it is also for the development of the company."

"Although I have worked hard in Xiangjiang for more than ten years, I have never integrated here."

"Although the big guys here are very polite to me, I can also feel their alienation from me."

Speaking of this, Mr. Ji said with emotion: "Dr. Shen, this kind of alienation is invisible and insubstantial, but it still exists."

"If I want to develop this company, I need to rely on your face. I can't turn to you every time something happens. It's different if you have shares in our company."

"They see your face and a lot of troubles will disappear automatically."

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Ji's appearance, and various thoughts surged rapidly in his heart.

According to Shen Lin's understanding of Mr. Ji, he doesn't seem like someone who can give up such a large sum of money.

The person who can make Mr. Ji make this determination is naturally ready to come out.

After pondering for a moment, Shen Lin patted Mr. Ji on the shoulder and said, "Mr. Ji, it's okay to buy shares, but I can't take such a huge benefit from you in vain."

"Let's do this. I'll pay [-]% of the price for these shares."

Hearing Shen Lin say [-]% of the price, Mr. Ji was speechless for a while.

Shen Lin not only gave himself face, but also showed that he did not take this share in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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