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Chapter 2249 Revenge Is Not Overnight

Chapter 2249 Revenge Is Not Overnight

Almost all fans of Mi Ke know Shen Lin's academic qualifications.

Many fans of Mi Ke talk about Shen Lin's academic qualifications very much.

After all, Director Shen, who is young and has the same academic qualifications as everyone else, has created the current achievements, which gives people a sense of recognition.

But now, in front of so many people, Cui Duo used Shen Lin's academic qualifications to talk about things. What's more, he said that you don't have enough academic qualifications and you don't know what's going on here. You...

Many people felt extremely angry after hearing such words.

Some even wanted to beat him.

Damn it, this guy is just looking for trouble.

"Cui Duo, are you here to ask questions or to cause trouble!" During the live broadcast, someone stood up and said, "Although you are a drunkard of foreign ink, what are your achievements?"

"You are about the same age as Director Shen, but Director Shen has already started from scratch and become the chairman of MiKe Electronics."

"And you? What have you accomplished?"

"Just because you drank two extra cups of foreign ink, you can doubt others at will."

"You think too highly of yourself!"

A young man who looked to be in his 20s stood up directly. Although he was a little far away from Cui Duo, his voice reached countless people's ears through the TV.

"I'll go, I was a little depressed after listening to the fool talking nonsense here." Xiao Zhou laughed and said, "I feel completely relieved after hearing what this brother said."

"That's how you should fight, grandma, you don't understand, and you have low education, and you don't poop and take pictures, you are nothing."

The old man picked up the water in front of him and drank a glass of water, then said: "Yes, this makes me feel comfortable."

"Grandma, you don't care about who you are, and you even say that Director Shen has low education. He is nothing."

"This brother scolded him a bit lightly. If it were me, I would definitely give him a good look."

Just when the two of them clapped and applauded, Cui Duo's face turned pale for a moment.

He gave his opinion here, and it was a good idea.But now these words suddenly made him feel ashamed.

Who are you, Shen Lin, to give advice?

What are you!
Although people put it a bit tactfully, it basically means this.

And the things people say are not nonsense.

His own achievements were really nothing in front of Shen Lin.

Just when Cui Duo didn't know how to step down, Shen Lin had already smiled and said: "Mr. Cui just said that I don't understand chips. To be honest, I really don't understand. Ask me to study these things. I really can't." come out."

"Similarly, I don't understand computers, let alone DVD players, and I don't understand LED LCD screens."

"But these now have the patents of our MiKe Electronics."

"So I will always believe in the scientific researchers of our MiKe Electronics, the scientific research institutions that our MiKe Electronics cooperates with, and the employees of our MiKe Electronics who are always diligent and enterprising."

"With their efforts, our communication chips may appear in front of us in the near future."

Shen Lin said he didn't understand, but what he said next aroused waves of applause.

Under the applause, Cui Duo, who was the questioner, felt his face twitch. Feeling the looks from all directions, he hurriedly said: "Director Shen, my question is over."

Shen Lin looked at Cui Duo who was about to sit down and said with a smile: "Thank you Mr. Cui for your question. If you have anything to discuss, you can always come to my office to see me."

Xiao Zhou looked at the graceful Shen Lin on the TV and said with admiration: "Dr. Shen's cultivation is really good. If it were me, I wouldn't be polite to him?"

"Just tell me how far you can go, that's what you call comfort." Listening to Xiao Zhou's words, Lao Gao standing next to him said: "Can Director Shen compare with you? What you represent is yourself. .”

"Dr. Shen is the person in charge of MiKe Electronics. His words and deeds represent MiKe Electronics."

"I guess if this were not the case, Director Shen would never be polite to him."

While the two people were talking, the host had already given the microphone to the questioner below.

The questioner was wearing a short-sleeved shirt with Mi Ke Electronics printed on it. As soon as he stood up, he said loudly: "Director Shen, I am honored to be able to ask you a question this time."

"Don't worry, I will never be like the fool in front of you, pretending to understand and asking some silly questions."

Upon hearing this, both the audience in front of the TV and the people at the scene were stunned.

Cui Duo, who had already sat down, didn't even think about it.

He had already died down, and yet he was pulled out and whipped to death.

This damn thing is really...

For a moment, he didn't know what to say?

Stand up and refute, you will never take advantage.

But if you don't say anything, you will be really embarrassed.

Just when he was struggling, he heard Shen Lin say: "Sir, I can feel your support for our MiKe Electronics."

"But what? I also ask you not to attack others at will. After all, they may not have any malicious intentions."

"Perhaps you feel our shortcomings, so why don't you give us some advice?"

When Cui Duo heard this, he felt uncomfortable in his throat.

Shen Lin's words seemed to be speaking for him, but no matter how he sounded, it didn't seem right.

It’s very yin and yang!
Just when he was struggling in his heart, he heard the person who asked the question say: "Dr. Shen, you are so kind."

"Let me tell you, this matter is not that simple. I think that guy is the troublemaker."

"But since you said it, I won't mention him to save time. My question is very simple. If you set the price of the mobile phone so cheap, will you lose money?"

Xiao Zhou was originally smiling as the person who asked the question attacked Cui Duo. When he heard his question, he couldn't help but said, "I bet that this person is the shill of Mi Ke Electronics."

Lao Gao said: "How did you see it?"

"Hey, didn't you listen to his question? You were obviously prepared." Xiao Zhou said with a hint of pride: "Think about it carefully, if we were asked to ask questions, would we ask such a question?"

Lao Gao was also very smart. After thinking about it for a while, what his companion said seemed to make sense.

He said a little puzzled: "Then he is also prepared to attack Cui...Cui Duo?"

"Haha, this should be a temporary addition."

Xiao Zhou said happily: "Although it is a temporary extra scene, I like it!" '

"Director Shen, it seems like he doesn't care at all now, but he really doesn't want to take revenge overnight!"

On the TV, a lonely-looking Cui Duo flashed across the TV screen. It was obvious that what he just said made him very uncomfortable.

"We, MiKe Electronics, have always been committed to our purpose, which is to use technology to change lives. We..."

Shen Lin's words came out from the TV at this time. Following Shen Lin's words, bursts of warm applause continued!
(End of this chapter)

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