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Chapter 2309 Shen Lin takes action

Chapter 2309 Shen Lin takes action

Yan Xianzhen's heart was filled with anger.

But besides being angry, he couldn't do anything else!
Returning home feeling sullen, his mother was sitting in the living room with a gloomy look on her face.

After saying hello to his mother, Yan Xianzhen prepared to go to his bedroom.

"Where have you been?" There was a hint of coldness in Yan's mother's voice.

Yan Xianzhen said impatiently: "Don't worry about where I go, it's my business."

Listening to her son's impatient voice, Yan's mother said angrily: "You are my son, why can't I take care of you."

"Yan Xianzhen, let me tell you, you are old now and can't act like this anymore."

"It's not good to find any kind of woman, but you choose someone else's extramarital affair. Do you know that this kind of thing is taboo?"

"Let me tell you, from today on, you should stop thinking about me. Otherwise, don't blame me for denying your son."

Listening to his mother's merciless words, Yan Xianzhen's expression changed.

He looked at his mother angrily and said, "Is this what Boss Zheng told you?"

"If Boss Zheng hadn't said that I didn't know you were so capable?"

Yan Xianzhen's mother said coldly: "Let me tell you, don't think that if your father is sick, no one in this family will care about you."

"I'm telling you, as long as I'm in this house for a day, you must listen to me."

At this point, she said with a gloomy face: "Did you hear that?"

"No one can control my affairs."

"I said this to Boss Zheng once, and I will say it to you again this time."

"Okay, I'm tired, I'm going to rest."

While speaking, Yan Xianzhen quickly walked to her bedroom.

Although his mother had been very tough just now, in fact, there was nothing she could do about her grown-up son.

Looking at Yan Xianzhen's leaving figure, she could only sit slumped on the sofa.

"Madam, you have to find a way to persuade the young master. Boss Zheng will never tell lies."

"That Director Shen is not a good person!"

The housekeeper, who had worked in the Yan family for many years, said to Yan's mother solemnly.

Yan's mother said helplessly: "You also heard what happened just now. That scoundrel doesn't take me seriously at all. What do you think we should do?"

There was also a look of helplessness on the housekeeper's face. If Yan's father was not ill now, he could still restrain Yan Xianzhen, but Yan's father's current situation made it difficult to speak, let alone discipline his son.

"Madam, I don't have any good ideas."

Yan's mother sighed and said, "Although Boss Zheng is helping people, what he said is a bit exaggerated."

"I think, how powerful can a boss from outside be? Can he defeat our Yan family?"

Although the housekeeper has heard of Shen Lin's name, he is still very confident about his family's strength.

When he heard his wife's words, he couldn't help but said: "Madam, I think he can't do anything to us."

Yan's mother nodded and said, "Okay, I'm going to rest too. I have to go to the hospital tomorrow."

The housekeeper looked at Yan's mother leaving and sighed.Although he felt that the matter was not that simple, Yan Xianzhen, mother and son both believed in the same way, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Yan Xianzhen, who had been scolded by her mother, lay on the bed angrily.

In a bad mood, he drank a few glasses of red wine, and the resentment in his heart rose more and more.

He swore in his heart that one day, he would let Shen Lin and Boss Zheng know how powerful he was.

Knowing that he Yan Xianzhen is not easy to offend.

Under the influence of alcohol, Yan Xianzhen quickly fell into sleep.

"Master, Master..."

Just when he was sleeping soundly, he heard someone calling him.Opening his eyes drowsily, Yan Xianzhen saw the butler's face.


Yan Xianzhen, who had not yet woken up, was very angry at this interruption, so his words were full of resentment.

The housekeeper said helplessly: "Master, something happened?"

"What happened? Is the old man dying?" Yan Xiazhen asked directly without opening his eyes.

Hearing this, the butler's face twitched.

If he were Yan Xianzhen's father, I would want to slap this guy hard.

Does this speak human words?
"Master, there's nothing wrong. It's... there's someone at our door asking for justice." The housekeeper said quickly, not caring about what to say.

"Seeking justice? Who is so brave?" Yan Xiazhen's sleepiness had disappeared a lot at this time. He stood up with his clothes on and asked in a deep voice.

The housekeeper said nothing and just helped Yan Xianzhen open the curtains in the room.

Through the curtains, what caught Yan Xianzhen's eyes were a dozen women holding signs.

The moment he saw these women, Yan Xianzhen didn't feel anything.

After all, the distance is a bit far.

But when he took a closer look at a person, he was suddenly stunned.

Because of this woman, he felt a little familiar.

And when he looked intently at the woman, he discovered that the woman was actually his ex-girlfriend who had been dumped.

At that time, this ex-girlfriend was pregnant with his child and wanted to marry him, but in the end, he was forced to have an abortion and was even kicked away.

This woman, who was once a third-rate starlet, was holding a sign in her hand, which read in red letters on a white background: "Yan Xianzhen, give me back my child!"

Seeing this situation, Yan Xianzhen felt that her hands were trembling.

He said angrily: "Asshole, this is intentional."

"Lao Luo, drive them away."

"I don't want to see him again, hurry up!"

The housekeeper looked at Yan Xianzhen with a ferocious expression, pondered for a moment, and then said, "Master, take a closer look."

Although Yan Xianzhen was angry, he still obeyed the housekeeper's suggestion at this time.

When he looked closely, he saw several women he was familiar with behind the woman.

Still an ex-girlfriend!
This is the woman I once threw away!
Why are they gathered together!

If only one or two people come to his door to seek justice, Yan Xiazhen is not afraid at all. He has plenty of ways to deal with it.

But more than a dozen came at once, this...this...

For a moment, Yan Xianzhen felt more helpless than angry.

"Lao Luo, drive them away!" Yan Xianzhen yelled crazily: "I don't care what method you use, just drive them away."

"If you can't drive them away, then you are the one who will leave."

"Go quickly."

Hearing Yan Xianzhen's somewhat crazy words, the subordinate hesitated for a moment and finally said: "Master, I already wanted to drive them away before I woke you up, but look around them."

Yan Xianzhen stopped yelling at this time. He followed the butler's guidance and looked around the women, and saw that the women were surrounded by a circle of red propaganda banners.

On those banners, the words "Miike Electronics" were faintly visible.

Seeing this, Yan Xianzhen understood immediately.

This is Shen Lin's mischief. Shen Lin is trying to make himself miserable!
Despicable, really extremely despicable!
Looking at the helpless butler, Yan Xiazhen said angrily: "Let's go, I'll drive them away with you."

(End of this chapter)

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