Chapter 2312
In front of your home, in front of your company, there are also TV and newspapers...

For a time, the news about Yan Xianzhen's love affair was overwhelming.

In various versions, the four words that appear most often are chaos in the beginning and abandonment in the end.

Always give up!

Always give up!


At first, Yan Xianzhen felt that she didn't need to take this kind of slander to heart at all.

But as time passed, Yan Xianzhen discovered that he simply could not remain indifferent to such a situation.

He even felt deep pressure.

Those people who were familiar with him and had a good relationship with him were all avoiding him like the god of plague, and they didn't even bother to meet someone for a drink.

When he came to Mi Yuan's house again, he could only look at Yan Xianzhen who locked the door, and suddenly felt a trace of regret in his heart.

Although Mi Yuan is very beautiful, is it really worth fighting with Shen Lin for him?
I couldn't compete with Shen Lin, so this time I was disgraced...

Just as thoughts were surging in his mind, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Yan Xianzhen's mobile phone is a new brand produced by Walnut Company.

In fact, when he started, his favorite mobile phone was still a Mishell Electronics mobile phone.

But as the war with MiKe Electronics started, he had no choice but to replace his mobile phone with a Walnut mobile phone.

But he didn't know that although he gave up his favorite Mi shell phone, he was still using Shen Lin's products.

"Who is it?" Looking at the unfamiliar number, Yan Xianzhen asked impatiently.

"Cousin, where have you been?" An impatient voice came from the other end of the phone.

Yan Xianzhen felt very unhappy when she heard her cousin's words.

He doesn't think of this guy who doesn't live up to expectations and is obedient to his father as his cousin.However, over the years, he has grown older and has begun to maintain some superficial respect.

He snorted and said, "Cousin, just tell me if you have anything to do."

"I'm busy here, so I don't have time to chat with you."

Chen Yuanliang frowned, although this was not the first time he encountered this cousin's attitude.But at this time, he still felt a little unhappy.

But compared with what is happening now, his cousin's attitude is not a big deal.

After pondering for a while, he said in a deep voice: "Cousin, the board of directors just informed me that a shareholders' meeting will be held."

"Did you decide this matter?"

Although she has no feelings for the company, Yan Xianzhen was raised as the heir to the family after all.

Moreover, he also has a master's degree in business administration, so he naturally knows some things.

This sudden shareholders' meeting is definitely not a good thing.

Because this was not initiated by him, and he had no knowledge of it before.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Yan Xiazhen said eagerly, regardless of her dislike for Chen Yuanliang.

Listening to Yan Xianzhen's anxious voice, Chen Yuanliang hurriedly said: "Cousin, a friend of mine just called me and said that he had received a call from the board of directors and asked him to go to the shareholders' meeting at three o'clock this afternoon."

"He felt something was fishy, ​​so he asked me."

Yan Xianzhen said: "Please arrange someone for me immediately to prevent this shareholders' meeting from being held."

"Just say that our Yan family doesn't agree. We are the largest shareholder. No one can do anything we don't agree with."

Chen Yuanliang said: "Cousin, according to regulations, the shareholders' meeting will be held..."

"Who asked you to tell me this? Hurry up and do it."

"This shareholders' meeting is not a good thing."

"If it is held, it will be neither good for you nor me."

While speaking, Yan Xianzhen hung up the phone directly.

Listening to the beeping on the phone, Chen Yuanliang sighed.

My cousin has always had high ambitions and low ambitions.Does he really think that if he just says a word, the meeting will be stopped?
He really thinks too highly of himself.

The old chairman has fallen, and Yan Xiazhen is so unsatisfactory. Shouldn't he change his attitude?

Just when Chen Yuanliang was muttering in his heart, he heard someone say: "Mr. Chen, is it convenient now? I have something to discuss with you."

Chen Yuanliang looked at the smiling expression and finally said with a smile: "I have time, haha..."

As more and more news came out about him, Yan Xianzhen became more and more impatient.

On some TV programs, he even saw many women standing up to support the women he abandoned.

There was even a fat girl who said on TV that she must identify scumbags like Yan Xianzhen.

These treasure girls must never be harmed again.

Seeing these situations, Yan Xianzhen felt a little broken.

When did he arrive? This kind of mess has already...

"Beep beep..."

The phone rang again. Yan Xianzhen didn't want to answer the phone when she heard it ringing, but the phone kept ringing tenaciously.

After the impatient Yan Xianzhen answered the phone, she yelled angrily: "You'd better give me an explanation."

"Otherwise, this matter will never be over."

The caller on the other end of the phone pondered for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "Mr. Yan, I didn't want to disturb you."

"But now, I have to disturb you."

"I am the temporary secretary of our board of directors. I am informing you that you will attend the board of directors in half an hour."

"If you don't participate, it will be considered that you have given up your rights."

Hearing this, Yan Xianzhen's expression changed.

He said angrily: "Didn't I already tell Chen Yuanliang that this board of directors will not be open?"

"I'm telling you, from today on, you are fired."

"Also, you tell the people you asked to inform that there is no board."

Listening to Yan Xianzhen's overbearing words, the woman who informed him smiled and said, "Mr. Yan, you are not the chairman of the board of directors yet, so you have no right to remove me from my position."

"Also, let me inform you again that if you don't come, it will show that you have voluntarily given up your rights."

"By then, everything will be hard to say."

As she spoke, the woman hung up the phone.

Yan Xianzhen has always been the one to hang up on other people's phone calls. This was the first time that he had been hung up on.

He was so angry that he wanted to scold him back immediately.

But after a moment of hesitation, his reason prevailed this time.

So he called Chen Yuanliang directly. He wanted to scold Chen Yuanliang for not doing things well, and then asked Chen Yuanliang to clean up the mess.

"The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable..."

"The call you dialed is temporarily unavailable..."


Listening to the mechanical sounds coming from the phone again and again, Yan Xianzhen's heart slowly sank.

It was impossible that Chen Yuanliang could not be contacted at this time.

The main reason why he can't be contacted may be that he has betrayed himself.

Yan Xianzhen, who was angry in his heart, kicked the table, causing his feet to be extremely painful.

After sitting on the sofa for a while, Yan Xianzhen slowly calmed down.

Isn't it just a board meeting?He is not afraid.

In the hands of the Yan family, they hold 50.00% of the company's shares. Even if the board of directors meets again, they will not be able to turn things upside down!
(End of this chapter)

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