Chapter 2241
It can be said that the release of Mishell Electronics’ mobile phone has touched the hearts of many people.

Not only MiKe Electronics’ opponents are paying attention to it, MiKe Electronics fans, and some news media are also paying attention to MiKe Electronics’ mobile phones.

After all, some time ago, the motorcycle company has publicly stated that Mihu Electronics cannot produce mobile phones, and because of the mobile phone issue, it has banned the sale of communication chips to Mihu Electronics.

All of this caused a huge uproar and attracted the attention of countless people.

Now, Mishell Electronics’ mobile phone is about to be released.

MiKe Electronics used the communication chips of Qunxing Group to create mobile phones!
In the eyes of many people, this is exciting news.

Therefore, newspapers and magazines rushed to report the news.

Many media even went to interview Shen Lin.

It's just that Shen Lin declined most of the interviews.But even so, it cannot stop everyone’s enthusiasm for the Mi shell mobile phone launch conference.

"Xiao Zhou, have you heard? Our school has obtained several volunteer places." In the lecture theater of Beiqing University, someone whispered to Xiao Zhou.

Xiao Zhou was stunned for a moment and said: "I have just been a volunteer. I am preparing to go to school this month. I will first make up for the missed courses."

When my companion heard what Xiao Zhou said, he pretended to be disappointed and said, "Xiao Zhou, you are busy, I will go find Lao Yang and ask him to fight for this opportunity with me."

“It’s a rare opportunity to be a volunteer at the Mihu mobile phone launch conference!”

Hearing his companion's words, Xiao Zhou suddenly raised his head from his book and said, "What are you talking about, a volunteer at the Mihu mobile phone launch conference?"

"Are you telling the truth? You're not lying to me, are you?"

The companion looked at Xiao Zhou and said with a smile: "Why should I lie to you? What's more, if this kind of thing is a lie, it would be meaningless."

Speaking of this, he solemnly said: "They are the volunteers for the Mihu mobile phone launch conference. Many people have already signed up at the student union."

"Let's go there quickly, otherwise, the spot will be taken away by others."

Xiao Zhou threw away the book in his hand and said eagerly: "Then let's leave quickly. Such a good opportunity cannot be lost."

While the two were talking, they quickly ran out of the classroom.

But when the two people arrived at the registration place, they found that there was already a long queue outside the registration room.

"Lao Gao, what's going on?" Xiao Zhou, who was a little confused by the situation in front of him, asked loudly after seeing an acquaintance.

Lao Gao is not tall. He is called Lao Gao because his surname is Gao.

Now hearing Xiao Zhou's question, he smiled and said, "What's going on, can't you see it?"

"These are all volunteers. Gee, the volunteers at the Mihu mobile phone launch conference are really attractive."

Seeing some people he didn't know queuing up, Xiao Zhou said with a hint of complaint in his voice: "Most of them are here for the treatment that Mihu Electronics provides to volunteers."

"Let me tell you, we can't give them this kind of opportunity, we have to give it to real rice noodles."

Listening to Xiao Zhou's complaints, Lao Gao chuckled but said nothing.

He came here to work as a volunteer, partly because he wanted to go to the Mihu mobile phone launch event, and partly because of the treatment Mihu Electronics gave to volunteers.

Unlike volunteering at other events, MiKe Electronics, which has deep pockets, will never let anyone come in vain.

Although they don’t give out money, they do give out a lot of small commodities that everyone can use.

Even once, because the activity lasted for a long time, MiKe Electronics gave each volunteer a Walkman.

The Walkman worth 300 yuan has attracted the envy of countless people.

Therefore, volunteers from Mihu Electronics have always been the most popular, not to mention that this time, it was the launch of Mihu mobile phones.

After Mihu Electronics announced that it would manufacture mobile phones, but was blocked by motorcycle companies, Xiao Zhou and others paid close attention to the process of Mihu Electronics manufacturing mobile phones.

Now that mobile phones are manufactured, although the main components are still purchased, it is still much better than not being able to build a mobile phone.They all wanted to be there and witness this moment.

But under the current situation, it is obvious that the possibility of seizing the opportunity is too small.

"Lao Gao, do you think Director Shen is still hosting this Mihu mobile phone launch conference?" Xiao Zhou looked at the people queuing in front and discussed with Lao Gao in a bored manner.

Lao Gao said: "Although Director Shen no longer hosts ordinary product launches, I think he must host this mobile phone launch."

"After all, the mobile phone industry is different."

“According to Mihu Electronics itself, more and more people will use mobile phones in the future, and the mobile phone market will become bigger and bigger.”

"Faced with such an industry, Director Shen naturally has to come and give orders personally."

"What's more, there are snipers from the motorcycle company here."

Xiao Zhou said: "Dr. Shen came out to host. It would be a pity if you didn't watch it live."

"Lao Gao, I heard that your girlfriend is in the student union. You can ask her to help and let us all become volunteers."

Lao Gao shook his head and said, "Xiao Zhou, I really can't help you with this matter."

"Don't say it's you, even if I want to be a volunteer, I have to line up at the door."

Xiao Zhou looked at the crowd in front of him, shook his head and said: "There is no way you can get in the queue like this."

"Grandma, when I wait for the launch of Mihu mobile phone, I will wear volunteer clothes and sneak in."

"Let's do a free service."

Listening to Xiao Zhou's plan, Lao Gao was speechless for a while, but his companion who followed Xiao Zhou patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, stop talking nonsense."

"If the volunteers cannot apply this time, we can still go to MiKe Electronics to apply for tickets to the press conference."

Xiao Zhou listened to his companion's persuasion and said with a wry smile: "It's so difficult to find a volunteer spot. You can imagine how competitive the tickets for the press conference will be."

"Let me tell you, there are definitely more people applying for tickets than you think."

While several people were talking, the horn on the light pole suddenly rang.

Just listen to a melodious voice inside: "Dear listeners, I believe you have all heard about it these days."

"The Mishell mobile phone has been successfully developed and will be available to us soon."

"Today, we invited Mr. Lu Dongsheng, one of the leaders of Mihu Electronics' mobile phone project, to review with us the history of Mihu Electronics' mobile phone project development."

"Hello, Mr. Lu..."


Listening to the interview on the broadcast, Xiao Zhou couldn't help but said: "Whenever I can interview Director Shen, I believe it will be more interesting than interviewing Lu Dongsheng."

Listening to Xiao Zhou's complaints, Lao Gao smiled and said, "I believe what you said."

"And the reporter who interviewed him also believed it, but Director Shen is so busy, how could he have time for an interview?"

"I want Director Shen to be interviewed, at least after the product launch."

While the two people were talking, the reporter on the broadcast asked: "Mr. Lu, can you give us an estimate of the sales volume of Mishell mobile phones?"

Lu Dongsheng said: "Host, I really can't predict the sales volume of Mi shell mobile phones."

"But I can tell you that we have [-] new mobile phones in stock now!"

(End of this chapter)

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