Chapter 2310 We are advertising
Luo Youwei held the sign in her hand, feeling indescribably happy.

Originally, she thought that her frustration could only be kept hidden in her heart.

But I never thought that one day I would be able to hold up a sign and demand justice outside this big villa.

Of course, all this is not her own ability, but the ability of the person who planned this matter.

She looked at the big villa high up in the sky, filled with resentment in her heart.

Originally, she had a good start.

But now, some people who were not as good as her in the past have skyrocketed!

Not only has she lost her future, but she has become a joke in the eyes of many people.

There is no job, relatives are far away, and...

And just when her heart was filled with despair, someone gave her the seeds of revenge.

After knowing the news, she did not refuse at all and came directly to participate.

She wants revenge!

She wants crazy revenge!
she wants……

Although the hand holding the sign was shaking a little, she still held it firmly.

The door of the villa opened, and she finally saw Yan Xianzhen's face again.

In the past, when facing this face, she felt more helpless than resentment.

But now, she felt that she was still looking down when she saw this figure.

There is also a hint of pleasure.

Especially seeing how angry he was.

"Get out, get out of here!"

Before Yan Xianzhen came over, she shouted loudly: "If you don't get out, don't blame me for being rude."

"You bastards!"

If it were in the past, Luo Youwei would never have dared to speak out after being insulted like this by Yan Xianzhen.

But now, she is no longer afraid.

Looking at the crazy Yan Xianzhen, she said without fear: "Yan Xianzhen, if we are trash, who are we?"

"Trash can?"

"I think you're a piece of shit!"

Luo Youwei's words were like an order. As he spoke, almost everyone shouted: "Yan Xianzhen, you are rubbish!"

"Yan Xianzhen, get out!"

"Yan Xianzhen, you are a scumbag!"


One person's curse is naturally not as good as the voices of so many people shouting together.

For a moment, Yan Xianzhen's face turned livid.

He never thought that he would encounter such a thing.

"Take their signs off for me!" Yan Xianzhen, knowing that words alone were useless, rushed towards Luo Youwei crazily.

He wants to take back the sign that says Return My Child from this woman's hand.

If she keeps holding it like this, his reputation will be completely ruined.

But when he rushed over, what he saw was not Luo Youwei's fear, but a smile.

A cold smile.

A smile full of sarcasm!
Just when he was shocked, he heard someone say coldly: "What are you doing?"

This man was very tall, like a pillar, blocking Yan Xianzhen's body.

Yan Xianzhen was stunned for a moment, then looked at the man and said, "I...I want to take the sign from their hands."

"What does it have to do with you!"

Hearing what Yan Xianzhen said, the big man touched his nose and said coldly: "I think you don't want to take away their sign, you want to take away our banner."

As he spoke, the man pointed at the banner behind Yan Xiazhen and said coldly: "Get out of here, or I'll slap you!" Hearing this, Yan Xiazhen's hands trembled.

If he couldn't beat the opponent, he would just do it.

Just when thoughts were surging in his mind, he heard the man say: "What, are you going to fight me?"

Yan Xianzhen ignored that person, but looked coldly at the banner hanging at the door of her house, and saw it read: "The sky is high and things are dry, MiKe Electronics reminds you to be careful about fire prevention."

MiKe Electronics, Shen Lin!
He is taking revenge on himself!
As she became increasingly angry, Yan Xiazhen slowly calmed down.

He looked at the big man blocking in front of him, then glanced at the housekeeper and others who were also passively blocking him, and then said word by word: "I already know what you do."

"I really feel that our Yan family is easy to bully."

"I'm telling you, within half an hour, I'm going to make you get out of here."

While speaking, he picked up his mobile phone, dialed a number directly, and then said coldly: "Brother Tiger, I am Yan Xianzhen!"

"Someone is making trouble in front of my house. I hope Brother Tiger will not let me down."

While speaking, Yan Xianzhen hung up the phone.

Brother Tiger is also a famous figure in Xiangjiang.

The impression given to many people is that they dare to fight and fight hard.

He has been trying to please Yan Xianzhen these days, and even patted his chest and told Yan Zhenzhen that he would take care of matters that Major General Yan didn't want to take care of and leave them to him, and he would definitely take care of them.

Now, give him this chance yourself.

The tall man ignored Yan Xianzhen's threat and still stood aside coldly.

Luo Youwei and others showed worries on their faces.

Although they hated Yan Xianzhen, they also knew the prestige of the Yan family.

In this situation, they can't help but worry.

However, thinking of the guarantees they had given before coming, they did not flinch, and stood in their positions one by one, waiting quietly.

Time passed little by little, and Yan Xianzhen kept looking at his watch.

15 minutes, 10 minutes, 25 minutes...

Just when Yan Xianzhen felt a little impatient, a black car drove over.

Seeing the car that could seat more than ten people, Yan Xianzhen's lips showed a smile.

He felt that this matter was safe.

After this incident is over, he must teach Shen Lin a lesson.

When the car door opened and a middle-aged man with a wide body and a black beard walked out, Yan Xianzhen's heart was filled with joy.

He felt that Tiger was very dedicated in his work this time.

They are all looking for tough men!
This man's size and fighting ability should be as good as those standing in front of him.

But what Yan Xianzhen didn't expect was that following the tall man down was a young woman dressed in business white-collar style.

The woman also held a microphone in her hand.

"Big guy, I am Li Meng from the wireless station. We came here today because we heard that there is a promotion here about Mihu Electronics caring for users."

"Everyone knows that MiKe Electronics is a top big company, one of the top [-]. Their core products are..."

Although Li Meng introduced MiKe Electronics in his words, the content of the camera was focused on the women who were seeking justice.

This situation made Yan Xianzhen feel extremely uncomfortable.

He knew very well that these people were all coming for him.

For a moment, his whole body felt like he was about to collapse.

Just when he was about to step forward to stop him, the big man standing in front of him reached out his hand again and said: "Please don't delay our company's advertising."

Yan Xianzhen felt her hands tremble when she heard the word "advertisement".

Advertisement, is this what your advertisement looks like?

Are you bullying me for not reading?
"Is this an advertisement?" Yan Xianzhen yelled.

The big man said coldly: "This is just advertising, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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