Chapter 2243 They Are Scared

Vice President Li was dressed in casual clothes and blended in with the audience, looking inconspicuous at all.

Next to him, there was still Jin Zaixin.

Although Jin Zaixin agreed to help Vice President Li attend the press conference, he would never allow Vice President Li to act alone.

The tickets for the two people had been purchased early, so they did not attract the attention of others.

Vice President Li scoffed at Shen Lin's situation of letting people enter the press conference as early as possible and even chatting with Mi Ke fans.

In Vice President Li's view, Shen Lin's behavior was a waste of time.

As long as MiKe Electronics' mobile phone is good, he doesn't have to waste time.

If MiKe Electronics' mobile phone doesn't work, no matter how approachable Shen Lin is, in Vice President Li's opinion, it will be of little use.

The first problem Shen Lin encountered, according to Vice President Li, was to shoot himself in the foot.

How should Shen Lin answer this contradictory question?
Shen Lin said that this question was well raised. In Vice President Li's view, Shen Lin was giving himself time to relax.

Vice President Li was looking forward to how Shen Lin would overturn this problem when he heard Shen Lin smile and say: "We at Rice Shell Nails have always had one purpose in making products, and that is to start from the needs of customers. "

“Whatever customers need, we will do.”

"There are a large number of users of MiKe PHS, and many people need MiKe PHS, so we will never give up on improving and upgrading MiKe PHS."

"We will definitely provide the best experience to our customers."

Having said this, Shen Lin coughed and said: "As for the Mi shell mobile phone, everyone here knows that the development of mobile phones will eventually replace PHS."

"Therefore, we will also do our best to develop mobile phones that will bring more convenience to everyone in the future."

"The two are not contradictory, they can even complement each other and go hand in hand."

Shen Lin's words made many people who were worried about Shen Lin relax a lot, and some even applauded enthusiastically.

Vice President Li sneered: "What goes together is not inconsistent. It's because I dare not tell the truth."

But now, only Jin Zaixin listens to his words, and others ignore him.

"Director Shen, I have a question for you." Before the applause for the first question disappeared, someone said loudly.

And just after Shen Lin said a question, the person who asked the question loudly said: "Dr. Shen, what I want to ask is, when will Ms. Lu write a new book? I can't wait."

Hearing this question, Shen Lin was stunned for a moment.

He really didn't expect that he would encounter such a problem.

After all, this is the Mishell phone launch event.

Although I don’t let you ask questions about Mishell phones, we at Mishell Electronics have many products, and you won’t ask anything else.

Why are you asking about Lu Xiaorong?

This is not Lu Xiaorong’s new book signing event.

In fact, not only Shen Lin was stunned by this question, but all the Mi Ke fans and guests around him were also stunned.

They also didn't expect anyone to ask such a question.

However, after this question was asked, many people asked: "Dr. Shen, are you writing Ms. Lu's new work?"

"Dr. Shen, I am also a fan of Ms. Lu's books. To be honest, it was reading Ms. Lu's books that made me a fan of Mi Ke. Can you tell me about Ms. Lu's new book?"

"I wonder when Harry Potter will end?"


Listening to these messy sounds, a wry smile appeared on Shen Lin's face.

However, since the question was asked, Shen Lin still smiled and said: "It is not convenient for me to reveal the content of Ms. Lu's book to everyone." "After all, this is Ms. Lu's secret. If I reveal too much, I may I can’t go home today.”

"However, since everyone has asked this question, I will report to you what I can say."

"Ms. Lu's new book is almost finished. According to the plan, it should be available to everyone in the next two months."

"I hope you all like this answer."

Listening to Shen Lin's answer, some people were satisfied, but others also asked: "Dr. Shen, what type is Ms. Lu's new book?"

"Dr. Shen, I would like to ask, how many new books does Ms. Lu have?"

"Director Shen, could you please tell me the background of the new book."


Although Shen Lin knew about these issues, he remained silent.

After all, he couldn't tell anything about Lu Xiaorong.

At this moment, someone said: "Dr. Shen, I have another question..."

In each question, time passed quickly. When a burst of music sounded, two gorgeously dressed hosts walked to the scene.

The two of them actually have only one mission, which is to assist Shen Lin in completing this Mishell mobile phone product launch.

After the host said a blessing, Shen Lin walked to the middle of the stage again.

He looked at the audience below and said with a smile: "Thank you very much for coming to this Mihu mobile phone launch conference. I am extremely excited for everyone's support and arrival."

"thank you all."

Shen Lin's words caused a burst of extremely warm applause.

After the applause ended, Shen Lin continued: "Mihu has plans to manufacture mobile phones a long time ago, but this road is not easy."

"As you all know, in order to prevent MiKe Electronics from manufacturing mobile phones, a well-known mobile phone manufacturer has put MiKe Electronics on the blacklist. In any case, it will not sell communication chips to MiKe Electronics."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said: “They don’t want Mishell Electronics to manufacture mobile phones.

"What their behavior actually expresses is their fear of our MiKe Electronics."

"They are afraid that we will surpass them, so they refuse to provide communication chips to MiKe Electronics."

“However, what we want this friendly businessman to see is that the more scared they are, the more we will catch up, and the more they ban it, the better we will do!”

Shen Lin's words once again caused a roar of applause.

Vice President Li listened to Shen Lin's words and said with a trace of disdain on his face: "Shen Lin said it sounds very nice, but in fact, they are still using the communication chips of our Qunxing Group."

"Without our support, they wouldn't be able to build the phone."

Jin Zaixin looked at Vice President Li's unconvinced look and said softly: "Vice President, you promised me that you will never speak this time."

Vice President Li smiled and said: "Since I promised you, I will naturally not break my promise."

"Don't worry, I know this matter well."

After Shen Lin raised the box in his hand, he smiled and said, "Guess what I'm holding in my hand?"

"Mobile phone!" Many people shouted loudly.

"That's right, what I'm holding in my hand is a mobile phone."

"Besides, it's a mobile phone made by Mishell Electronics." As Shen Lin spoke, he opened the box and took out a silver mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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