Chapter 2311 Helpless
Yan Xianzhen's nose was so angry that she was crooked!
But it's no use!

He knew that at this time, he was a scholar meeting a soldier, and he couldn't explain why.

After a burst of anger, he could only stand aside helplessly, waiting for Brother Tiger to send someone.

When his subordinates who can fight come, he will deal with these guys one by one.

Let them know that they are not easy to mess with.

But more than half an hour later, the reporter had already discussed the future development direction of MiKe Electronics with a manager of MiKe Electronics who seemed to have a very good demeanor, but the person he was looking for still did not come.

The camera was always filming his ex-girlfriends.

If he continues like this, how can he face others?


Yan Xianzhen became increasingly angry, and his whole body was filled with resentment.

I don't know how long it took, but the housekeeper standing behind him said: "Master, why don't we go home first and take a rest."

Upon hearing this suggestion, Yan Xianzhen felt the anger in her heart burst out instantly.

He waved his hand and gave the butler a slap in the face, then angrily shouted: "Get out!"

When Yan's father was in charge of the house, the housekeeper was the elder in the family. It can be said that he was always highly valued.

Now that Yan Xianzhen was slapped in the face like this, his face was a little offended.

But after all, he was a loyal servant of the Yan family. Although he felt that his face had been lost, he still stood aside honestly and said nothing.

However, the other servants of the Yan family looked at Yan Xianzhen with eyes full of resentment.

Yan Xianzhen ignored these.

In his opinion, these servants should serve him.

He picked up the phone and quickly dialed Brother Tiger's number.

But he could only hear the beeping sound on the phone, but not the familiar voice of Brother Tiger.

Didn't Brother Tiger take his cell phone?
How can it be!

As far as Yan Xianzhen knew, Brother Tiger's cell phone was basically open at all times. If he didn't answer, there was only one possibility, and that was that he wasn't prepared to answer his call.

How dare a little person treat himself like this.

This is the courage of a tiger and a leopard!

As thoughts flashed through her mind, Yan Xiazhen wished she could drop her phone.

Brother Tiger can't do it, find someone else!

With thoughts surging in her mind, Yan Xianzhen quickly dialed other familiar numbers.

But I don’t know why. As long as I dial these calls, usually someone will answer them, now no one answers them.

It's like it's been discussed.

There are more and more people watching the excitement around.

Some people have even begun to vividly describe the love affairs of the eldest young master of the Yan family.

Listening to others teasing her, Yan Xianzhen wanted to rush over and fight these people to the death.

But in the end, he suppressed the resentment in his heart.

This matter is not over yet!

But Yan Xianzhen was powerless.

Finally, the loyal butler said again: "Master, I don't think it's a problem if the trouble continues like this. We'd better call the sirs and ask them to handle it!"

After listening to the housekeeper's suggestion, Yan Xianzhen felt very unwilling.

As a respectable family, being bullied like this, yet asking for help from Sir, is an insult to the Yan family.

But he looked at more and more people gathering around, and finally said: "You call the phone and ask them to clean it up."

The housekeeper agreed and dialed the phone quickly.

That is, 15 minutes later, Yan Xianzhen saw that the door of her house had become clean.Everyone is gone, and there is no nostalgia.

But the resentment in Yan Xiazhen's heart continued to rise.

He picked up the phone and dialed Boss Zheng's number directly.

After hearing Boss Zheng's voice, he said coldly: "Boss Zheng, it seems that you are really going to do something right with me."

"Let me tell you, from now on, our two families are not friends."

Upon hearing this, Boss Zheng's expression changed.

This was the first time in many years that he was pointed at and scolded like this!
And the person who scolded him was still a junior.

It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!

"Yan Xianzhen, you have no right to tell me this." There was a hint of coldness in Boss Zheng's voice.

Listening to Boss Zheng's angry words, Yan Xiazhen not only did not feel afraid, but laughed loudly and said: "Boss Zheng, Uncle Zheng, do you think there is anyone like you?"

"I was bullied to the point of being bullied. As an uncle, not only did you not support me, but you supported others to deal with me."

"Haha, Shen Lin's method is good, but apart from disgusting me once, what else can he do?"

"I'm telling you, he can't do anything."

Speaking of this, Yan Xianzhen said coldly: "Uncle Zheng, if you have any means, let Shen Lin use them, I will take them."

Boss Zheng didn't want to pay attention to Yan Xianzhen anymore, so he hung up the phone directly.

Yan Xianzhen's face became more and more gloomy as she listened to the beeping on the phone.

He began to think about the next thing, but he had basically never managed the family business, so at this time, he didn't know what to do at all.

Just as various thoughts were surging in Yan Xianzhen's heart, she heard someone suddenly say: "The young master is on TV!"

Hearing this voice, Yan Xianzhen walked over quickly and saw his picture on the TV at home.

"...Yan Xianzhen is a bastard who always gives up. When he was pursuing me, he promised us to get married in the future. But when I got pregnant, he..."

Listening to those words full of accusations, Yan Xianzhen's palms were trembling.

He naturally understood what these words meant.

However, although he was angry in his heart, he was helpless at this time.

The housekeeper came over quickly and turned off the TV.

"Master, I think you should discuss this matter with Boss Zheng..."

The housekeeper stopped mid-sentence because Yan Xianzhen was looking at him coldly.

Facing Yan Xianzhen's gaze, he had to shut up.

Yan Xianzhen left without saying a word and strode away.

Yan Xianzhen returned to her room. She had just smoked a cigarette when she received a call: "Brother Yan, come and take a look. There are many of your ex-girlfriends at the door of your company."

"They are all holding signs, asking for justice from you."

Hearing the words on the phone, Yan Xianzhen jumped up immediately.

He originally thought that it was over after these people left his home, but he didn't expect that they would actually run to the company again.

Without any hesitation, he rushed to the door and shouted at the housekeeper: "Go and notify the company's security and ask them to immediately clean up those who are making trouble."

"If they can't clean it up, tell them to get out."

Hearing this roar, the housekeeper hesitated again and again, but finally said nothing and quickly picked up the phone.

But ten minutes later, the housekeeper came to Yan Xianzhen again and said, "Master, the security guard said there is nothing they can do. I suggest you call Sir!"

Hearing this, Yan Xianzhen's face twitched heavily.

He was moved to lose his face this time.

But at this moment, he seemed to have no other choice!

(End of this chapter)

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