Chapter 2308 Where to Go
Yan Xianzhen didn't take Boss Zheng's advice to heart at all.

In his opinion, Boss Zheng is just a nosy old guy.

In order to please Shen Lin, he actually asked himself to give up Mi Yuan. It was really unreasonable.

In Yan Xianzhen's view, Boss Zheng can't do anything to him.

Others can't help themselves either.

Not to mention Shen Lin who is far away.

After leaving Boss Zheng's house, he missed Mi Yuan a little in his heart.

Thinking of Mi Yuan's appearance, he felt a fire burning in his heart.

He wants to marry this woman, and he wants this woman to marry into a wealthy family.

He wanted this woman to know that Shen Lin was not the only one in this world who could give her happiness.

And he talks less.

No, what Shen Lin couldn't give, he, Yan Shao, could also give.

Ten minutes later, Yan Shao drove his Porsche to Mi Yuan's residence.

But when he stepped forward to knock on the door, he heard someone say: "Sir, Miss Mi Yuan is out, please don't disturb her."

Looking at the person who had stopped him before, Yan Xiazhen said coldly: "Get out!"

"Why are you swearing?" The person who stopped Yan Xianzhen showed a trace of anger on his face.

"I'm letting you go now to give you a chance."

"If you don't get out now, I'll find someone to beat you up."

"Do you think Shen Lin will have trouble with me because of you two trash?"

"I believe you also know who I am."

The faces of the two young men who blocked Yan Xianzhen looked extremely ugly. After looking at each other, the taller man said coldly: "Young Master Yan, we may be nothing in front of you."

"But we don't allow you to destroy our work."

"Please leave here."

"Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

Yan Xianzhen said disdainfully: "I'm sorry, why are you so rude?"

"Come on, let me see how you are so rude."

Having said this, he walked towards the door of Mi Yuan's house.

But before he could reach the door, two figures blocking him were already standing firmly in front of him.

The expressions of the two people were full of determination.

This situation made Yan Xianzhen's expression change.

He picked up his cell phone and quickly dialed the number: "Acheng, prepare some people for me."

"Let them arrive in five minutes."

While speaking, Yan Xianzhen put down the phone.

The two subordinates of Shen Lin who were responsible for serving Mi Yuan looked a little ugly at this time.

They looked at each other and felt that this matter was not something they could solve.

So the man with the taller head immediately took out his Mi shell phone.

The moment he connected, he responded to the situation.

After he hung up the phone, the shorter Mihu staff member said with a hint of expectation: "What did the higher up say?"

"The superiors told us to wait with confidence and tell people from the superiors to resolve this matter."

"That's good." The Mihu staff member with a shorter head said, "Then let's wait a moment."

Yan Xianzhen naturally heard the conversation between the two people, but he ignored it.

Instead, he looked at the two of them coldly, waiting for his subordinates to deal with these two guys who were getting in his way.

In just 10 minutes, a group of people wearing different clothes and looking very unpleasant came over.

Seeing these people, the expressions of the two employees of Mihu Electronics changed.They have been responsible for Mi Yuan's safety for some time, and they have some understanding of the situation in Xiangjiang.

I know these people are just hanging out on the streets.

These guys usually look carefree, but when they make a move, they are unambiguous.

I'm afraid the two of them won't be able to take advantage of these people.

Just when they were feeling anxious, they suddenly heard someone say: "What are you doing?"

Following the shout, a middle-aged man wearing a white suit and gold-rimmed glasses walked out of a black car.

This man's hair is very neatly styled, giving people the impression that a fly would fall down if it landed.

The originally aggressive gangsters were stunned for a moment when they saw the man in the white suit.

A man in the lead said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Bai, why are you here?"

"I came here on Boss Zheng's order to tell all the brothers to give Boss Zheng a face and leave immediately."

When the man in the white suit said this, he said to the man in the lead: "Boss Li, you don't want to give Mr. Zheng face, do you?"

Hearing this question, Boss Li swung his hands and said quickly: "Mr. Bai, what you said is an injustice to me, Boss Li."

"Don't you understand who I am? How dare I not give Mr. Zheng face?"

"Haha, since Mr. Zheng has arranged it, I'll leave first."

As he spoke, he waved behind him and said, "Let's go. Boss Zheng has spoken. Please be honest."

Seeing the person he called leaving so easily.

Yan Xianzhen's face suddenly turned livid.

"Boss Li, if you listen to Mr. Zheng's arrangements, don't you listen to our Yan family?"

Yan Xianzhen said this in a sinister tone.

Although Boss Li is a man who licks blood with his sword, he really has very little experience with this kind of thing.

At this moment, looking at Yan Xianzhen with a bad expression, he didn't know what to do for a moment.

Although he can be regarded as a leader, Mr. Zheng and the Yan family are two big mountains in his eyes.

There were two mountains that he could not afford to offend.

When facing these two mountains, his best choice is not to offend anyone.

But now, he is caught in the middle and feels really uncomfortable.

"Young Master Yan, you also heard it. This is Mr. Zheng's arrangement." Mr. Bai said coldly: "Young Master Yan, although you are the son of Boss Yan, I want to say that you are not the head of the Yan family. .”

"And Boss Zheng always sticks to his word."

Mr. Bai's words suddenly gave Boss Li, who was extremely uncomfortable, an enlightenment.

He himself cannot afford to offend people on both sides, but he chooses the lesser of two evils.

It's better not to offend Mr. Zheng.

Boss Li, who had made up his mind, strode outside without even looking at Yan Xiazhen.

Some things, in fact, do not need to be spoken, and all attitudes are clear at a glance.

Yan Xiazhen looked at this situation and knew in her heart that she had lost.

But he felt that he had not lost to Shen Lin, but to Boss Zheng.

After glancing at the closed door, Yan Xianzhen suddenly said loudly: "Mi Yuan, I know you have something to hide."

"Don't worry, one day I will let you see my sincerity.

"Besides, neither Shen Lin nor Mr. Zheng can stop us!"

The man in the white suit remained silent, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

It was only after Yan Xianzhen walked away that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he has Boss Zheng supporting him behind his back, he still feels a lot of pressure to stand up to a noble man like Yan Xiazhen.

"You two, I'll take my leave now. If you have anything, please call me at any time."

(End of this chapter)

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