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Chapter 2246 Not good, Director Shen is going to overturn

Chapter 2246 Not good, Director Shen is going to overturn
For many people who like Shen Lin, although MiKe Electronics' press conference is the focus of their attention, the problems after the press conference are even more popular.

After all, in the eyes of many people, Shen Lin, who has entered the clouds, is the one they must look up to.

But such a person who needs to look up to him chats randomly with himself and others, which gives people a sense of expectation.

"Director Shen, thank you very much for the host giving me this opportunity to ask the first question. What I want to ask is, what is your sales forecast for Mi shell mobile phones?"

“Ten years from now, what is your sales forecast for Mishell mobile phones?”

A young woman with short hair took the phone and asked two questions in a row.

When hearing the first question, whether it is the audience at the scene or the audience in front of the TV, the first feeling is that this person is asking a question that has been prepared long ago.

This kind of problem is prepared by MiKe Electronics itself.

There is an answer!

Although this kind of operation will appear in many companies' press conferences.

But many people can't help but feel disappointed when they hear this question.

After all, this is Director Shen who asked the question. Is it really okay to waste time on a question?

But when the woman asked the second question, everyone who thought they had the answer just now opened their eyes wide.


The problem ten years from now will be a big pitfall!

If Director Shen answers poorly, or even brags a bit, it is very likely that he will be blamed ten years later.

In this case, how should Director Shen respond?
At the press conference, Shen Lin was a little surprised when he heard the second question.

After all, it is really not easy for ordinary people to predict the problems ten years from now.

But for Shen Lin, predicting ten years from now is really not too difficult.

He smiled and said: "This student, although these are two questions, I am still willing to answer them as one question."

Having said this, he said to the girl: "It's just that you really surprised me."

"When you mentioned the first question, I thought you were an ally."

"But your next question made me realize that I was wrong."

Shen Lin's words immediately caused a burst of laughter.

As a boss-level figure in the eyes of many people, it is surprising that Shen Lin is so approachable.

The girl who asked the question seemed to feel that her question was a bit overwhelming, so she looked at Shen Lin with a shy expression.

The girl also held a microphone in her hand. After hearing what Shen Lin said, she said sheepishly: "Dr. Shen, I couldn't hold it back for a moment. I want to know what you think of the Mi shell phone in ten years. "

"Classmate, you can't hold it back, but it's causing me a lot of trouble!"

"But what? Your question also raised everyone's curiosity about our Mi shell mobile phone. It is a very high-level question."

"Then I will answer them in turn."

Having said this, Shen Lin coughed lightly and said: "As for the current sales volume of Mihuyi mobile phones, my prediction should be about 200 million units."

When they heard 200 million, many people took a breath of air.

After all, 200 million mobile phones is not a small number.

If we talk about 200 million PHS units, it seems we can still do it.

However, although this number is not small, it does not seem to be that difficult for MiKe Electronics to complete.

"Director Shen, what about the second question?" Before Shen Lin could continue, someone shouted loudly from the audience.

Obviously, these viewers are watching the excitement and are not afraid of big trouble.

Even the two hosts were looking at Shen Lin with concern.

For them, Shen Lin's answer was also what they were concerned about.Shen Lin smiled and continued: "As for the second question that everyone is paying attention to, which is how many units MiKe Electronics will sell in ten years, my answer is..."

How much is it?

Xiao Zhou, who was in front of the TV, was a little anxious.

He has already thought of an answer to this question for Director Shen, such as a vague concept, such as this can only be left to the market ten years from now.

But I believe that with everyone’s support, Mihu Electronics’ mobile phone business will get better and better.

In this way, the embarrassment is broken and the problem is solved.

But it's a pity that Shen Lin doesn't seem to be prepared to take the ordinary path.

His voice was full of confidence.

He seemed to really want to answer with a number.

Director Shen, you can't do this!

If you are like this, you will have no chance of turning back.

Just when Xiao Zhou was worried about Shen Lin, he heard Shen Lin smiling and stretching out a finger.

Then he didn't speak.

"Xiao Zhou, you are the one who knows MiKe Electronics and Director Shen best among us. What do you think this finger represents?"

Although Lao Gao enjoyed the treat, he would never let it go if he could make Xiao Zhou unhappy.

Looking at Lao Gao who looked malicious, Xiao Zhou smiled and said: "Don't you know this yet? I think this finger means that you will always be number one."

"Hey, that's a pretty good answer!"

A boy standing next to Lao Gao retorted in a deep voice: "Can't this one finger represent 1000 million units?"

"1000 million units, do you really dare to say that it's a mobile phone!" Xiao Zhou said quietly.

"Okay, stop arguing and listen to Director Shen."

On the TV, the female student who asked the question also asked: "Dr. Shen, what does this finger of yours mean?"

"Do you, MiKe Electronics, want to remain number one forever?"

Shen Lin shook his head and said: "No, the reason why I extended this finger means that I estimate that the sales volume of our Mi shell mobile phones in ten years will exceed [-] million units."

Shen Lin's voice was not low, but many people's eyes widened when they heard this.

[-] million units!

Did I hear it wrong!

Is Director Shen bragging? The sales volume of mobile phones exceeds [-] million units. This... this...

Just when everyone's hearts were filled with surprise, Shen Lin had already smiled and said: "That's right, it's [-] million!"

Before the host could speak, the female classmate said: "Dr. Shen, are you sure? This is not a PHS!"

This sentence is very sharp.

But none of the MiKe fans at the scene were willing to refute, because this was also what they felt in their hearts.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "I am not bragging about the sales of [-] million units. In fact, I have a prediction on this matter."

Having said this, he said in a deep voice: "Although [-] million units sounds like a lot, and with the current price of mobile phones, it seems impossible to achieve it."

"But I would say as the economy develops, in ten years we will only be richer and richer."

"With the development of our economy and technology, we will all become richer and richer, so in ten years, the annual sales volume of Mishell mobile phones in China will definitely not be less than 5000 million units."

Xiao Zhou had a look of discomfort on his face after listening to Shen Lin's words.

Director Shen’s on-site sales this time seem to be about to overturn!
(End of this chapter)

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