Chapter 2244 Play a game first

The silver mobile phone looks extremely dazzling under the spotlight.

When Shen Lin held up the mobile phone in the box, many people's eyes were immediately attracted to this mobile phone.

This phone is very cool!
Compared with the black mobile phone that has remained unchanged for many years from the motorcycle company, it does not look like a communication tool, but like a work of art.

Vice President Li was also stunned when he looked at the mobile phone in Shen Lin's hand.

Qunxing Group has also improved the appearance of mobile phones in recent years, because they have felt the importance of mobile phone appearance from the success of Mishell Electronics' PHS.

But the mobile phone that MiKe Electronics took out this time still surprised him.

He even had a feeling that he really wanted to have such a mobile phone.

"Our mobile phone is called Mi Shell One Mobile Phone, or Mi One for short." Shen Lin shook the box in his hand and said, "It comes in three colors, namely Galaxy Silver, Ivory White and Obsidian Black!"

"What I have in my hands now is Galaxy Silver."

"Our Galaxy Galaxy mobile phone adopts the overall approach of..."

As Shen Lin said each function, the audience below burst into bursts of applause from time to time.

Although most of them have never used a mobile phone, Shen Lin's words gave them a feeling that the mobile phone launched by Mi shell is not only as functional as the mobile phone of the motorcycle company, but also the appearance of the mobile phone is more advanced. nice.

"What do you think the price of a mobile phone from Mihu Electronics should be?" Vice President Li had already woken up from the initial shock, and he asked Jin Zaixin in a low voice.

He knows very well that price is very important for the success of Mishell Electronics' mobile phones.

As a loyal subordinate of Vice President Li, Jin Zaixin naturally understood what his boss meant.

He pondered for a moment and said, "I estimate it should be around five thousand."

Jin Zaixin was not making random guesses. He knew that the price should have reached the price of a motorcycle company's low-end machine, which was similar to his own terminal.

If MiKe Electronics prices like this, it should be very competitive.

If you were to buy a mobile phone yourself, at the same price, you would probably choose a Mishell Electronics phone.

"Everyone, I have already introduced the functions of the mobile phone. What everyone is most concerned about now is the price of our Mi shell mobile phone."

"Everyone should really want to know the price of their mobile phone."

Having said this, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Our price is already ready. As long as I press the remote control in my hand, the price of the mobile phone will be displayed on the big screen."

"But it's a bit boring."

Someone in the audience immediately said: "Director Shen, we are not bored. We want to know the price of the mobile phone."

"Yes, announce it quickly, we don't want to wait any longer."

Listening to this messy sound, Shen Lin smiled and said, "I have heard everyone's eagerness."

"But, I think some of us are also willing to play a little game together."

"A few days ago, I saw a newspaper using a questionnaire to guess the price of our mobile phones."

"Now, why don't we do it on the spot too."

“I selected ten live audience members and asked them to tell me what they think the price of Mi shell mobile phones is.”

When Shen Lin said this, his voice suddenly became much louder: "The audience with the closest price will get the phone in my hand."

"Would everyone like it?"

Ten people are selected to guess the price. The prize is a mobile phone. Why not participate?

Although there were many spectators at the scene, what if I got lucky and got this opportunity?

So, after Shen Lin finished speaking, someone loudly said: "Dr. Shen, we are willing."

"Director Shen, we are willing too." "Director Shen, I have already researched the price of Mi shell mobile phones. Please choose me quickly."


Listening to the rising and falling voices, Shen Lin smiled and said: "For the sake of fairness, I decided to give the right to select the audience to guess the price to our host."

"They will each draw a number from the lottery box containing the seat arrangement and ranking to determine a quota to answer the question."

"Now, let's invite our host to appear."

Accompanied by a burst of music, two hosts who were already in the audience because Shen Lin hosted the press conference came to the scene again.

At the same time, two translucent boxes were also carried up.

The audience, who had really wanted to participate, saw their faces turn red when they saw this situation.

Some people even said loudly: "Choose me, choose me!"

Looking at the enthusiastic faces, Vice President Li had a trace of emotion in his eyes.

Although he didn't like Shen Lin, he had to admit that Shen Lin did a very good job in this matter.

One price attracted everyone's attention.

In this aspect, I really fell short of him.

"The first participating audience member has been produced. He is No. 25 in row [-]." Following the words of the female host, a young man stood up.

He said in disbelief: "Is it me?"

"It's you!" Many people around shouted loudly, and someone even quickly handed him a microphone.

Shen Lin, standing in the middle of the stage, smiled and said: "Congratulations to you for becoming our first audience member to guess the price of a mobile phone. What do you think the price of a Mi shell phone should be?"

"Dr. Shen, according to my feeling, Mi shell phones should be more expensive than motorcycle phones."

"After all, this phone is better than the one from the motorcycle company in terms of appearance and function."

After hearing this, Shen Lin hurriedly said: "This audience, your words can only represent your own opinions, not our Mi Ke's opinions."

"After all, we still respect the motorcycle company as a friendly business partner."

Hearing Shen Lin talk about friendly businessmen, many people around laughed.

The chosen person also smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, what I said is naturally my opinion."

"In fact, I will stick to my point of view even in front of the motorcycle company."

“After all, everyone can see how good a mobile phone is.”

At this point, the man coughed and said: "Because your mobile phone is better than the motorcycle company's mobile phone in terms of appearance and function, so I think your price should not be worse than the motorcycle company's."

"But what? Some time ago, Mr. Lu Dongsheng Lu said in an interview that the price of your Mi shell mobile phone will give everyone a surprise."

"So I think the price of our mobile phones should be much lower than those of motorcycle companies."

"Based on the above, I think our Mishell Electronics mobile phone should be around [-]."

As the man finished speaking, the audience around him couldn't help but applaud.

Although many of them did not agree with this guess, they had to admit that they were careful in this aspect.

After Shen Lin waited for the applause to stop, he smiled and said, "Are you sure it's four thousand and five and it won't change anymore?"

"Yes, it's four thousand and five thousand, it won't change." The man said firmly: "I think it should be this price."

(End of this chapter)

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