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Chapter 2250 Reverse Price Increase

Chapter 2250 Reverse Price Increase
After watching the product launch of MiKe Electronics, Chairman Li looked a little gloomy.

Although this is the home court of Shen Lin and MiKe Electronics, the popularity of the mobile phones produced by MiKe Electronics still makes him feel very uncomfortable.

Jin Zaixin followed Vice President Li. He understood why his master was unhappy, but he very wisely chose not to speak.

When the two people got into the car, Vice President Li suddenly said: "Jin Zaixin, do you think the sales volume of Mihu mobile phones can reach 200 million units?"

Jin Zaixin pondered for a moment and said, "Vice president, I think it's about the same."

"Although users of MiKe Electronics have become accustomed to PHS, PHS has huge flaws after all, and there is no signal in some places."

"Some wealthy Mihuo users should switch to better phones."

“What’s more, Mishell phones are so cheap.”

Vice President Li nodded and said: "Two million sales, haha, I hope they can sell it fast enough."

"Vice President, MiKe Electronics and Shen Lin are good opponents, but I think they will no longer be your opponents soon."

"So, there is absolutely no need for you to take them too seriously."

Vice President Li smiled and said, "Yes, let them enjoy the last two months."

While the two were talking, they drove away, but after that, Vice President Li's expression became extremely gloomy.

Just as Jin Zaixin expected, with the convening of the Mihu mobile phone conference, the sales of Mihu mobile phones have been booming.

In the first week of sales, the number of Mishell mobile phones sold has reached 20 units.

This number shocked the motorcycle company.

Although motorcycle companies still dominate the mobile phone market, they still feel the threat of Mihu Electronics.

Especially Rochev, the manager of the mobile phone sales department of the motorcycle company, his face became extremely gloomy after receiving this week's sales report.

"Mr. Rochev, we must change this situation." The speaker was Rochev's most capable assistant, Xie Kai, a shrewd man in his 30s.

Although he joined the motorcycle company's sales department not long ago, in just two years, he has become the deputy manager of the motorcycle sales department.

"If we don't change, our market share will be swallowed up by MiKe Electronics."

Roschev gently put down the report in his hand and said, "My dear Mr. Xie Kai, tell me, how should I change?"

Roschev is tall, with a thick beard and blue eyes, giving him a sense of oppression.

But Xie Kai was no longer afraid of Rochev, who was a head taller than him. When he heard Rochev's question, he said very frankly: "Mr. Rochev, I think we have to compete with MiKe Electronics. To maintain our market share, we have to start by lowering prices.”

"Our mobile phones are too expensive. If we maintain the current price, there is no way we can compete with Shen Lin's Mi shell phones."

"And as long as we lower prices, that will make us competitive."

Roschev was not surprised by the price reduction proposal. In fact, he had this in mind.

It's just that as the head of the sales department, he is not suitable to say it directly.

Now that Xie Kai had spoken out, he followed suit and said, "How much do you think the price should be reduced?"

“Our lowest model should be in the same price range as Mishell Electronics’ phones.”

"Only in this way can we suppress the sales of Mishell Electronics mobile phones." Xie Kai pondered for a moment and said firmly.

Although Roshev has long been mentally prepared for the price reduction.

But the sudden price reduction of nearly 3000 yuan still shocked him.

He looked at Xie Kai with a determined face, pondered for a moment and said: "Manager Xie, do you think you really have to lower your standards so much?"

"You have to understand that if the price is lowered to this level, we will have no profit at all." "But if we don't lower the price to this level, it will be difficult for us to suppress Mishell phones."

Xie Kai said: "Once Mishell phones become bigger and stronger, all our efforts will be in vain."

Xie Kai's words were like a javelin, piercing Roshev's heart.

He pondered for a moment and said: "Write a report with your opinions and I will send it to the general manager."

Xie Kai nodded and said, "Sir, I will send you what you need soon."

It only took half a day for Xie Kai to deliver the prepared report to Rochev. After taking a look at it, Roshev took Xie Kai to the general manager's office.

As the regional director of the motorcycle company, Mr. Meagan held a high rank.

Not only does he have a generous salary, but he also enjoys equity incentives from the company.

Many people say that after he has experienced it for a period of time, he will become one of the main leaders of the company.

Therefore, Roschev has always respected his immediate boss very much.

"Rosev, my friend, do you have any good news for me?" Seeing Roshev and Xie Kai walking in, Meagan greeted Roshev with a smile.

As for Xie Kai, he ignored it.

This is arrogance and certainly the entitlement of a responsible person.

Roschev solemnly said: "Mr. Migen, I am very sorry, although I also hope that I can bring you good news."

"But unfortunately, the news I bring you is not very good."

"But this matter is still very urgent and needs you to handle it."

While talking, Roshev handed over the materials written by Xie Kai and said: "This is a suggestion from our sales department, led by deputy manager Xie Kai."

"Mr. Meagan, we cannot fail to respond."

"Otherwise, our next work will be very passive."

Mi Gen took the material and looked at it twice, then his eyes fell on Xie Kai and said: "Manager Xie, do you think the matter has reached such a serious stage?"

"Mr. Meagan, our sales have been decreasing rapidly recently."

"So I think if we don't respond now, our market share will be further reduced."

“Even some of our old users will join MiKe Electronics.”

"In that case, it will be completely harmful to us."

"So I hope that you can reduce the price of our products to suppress Mihu Electronics' mobile phone business."

Meagan sat down on his boss's chair, and then said leisurely: "Rosev, it's a pity. What I want to tell you is news you don't want to hear."

"Our mobile phones must not be reduced in price."

"On the contrary, we are going to raise the price by [-] percent."

Hearing this answer, Roshev and Xie Kai were stunned.

Both of them looked at Meagan in disbelief, wondering if the general manager was crazy.

At this time, it would be fine not to lower the price, but to actually raise the price, which would cost the market its own market.

Xie Kai didn't dare to say anything, but Roshev couldn't help but said: "General manager, can you give me a reason? Otherwise, we will not be able to accept it!"

(End of this chapter)

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