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Chapter 225 No matter how good you say it is useless

Chapter 225 No matter how good you say it is useless
It was really uncomfortable for Wang Youzhu to be surrounded.

He already clearly felt that there were quite a few fists, like a group of demons dancing wildly, swaying around him.

If he was beaten up, Wang Youzhu's face would really be lost this time.

He wanted to rush out of his office, but he couldn't!
If he wanted to squeeze out, Wang Youzhu felt that he couldn't squeeze out, and if he didn't say anything, he was afraid that the young people surrounding him would hold him down.

At this moment, he regretted very much, in order to make Shen Lin look bad, why did he poke such a big hornet's nest, now he is fine, the matter was not done, but he suffered such a big thing.

"Shen Lin, Guangzi, we have something to talk about, it's not worth fighting!" Lao Li, the head of the security section, tried his best to straighten his back and stand beside Wang Youzhu, preventing everyone from doing anything to Wang Youzhu.

After all, Wang Youzhu is the deputy director of the factory, and he can do nothing unless he stops him.

Shen Lin didn't say a word, but Guangzi said: "Uncle Li, it's not that we don't give you face, but that Wang Youzhu is unreasonable."

"Tell me, is there such a thing? His wife is obviously not at work, and he insists that his wife is at work. This... Can you balance your heart!"

Lao Li shook his head helplessly. He thought to himself, what is wrong with Wang Youzhu now.The most important thing now is to dispel the anger of these young people.

"What are you doing? They're all gathered around here, everyone is quitting work." A stern voice suddenly sounded from the outer door.

Hearing this voice, the young people including Photon were stunned for a moment, but then they all resumed their movements.

Everyone looked in the direction of the speech.

Director Bai, with his hands behind his back, looked down at the surroundings with a stern gaze. His gaze was almost fighting against everyone at this moment.

Under the gaze of Director Bai, some young people lowered their heads involuntarily.

No matter how they talk about Bai Bin behind their backs, the current director Bai is still the leader of the factory, and they still want to listen to many things.

What's more, their father and brother are also in this factory, if they start to oppose Bai Bin all of a sudden, they are a little afraid.

"Factory Manager Wang did something reckless this time. Everyone didn't go to work, which was caused by special circumstances."

"Let's see it this way. You won't be fined if you pay a salary penalty. Your salary for the past three months will be paid to you today."

Bai Bin saw that everyone around him calmed down, and said again: "Also, it's okay to fire Guangzi, and the fine is ten yuan."

Bai Bin's statement made the young people present quiet down.For them, this time they came here mainly because they were treated unfairly.

Now, as soon as Bai Bin opened his mouth, he immediately changed the punishment this time.

It can be said that they have all achieved their goals, and the punishment for Photon seems to be only ten yuan.

Photon was also stunned at this moment. Although he had already discussed this situation with Shen Lin, it was a bit beyond his expectation that this situation happened so quickly.

In this case, he didn't know what to do.

"Director Bai, is what you said true?" A young man asked anxiously.

"One word from a gentleman is hard to follow! If I don't mean what I say, then how can I be the director of our factory? Don't worry, I, Bai Bin, will definitely mean what I say."

"Okay, if there is nothing else, let's leave, everyone should work, work, what should we do!"

Shen Lin looked at Bai Bin's handling, and thought that this person is really old-fashioned.He clapped his hands and said, "Isn't Director Bai's handling a bit evasive? What everyone is asking now is about Wang Youzhu's wife not going to work."

"What are you doing with Xini? When Guangzi and the others leave, why don't Wang Youzhu torment everyone to death?" "We guys are not just in the factory by ourselves. I think what kind of person Wang Youzhu is, should Let the leaders of the main factory make a judgment."

As soon as Shen Lin's words came out, the expressions of all the people present changed.

Wang Youzhu knew that Shen Lin came with absolutely no good intentions, but he never expected that Shen Lin would make such a vicious suggestion.

If this kind of thing is reported to the main factory, then he, Wang Youzhu, the deputy factory director, will be the leader.In this case, there is basically no room for him to stand up in the days to come.

Although he wished to beat Shen Lin to death in his heart, on the surface, he still said loudly: "Everyone, please rest assured, since I, Wang Youzhu, have realized my mistake, I will not discuss this matter with you. Get entangled again."

"I will definitely correct my mistakes and not give everyone..."

Shen Lin smiled. Wang Youzhu's explanation was too unconvincing. Everyone present knew what kind of person he was.

Listening to Wang Youzhu's assurance, Bai Bin kept frowning. At this time, what's the use of saying such things.

But after he glanced at Shen Lin fiercely, he said: "Everyone, don't listen to some people's deliberate instigation."

"He is not from our factory, so he doesn't want our factory to be good. I can assure you all that this matter will stop here."

Speaking of this, he turned to Lao Li in the security department and said, "Lao Li, invite someone who is not from our factory out. If this person appears in our factory again, then you, the chief of the security department, don't have to do it."

When Lao Li heard this, he felt helpless.Although he didn't want to offend Shen Lin, the factory manager gave an order, and he had to listen to the factory manager in this matter.

"Shen Lin, Director Bai invites you to go out, please go, don't make trouble for us here."

Shen Lin looked at Lao Li with a tense face, stood up with a smile and said, "Section Chief Li, I used to be from our factory!"

"It's just that I was framed by some people, so I was fired ruthlessly. Hehe, what the hell am I? I don't have any points in my heart! I'm still here to promise, I promise to have a fart!"

Everyone present knew what happened to Shen Lin.So when they heard Shen Lin's words, those who were a little shaken at first looked at Wang Youzhu solemnly.

It was Wang Youzhu who pitted Shen Lin. Shen Lin's father, Shen Xingye, was very good to Wang Youzhu back then, but Wang Youzhu was too rude to deal with Shen Lin!
Now I and others have persecuted Wang Youzhu, but I can imagine how Wang Youzhu will treat himself and others in the future.

So after being silent for a while, Photon said loudly: "Go, take our punishment notice, and let's go to see the director of the main factory together with Director Wang."

"This time, we must let the director of the main factory know exactly how this Wang Youzhu tricked us."

"Yes, let's go together!"

Someone suggested it, and someone grabbed Wang Youzhu and led him to go out.

Bai Bin's face became extremely solemn. He knew that if this matter was reported to the head of the main factory, and Wang Youzhu was still taken with him, then his factory director might be finished.

"Stop it all, anyone who walks out of the gate of our factory today will no longer be a member of our factory."

Bai Bin snapped, "I've already dealt with it for you, don't push yourself too far."

However, Bai Bin's severe reprimand made Guangzi and the others walk out surrounded by Wang Youzhu a little faster.

ps: The third update is coming, please support

(End of this chapter)

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