Chapter 226

When Guangzi and others left the gate of the hardware machinery factory, Shen Lin secretly smiled in his heart!

At this time, the entire hardware and machinery factory was a bit chaotic, and many workers who were supposed to go to work came out to watch the excitement.

There were even people who had been bullied by Wang Youzhu, and they simply followed behind Guangzi and the others, intending to sue Wang Youzhu.

Although Bai Bin scolded loudly, he was already unpopular in the factory, and what Wang Youzhu did this time really caused public outrage.

After all, those who were punished were all children of the hardware machinery factory.The fact that their own children were deducted three months' wages under random excuses has already made these workers angry, not to mention that Wang Youzhu's own wife does not go to work.

Therefore, even the security department was not able to work hard, no matter how much Bai Bin cried, it would not have much effect.

Bai Bin looked at Shen Lin coldly.

And Shen Lin also noticed Bai Bin's gaze, he smiled at Bai Bin, and was about to turn his head and leave.

"Shen Lin, don't be too complacent about what happened this time. Wang Youzhu is a fool who can't do anything himself, so he fell for your tricks, but don't think that everyone is just like Wang Youzhu!"

"Your father's deputy head of the preparatory team has been suspended. Let me tell you, even if you make trouble again, it won't change the result of your father and son being eliminated from the hardware machinery factory."

When Bai Bin said this, his voice was full of resentment: "In the end, you still can't beat me."

Shen Lin looked at Bai Bin's appearance, and said calmly: "Director Bai, you speak so arrogantly and conceitedly, who gave you the confidence!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that my father will be fine, and I won't be. As for you, ah, it's not been a day or two since our feud has started. Let's just wait and see what happens in the future!"

After Shen Lin finished speaking, he ignored Bai Bin and strode towards the general iron and steel factory.

Bai Bin clenched his hands tightly, and his forehead was even more swollen with blue veins.As the director of the hardware machinery factory, he is used to the life of keeping promises.

What happened this time not only caught him off guard, but also challenged his prestige.

At this moment, he felt very uncomfortable.

"Xiao Fang, what do you think I should do next?" When Fang Boyuan walked up to him and cautiously said nothing, Bai Bin suddenly asked Fang Boyuan.

Fang Boyuan pondered for a while and said: "The matter of Director Wang is indeed not very good. He is now being sent to the main factory to sue. Although those who sue will not be able to do well, I am afraid that Director Wang will... ..."

Bai Bin nodded. For this, he had already prepared in his heart. This time, Wang Youzhu might not be able to keep it.

"Factory manager, I think the most important thing right now is to go to the main factory to take the initiative to conduct a self-criticism. Anyway, you haven't stopped this matter." Fang Boyuan's voice became weaker and weaker, and when he spoke, He also looked at Bai Bin carefully.

He is very clear that Bai Bin should also know what he said. If he pretends not to say it, he will definitely be underestimated by Bai Bin. It is better to say this sentence in front of Bai Bin when there are only two people. .

Bai Bin's expression became more and more ugly. What Fang Boyuan said, he naturally imagined that no matter how Wang Youzhu handled this matter, he would be named as a poor manager.

At this time, what he has to do is to strive for the initiative.

"Director, I heard that Director Lu is coming back this morning. I think you should go to Director Lu and report this matter to him."

"The most important thing you want to report is how Shen Lin, Shen Xingye's son, is against you. In addition, the main point is to talk about how Shen Xingye used to be headstrong in the hardware machinery factory and did not listen to advice."

Fang Boyuan adjusted his glasses and said: "In this way, you and Director Lu are standing in the same trench." Looking at Fang Boyuan's solemn look, Bai Bin showed a smile on his face, and he took a picture He patted Fang Boyuan on the shoulder and said: "Bo Yuan, you have said a lot about this matter."

"Let's go, let's pick up Director Lu together. A talented young man like you should show more in front of the leaders."

Factory Manager Bai said this, smiled and said: "Bo Yuan, there are some girls, you should think about it, and you should think about it carefully."

"Woman? Pretty can beat food? Especially for a promising young man like you, when you marry a wife, you must marry a virtuous one."

Bai Bin said the word "virtuous" in a very serious voice. Listening to these words, Fang Boyuan didn't know how to answer.

Marrying a wife and a virtuous man, Fang Boyuan can understand and accept this, but the ones you introduced are either fat and big ears, or big heads and thick necks.

What should I do if we live together.

But Fang Boyuan, who just had a heart-to-heart relationship with Bai Bin, naturally wouldn't annoy Director Bai because of such a trivial matter. He could only use the method of procrastination and said: "Director Bai, thank you for your concern, I will definitely think about it."

"Young people, the future belongs to us as well as yours, but in the end, it belongs to you young people."

Bai Bin straightened his clothes and said with a smile on his face, "Let's go, let's pick up Director Lu."

The hardware machinery factory has a jeep that is about to be decommissioned. Basically, only Bai Bin is using it. Now Bai Bin pulls Fang Boyuan and drives the jeep towards the East China Sea.

In Zhong Tianyang's office, Shen Lin was sitting leisurely opposite Zhong Tianyang at this time. There were still noisy voices outside the corridor, but there was Lu Yuanpeng from the factory's personnel department handling the market, so Zhong Tianyang didn't have to worry about it.

But Zhong Tianyang knew exactly what happened.

"Shen Lin, this is all your handwriting, right?" Zhong Tianyang looked at the peaceful and leisurely Shen Lin, took a sip of water and said, "It's not like you don't know what time it is, why can't you be more peaceful?"

When Zhong Tianyang said, it was naturally because Shen Xingye, the deputy head of the preparatory group of the second workshop, closed down.

Shen Lin picked up the bone china cup in front of him, and said with a smile: "Director Zhong, I won't tell you nonsense in front of you. I played some role in the matter of Wang Youzhu."

"But what? He really provoked the anger of the public."

Zhong Tianyang snorted. If there was anything wrong with what Wang Youzhu did in this matter, there was nothing wrong with it. The main reason was that Wang Youzhu's butt was not clean.

What's more, these temporary young workers can't cook and pay wages. If you compete with them, isn't this making yourself uncomfortable?

"Shen Lin, your father and the others are coming back soon. I'm going to talk to Director Lu about his matter. It shouldn't be a big problem."

"But what? Your dad has to have an attitude. Regarding this matter, let Director Lu conduct a review. What do you think?"

Zhong Tianyang looked at Shen Lin with a solemn expression.

Shen Lin thought about his father, pondered for a moment and said: "Zhong Chang, I think my father should be right about this matter."

ps: The fourth update today, please support me!

(End of this chapter)

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