Chapter 2307 Surprise him

Boss Zheng rarely gets angry, but every time he gets angry, it makes people frightened.

Some people even say that Boss Zheng can change the color of the situation when he is angry.

Although Yan Xianzhen came from a good family and was familiar with Boss Zheng, he had rarely seen his Uncle Zheng so angry.

I felt a little scared for a while.

But after Boss Zheng lost his temper, he calmed down again.

Looking at the angry Boss Zheng, he pondered for a moment and said: "Uncle Zheng, although I call you uncle, it is for my father's sake."

"Actually, you really can't order me."

Having said this, he solemnly said: "I know who I am."

"Now, I fell in love with Mi Yuan at first sight. Not to mention you, not even my father can stop me."

"Also, who is Shen Lin? He seems to be a figure in front of you, but what does he have to do with me?"

"You tell him to do whatever he needs to do. I don't have time to pay attention to him."

After saying this, Yan Xianzhen turned around and left without looking at the gloomy and terrifying Boss Zheng.

Boss Zheng’s hands were trembling.

On the one hand, he was angry, and on the other hand, he felt unworthy of his old friend.

After giving birth to such a son, I am afraid that the great family fortune will be destroyed in one day.

"Boss, Master Yan is leaving." The subordinate standing at the door came over respectfully and said.

Seeing the solemn look on his subordinate's face, Boss Zheng waved his hand helplessly and said: "It's hard to persuade a damn ghost with good words."

"He should do whatever he needs to do."

As Boss Zheng spoke, he picked up the phone.

After dialing Shen Lin's number, Boss Zheng said directly: "Director Shen, I'm very sorry, this matter has not been settled."

"Yan Xianzhen is arrogant. He doesn't listen to anything I say."

"Now his father is lying in the ward, and I am embarrassed to disturb him for this matter."


Listening to the feelings in Boss Zheng's words, Shen Lin said calmly: "Boss Zheng, whether I listen to you or not is Yan Xianzhen's business."

"But I'm still very grateful that you can help me coordinate this matter."

"You don't have to worry about this matter. I'll handle it myself."

Boss Zheng has cooperated with Shen Lin a lot, and he knows that Boss Shen is not a soft-hearted person either.

He pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Dr. Shen, Yan Xianzhen has no brain, but his father has just been hospitalized. If something big happens, we uncles and uncles will ignore it, which is a bit..."

Shen Lin naturally understood what Boss Zheng meant.

He was afraid that he would find some strong man and directly destroy Yan Xianzhen.

He immediately smiled and said: "Boss Zheng, I am a person who respects rules."

"I can guarantee you that the things you are worried about will never happen to me."

Boss Zheng felt relieved after hearing what Shen Lin said so solemnly.

He hurriedly said: "Director Shen, don't misunderstand this matter. There is really something wrong, alas!"

Boss Zheng's sigh was sincere.

He was good friends with Yan Xianzhen's father, and he originally wanted to protect his nephew.

But I didn't expect that instead of being grateful for my protection, people felt that I was meddling in my own business.

This made him feel very uncomfortable.

But we can't just look at Shen Lin, a powerful dragon who has crossed the river, and directly destroy Yan Xianzhen.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Yan Xianzhen is your junior, and I think he is also my junior."

"Don't worry, I'm just teaching him a lesson." "I can guarantee that nothing about him will be harmed."

Boss Zheng felt a little bad from Shen Lin's words.

But since Shen Lin said he would not let Yan Xianzhen get hurt, he could only smile and say: "Thank you, Director Shen."

Putting down the phone, Boss Zheng pondered for a moment, and then said to his assistant: "What method do you think Director Shen will use to attack Yan Xianzhen?"

The assistant pondered for a moment and said: "Boss, this Director Shen has very strong energy. If you ask me to guess, I won't be able to guess it for a while."

"But I think since Director Shen has given you face, you should not get involved in this matter."

"I believe that a person like Director Shen will never do anything that breaks his promise."

After listening to the assistant's words, Boss Zheng nodded.

He still believed in Shen Lin's credibility.

However, Boss Zheng immediately cursed angrily: "This abominable evildoer really thinks that others can't control him."

"It's better to let him experience a beating. It will save him from doing something he can't fix when he gets older."

After Shen Lin put down Boss Zheng's phone call, he fell into deep thought.

Ten minutes later, Shen Lin called Zhang Yuqing.

As Shen Lin's lawyer, Zhang Yuqing is still in Xiangjiang, so he already knows what happened to Mi Yuan.

Originally, she thought this kind of thing was a trivial matter to Shen Lin.

According to Shen Lin's connections, as long as he says a word, an elder named Yan Xianzhen will come forward and scold this young man who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

Then, the matter was over.

"Director Shen, do you have any arrangements?" Zhang Yuqing and Shen Lin are old friends, so there is no need to beat around the bush.

Shen Lin said calmly: "Lawyer Zhang, I really have something to trouble you about."

"You should know about Yan Xianzhen, right?"

Zhang Yuqing said: "Director Shen, I am also responsible for this matter."

"It was my negligence that caused you such trouble."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Lawyer Zhang, this matter is not within your scope of practice, so you don't need to apologize."

"I'm calling you about him."

Zhang Yuqing was stunned for a moment and said: "Dr. Shen, this kind of matter can be easily solved. Just find an elder and give him a slap in the face."

"I found Boss Zheng, but it's a pity that this guy can't get in!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "So, I can only trouble you to do it?"

"Dr. Shen, what do you want me to do?" Although this was the first time for Zhang Yuqing to encounter such a thing, she did not raise any difficulties.

Everything she could do was inseparable from Shen Lin's support.

Naturally, she also wanted to help Shen Lin's request.

"I heard that Young Master Yan was very romantic before." Shen Lin said with a smile, "Please help me find out, because how many people did he fall in love with and then give up?"

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Zhang Yuqing immediately understood.

She smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, I'll do it right away."

"I believe that if this matter is handled well, Yan Xianzhen's reputation will be ruined!"

Shen Lin said: "I promised Boss Zheng that I just taught him a lesson, but I'm afraid he won't be too satisfied with just that!"

"Where do you think this Young Master Yan's confidence comes from?"

Zhang Yuqing said: "Dr. Shen, this Young Master Yan's confidence naturally comes from his identity."

"If he doesn't have the identity of a family heir, I believe he will definitely be careful in his conduct in the future."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Then let's give Yan Shao a little surprise from this aspect. I hope he likes it."

(End of this chapter)

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