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Chapter 2247 He pretended to be there again

Chapter 2247 He pretended to be there again
Just now it was said to be over 5000 million, and now it is said to be [-] million!

Is there any real number for this?

Director Shen didn't pay attention. If the car overturned here, what would be a speechless thing?
After all, this is a new product launch!

Xiao Zhou doesn't want Director Shen to overturn!
Many spectators at the scene did not want Director Shen to overturn!

So after Shen Lin finished speaking, many spectators at the scene stared at Shen Lin with wide eyes, but they did not speak.

This situation seems very embarrassing.

The two hosts looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

In the end, the mature and steady male host walked with a somewhat heavy step and said to Shen Lin: "Dr. Shen, did you just get excited and say the wrong number?"

"Haha, we all understand that when people get excited, they can easily say the wrong thing."

It can be said that the male host tried his best to find a way out for Shen Lin.

For the male host, he has really tried his best now.

Looking at the appearance of the male host, many viewers laughed.

However, in their hearts, they still admire the male host.

After all, the male host is very capable of finding ways to make amends in a short period of time.

The female host also smiled at this time and said: "A few days ago, I was with a professor who studies psychology. He said that as long as people are excited, they are prone to say the wrong things."

"I've done this before."

"That was before I became a host. I once called a classmate by his name. Because I was so excited, I directly called him his nickname."

"So before I go on stage to host, I have to calm myself down first."

"Haha, isn't it a coincidence? I am the same way."

The words of the two hosts caused a burst of laughter from all around.

Many MiKe employees watching the live broadcast in major factories of MiKe Electronics gave thumbs up to the two hosts.

In any case, they avoided the possibility of their boss overturning.

It was so helpful.

Just when they were all filled with emotion, they heard Shen Lin say: "Two hosts, I didn't say anything wrong!"

Although both the male and female hosts were top hosts, Shen Lin's lack of cooperation at this time made them feel helpless.

They felt that they had tried their best, but...

Thinking of what would happen next, both of them felt sweating on their backs.

Director Shen, you are our major advertising client, and we will try our best to meet your needs, but you can't...

Just as various thoughts were surging in everyone's minds, Shen Lin said: "The 5000 million units I just mentioned means that in ten years, the annual domestic sales will be 5000 million units."

"As for what I just answered, the total sales volume of Mishell mobile phones in ten years will be [-] million, which will be global sales."

"No one would think that after ten years, Mishell mobile phones will still not be able to take off."

Shen Lin's calm answer made many people present widen their eyes.

They couldn't believe their ears.

Domestic sales!
Global sales!
Woohoo, there seems to be no problem!

If other manufacturers were to tell everyone about global sales here, some people would definitely laugh to death, but when this person becomes MiKe Electronics, it is different.

The global sales volume of MiKe Electronics is definitely a large number.

In particular, MiKe’s energy-saving lamps, MiKe Electronic’s DVD players, and MiKe Electronic’s MiKe computer operating system are all very eye-catching.

Some people even say that if one of the several divisions of MiKe Electronics is taken alone, it is a big company.

No one denies this.After all, MiKe Electronics is currently the only Fortune [-] company!

And Director Shen is the leader of these [-] strong companies.

"Tsk, tsk, it's us who are ignorant." Xiao Zhou's voice was full of emotion: "We originally thought that Director Shen said the wrong thing, but in fact, the clown turned out to be us."

"How could Director Shen make such an obvious mistake?"

"The structure of our company is oriented to the world."

Lao Gao took a sip of water silently and then said: "Dr. Shen is indeed my idol. The global sales volume of the Mi shell phone will be calculated in ten years."

"Tsk tsk, amazing!"

"Okay, don't be upset here. Let me tell you, MiKe Electronics calculates global sales. Isn't this normal?"

"Think about it, what kind of company is MiKe Electronics? Isn't it normal for them to calculate global sales?" A classmate standing nearby said: "Actually, I just thought that this is what Director Shen said. "

Xiao Zhou and Lao Gao glanced at the classmate with disdain in their eyes.

You already knew it, haha...

Inside the TV, the two hosts looked at each other, and they both didn't know how to answer.

After all, this statement is too lofty and they can’t accept it!
Just when various thoughts were surging in their hearts, they heard someone say: "Director Shen, I want to ask you a question."

Someone suddenly stood up and spoke loudly when he was extremely calm.

Upon hearing this question, both hosts' expressions changed.

Because this person was not the person they chose to ask the question, it was considered an accident.

The two people looked at each other, feeling helpless. After all, it was a live broadcast, and it seemed impossible if they didn't let people speak.

Just when the two of them were thinking about how to save the situation, they heard the man say: "Director Shen, as far as I know, the processor you are using comes from Qunxing Company."

"And the screen of your mobile phone comes from..."

In one breath, this person named more than a dozen sources of accessories for Mishell phones, all of which were from foreign companies.

Listening to this person's words, everyone present could feel that this person was well prepared.

And the comer is not good!
Vice President Li felt extremely uncomfortable due to Shen Lin's performance just now.

Global sales is really a big ambition.

Now, listening to the question, he felt extremely happy. He felt that the person who asked the question was definitely a friendly army.

If it weren't for friendly forces, it wouldn't be so sharp.

Shen Lin still had a faint smile on his face.

Although the person who came was determined to be evil, Shen Lin really didn't have much fear about this.

In Shen Lin's view, this is not a big deal.

"The mobile phone of Mihu Electronics is just an assembly machine. How can Mr. Shen make Mihu mobile phones global and achieve global sales of [-] million."

"I think what Director Shen said is a bit too irresponsible and too casual."

Although this man did not have a microphone, his voice reached everyone's ears through the live broadcast.

Xiao Zhou looked at the person who spoke and said angrily: "This guy is just a troublemaker."

"Not only are they causing trouble, but they also have no good intentions."

"Director Shen is in trouble this time. This guy is well prepared." Lao Gao said, "How do you think Director Shen will answer this question?"

Xiao Zhou's mind was filled with anger at this time. He really didn't know how to answer.

(End of this chapter)

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