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Chapter 2248 Do You Believe in Miracles?

Chapter 2248 Do You Believe in Miracles?

Shen Lin faced this sudden accusation without any panic.

It is normal for accidents to happen during press conferences.

What's more, Mishell Electronics' mobile phone launch conference is an opportunity that friends will never miss.

Shen Lin was not angry. He looked at the person who spoke with a smile.

After the man finished speaking, he smiled and replied: "What is your name?"

"My name is Cui Duo. I just graduated from George University." The man smiled broadly and said, "I am currently employed in a foreign trade company."

Cui Duo, I have never heard of it.

But Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Cui Duo must be well-informed when he studies abroad."

"Then let me ask you, do you believe there are wild Transformers?"

Cui Duo couldn't believe his ears.

When he asked the question, he was already prepared to be rebutted by Shen Lin, but he did not expect that Shen Lin would ask such a question.

Do you believe there are wild Transformers?
He knows that Transformers is an American cartoon.

But what does wild Transformers mean?

"I don't believe it." He couldn't help but say after seeing many people looking at him.

"You don't believe it, so you don't believe there are miracles in this world."

"But I believe, so I can work miracles."

Shen Lin said to Cui Duo: "Five years ago, I couldn't believe that MiKe Electronics could reach the scale it is today, but now, MiKe Electronics is already a top [-] company."

"Three years ago, I didn't believe that our computer system could surpass Juying Company."

"But now, our MiKe operating system also occupies most of the computers."

Having said this, Shen Lin coughed and said, "By the way, since you graduated from George University, I would like to know if our system is still usable at George University?"

"I...I, it works fine."

After talking about me a few times, Cui Duo said a little aggrievedly.

For Cui Duo, he was originally ordered to cause trouble this time.

And he also felt that he had caught Shen Lin's painful foot.

As long as you go all out, MiKe Electronics can basically make this press conference a disgrace.

But I didn't expect that the final result of what I just said would be like this.

"As long as it's easy to use, by the way, Mr. Cui, did you believe that you would use a domestic operating system three years ago? Did you ever think of using our MiKe operating system when you were at George University?" Shen Lin then asked. .

Shen Lin's rhetorical question suddenly caused a burst of extremely warm applause.

Along with this applause came looks of admiration.

Many people looked excited.

In front of the TV, Xiao Zhou and others were extremely excited.

Especially Xiao Zhou, he said almost loudly: "Grandma, I despise these guys who drink a little foreign ink and feel like they are superior to foreign masters."

"Haha, I think I was beaten by Director Shen this time."

"Dong Shen is mighty!"

Lao Gao said confidently: "From the moment this guy opened his mouth, I knew he couldn't make any waves."

"He alone wants to compete with Director Shen, and he doesn't even urinate and take pictures. What does he do?"

The other students gathered together were staring at the screen, trying to see how Cui Duo would answer now.

Cui Duo took a breath. He was able to study abroad, and he was not an ordinary person. After being asked by Shen Lin, he said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, I am not here to listen to your secret ideas." "I just said It’s your mobile phone, and it doesn’t have its own components. How could you sell hundreds of millions of products in ten years?”

Having said this, Cui Duo's expression became more calm, and then he solemnly said: "Please answer my questions."

"I am answering your question, and I will answer it in front of the entire audience."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "And my questions are also part of the questions I want to answer."

"Mr. Cui, please answer my question first."

"After all, this question is really simple!"

Cui Duo hesitated for a moment, and then said quietly: "Dr. Shen, I never thought of it."

"Now that I have answered your question, please ask Director Shen to answer my question."

Shen Lin looked at Cui Duo and said with a smile, "Okay, then I will answer your question now."

"Most of the accessories for Mishell Electronics' mobile phones are purchased, but I believe that as long as we are given ten years, our core components can be in our own hands."

Having said this, he looked at Cui Duo and said: "Mr. Cui, you only saw that the parts of our Mishell mobile phones are purchased, but you didn't see other companies. More than 70.00% of their mobile phone parts are also purchased from different companies. .”

Having said this, Shen Lin said, "Let me give you an example, which is our business friend."

"That's the friend who refused to sell us communication chips some time ago in order to prevent us from building our own mobile phones."

Hearing Shen Lin's roll call, many people laughed.

Another person said: "Dr. Shen is really cute in this matter."

Cui Duo's face twitched. He didn't expect that Shen Lin would diss his company again in front of so many people.

This is really...

"As a friendly businessman of ours, their screens use our LCD screens, and their batteries are also ours..."

"By the way, not long ago, this friendly businessman refused to sell us communication chips in order to prevent us from making mobile phones."

"At that time, someone suggested to me that we should not sell them batteries and displays directly."

"I told the person who suggested this, we can't do this."

"Today's economic development is a trend of globalization, and cooperation in all aspects is constantly increasing. Therefore, we must not do such a thing that kills one thousand enemies and harms oneself eight hundred."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, many viewers frowned.

How could Director Shen be like this? If someone doesn't sell you a product, shouldn't you be a hard opponent?How can you be so weak? This makes us very disappointed!
"After criticizing my colleague who made the suggestion, I directly increased the selling prices of these two products by 80.00%." ​​Shen Lin gently spread his hands and said amidst everyone's suspicion.

Increase the price, this is really Shen Dong!
Xiao Zhou and others, who were originally disappointed with Shen Lin, suddenly smiled. ,
Director Shen is indeed Director Shen, and he must earn what he should earn.

He will also take revenge that deserves revenge.

Cui Duo took two heavy breaths. At this time, he didn't know what to say.

Because the current scene is really too passive.

Shen Lin, who was originally being blamed by himself, now seems to be taking over the home court.

My own words not only did not have the effect of attacking Mi shell mobile phones, but also made more people support Mi shell mobile phones more.

No, I want to change this situation.

If I can't change it, then I will be the one unlucky.

In a moment of thought, he solemnly said: "Director Shen, as far as I know, your education level is as high as junior high school. You don't understand what a communication chip is."

"Let me tell you, chip research is not as easy as you think."

"Maybe even in ten years, you won't be able to succeed."

(End of this chapter)

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