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Chapter 2240 The Building Will Fall

Chapter 2240 The Building Will Fall

Mr. Ji looked at Shen Lin who was serious, hesitated and said: "Dr. Shen, if you insist on doing this, it will make people think that I am ungrateful!"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Ji, this is my only condition."

"If you don't accept it, I can only withdraw."

Looking at Shen Lin who looked determined, Mr. Ji hesitated for a moment and finally said: "Director Shen, no wonder people say that you never let your partners suffer."

"This time, I have seen it."

Shen Lin used money to buy the stocks sent by Mr. Ji, which was a step closer to his relationship with Mr. Ji.

Of course, what Shen Lin cares about is the people behind Mr. Ji.

After staying in Xiangjiang for a week, Shen Lin returned to his home in the capital. In the following days, Shen Lin lived a very leisurely life.

However, the movements of MiKe Electronics did not stagnate at all.

With the communication chips of Qunxing Group in place, Mishell Electronics' first mobile phone has officially begun to roll off the production line.

After several performance tests of this phone, the launch date was quickly determined.

Mishell Electronics’ mobile phone factory has started producing this mobile phone in advance to prepare for the next sales frenzy.

I don’t know if it’s because they knew that Mishell Electronics had successfully manufactured mobile phones, but the motorcycle company behaved extremely low-key.

However, during this period, the fund organization led by Toros had begun to take action in the Buddhist country.

Although it has not yet achieved actual results, it has already stirred up the storm.

In Vice President Li's office, Vice President Li was looking at the documents with an extremely focused expression.

Compared with before, he seemed more calm.

Many elders have begun to praise him, saying that he already has the appearance of being the helmsman of the Stars Group.

In the future, the Qunxing Group, under his leadership, will surely be able to reach a higher level.

After Jin Zaixin knocked on the door gently, he walked over respectfully.

Although Jin Zaixin's status has become higher, he seems to be more respectful to Vice President Li.

"Vice president." Jin Zaixin greeted respectfully.

Vice President Li did not speak, but continued to read his documents. Regarding such a cold reception, Jin Zaixin was extremely respectful, as if he did not feel anything wrong at all.

After more than ten minutes, Vice President Li said in a deep voice: "Is there any new news in this meeting?"

Jin Zaixin said respectfully: "Vice president, the latest news we got is that the number of mobile phones produced by Mihu Electronics has reached [-]."

Upon hearing this number, Vice President Li stood up immediately.

His face was full of surprise as he said: "Mi Ke Electronic's movements are really fast enough."

"Their production of [-] mobile phones means that they have used up all the communication chips we gave them."

Jin Zaixin said respectfully: “They have consumed all the chips we provided them.

"And today, we also received an order from them, and they asked us to provide more chips."

Speaking of which, Kim Jae Shin said: “This time it’s 90 pieces.”

"90 pieces!"

Vice President Li repeated the number with a hint of coldness in his voice: "Shen Lin really has a big appetite."

"He is very confident in his mobile phone and thinks he can sell 100 million units!"

Jin Zaixin said: "Our sales department analyzed it and found that according to the current influence of Mihu Electronics, 100 million mobile phones is not a big problem for them."

"Once these 100 million mobile phones are sold, Mishell Electronics' position in the mobile phone industry will be completely established."

Vice President Li said with a smile: “However, once there is a problem with these 100 million mobile phones, it will be a devastating blow to the reputation of MiKe Electronics.” “At that time, MiKe Electronics will not only face the problem of compensation, but also Facing a series of other problems, I hope Shen Lin can still laugh when the time comes."

For Shen Lin, Vice President Li's heart was full of resentment.

When Shen Lin met him, although Shen Lin was very gentle, he felt that Shen Lin was superior. He felt that he was like a junior in front of Shen Lin.

This feeling made him very unhappy.

Jin Zaixin said: "Our analysis shows that the reputation of MiKe Electronics will be greatly damaged by then. And if the funds from various parties led by Mr. Toros launch an attack on MiKe Electronics at this time, Shen Lin's MiKe Electronics will not be dead. , but also lose a layer of skin.”

"By the way, MiKe Electronics has announced that a press conference will be held in ten days."

"And the host of the press conference is Shen Lin."

Vice President Li chuckled and said: "With the development of MiKe Electronics, Shen Lin himself has become a huge advertisement."

"I just don't know if he will still have the nerve to hold this press conference when the Mi shell phone crashes."

"You ask someone to get me a ticket for the press conference. I want to go and see it."

Kim Jae-shin basically obeyed Vice President Li's arrangements.

But now, there was hesitation in his expression.

"Vice President, you'd better stay calm at this time."

"Because everyone thinks that you can only bear the responsibility if you are stable..."

Before Jin Zaixin could finish his words, he was rejected by Vice President Li.

He said calmly: "Being steady is very important, but if you don't participate in some things, it will be a huge regret."

"What's more, this is the last time."

"Also, my father has agreed to hand over all the communications branches to me."

"At that time, I will be the president of the communications department. Do you think anyone will still make irresponsible remarks on me?"

Looking at Vice President Li with a ferocious expression, Jin Zaixin had to swallow his words of advice.

In his mind, he also speculated about the grievances between Shen Lin and Vice President Li.

According to his speculation, the two people didn't seem to have any big hatred.

Vice President Li now grits his teeth whenever he mentions Shen Lin. In his feeling, it should be jealousy.

As a person born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Vice President Li has always felt that he is extremely superior.

When he met Shen Lin, who started from scratch and was now about the same age as him, but already on an equal footing with his father, no matter how well Vice President Li concealed it, the jealousy towards Shen Lin in his heart was never less.

Now, Shen Lin finally fell into the trap.

How could he let go of such a scene?

As thoughts flashed through his mind, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "Vice President, I will make arrangements for you."

"But you must ensure that this is the last time, otherwise, the president will be angry."

Vice President Li patted Jin Zaixin on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I keep my word. Since I said it was the last time, I will never embarrass you."

"Don't worry, I won't speak, Shen Lin won't find anything."

Speaking of this, he said with a hint of expectation: "Watching a building collapse, how do you feel?"

Jin Zaixin understood what the building was that Vice President Li was talking about. He pondered for a moment and said: "Vice President, my impression is that you must be careful when doing business."

"That's not entirely true. I think what this gives me is, don't offend people you shouldn't offend."

Vice President Li said quietly: "And Shen Lin has undoubtedly made this mistake."

(End of this chapter)

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