Chapter 2313 You Should Know Me
As a famous family, the Yan family's company headquarters is located in a 28-story building in Xiangjiang.

Standing on the top of this building, you can almost overlook the entire Hong Kong.

It can be said that the scenery here is very beautiful.

Although Yan Xianzhen doesn't like working, he still has to come here to work occasionally as he holds a position in the company.

He liked this feeling of looking down very much.

But this time, he couldn't be happy.

Because those ex-girlfriends are still gathered not far from the company.

Although it was not the main entrance of the company, he still felt that his face was being stepped on heavily.

This situation made him feel very uncomfortable.

But there was nothing he could do.

Because he couldn't change this situation.

After entering the company from the underground parking lot, he felt that he no longer felt as relaxed as before.

At this moment, I was like a rat crossing the street, about to be beaten at any time.

It was uncomfortable, even to him, it was very uncomfortable.

"Hello, Mr. Yan!" A receptionist greeted her when she walked into the office door.

Although the smile at the front desk still looked bright, Yan Xianzhen felt that the front desk was ridiculing him.

A small front desk person actually dared to look at me like this.

When I become the chairman, I will definitely fire him as soon as possible.

"Where is the board meeting?" Yan Xiazhen said angrily.

"Young Master Yan, it's in our big conference room on the top floor." The front desk said respectfully.

At this moment, more than a dozen people walked down quickly.

When these people saw Yan Xianzhen, they became extremely enthusiastic.

"Young Master Yan, you are finally here. If you hadn't come, I would have been looking for you."

"Someone is preparing to rebel!"

"Young Master Yan, some people have bad intentions, but don't worry, I am a veteran of the company. I was promoted by the chairman of the board. I will definitely..."

"Young Master Yan, we must not let them succeed in this kind of thing..."

Regarding these people who came to support him, although Yan Xianzhen didn't like their smiling expressions, on the surface, he still said quickly: "Everyone, please don't worry, the company belongs to our Yan family, and no one can change it."

"Some people don't know how to advance or retreat. I will let them know today. There is a price to pay for doing things."

"Everyone, please rest assured. I Yan Xianzhen guarantees that those who are loyal to our Yan family will be treated well."

As Yan Xianzhen spoke these words, smiles brightened on the faces of those who surrounded him.

And when these people surrounded her and walked towards the door of the conference room, Yan Xianzhen even felt like the king had returned.

There were already many people sitting in the conference room. After seeing Yan Xianzhen, these people's expressions were extremely calm.

Some people didn't even raise their heads.

And his cousin Chen Yuanliang was sitting among these people.

When he saw him coming, Chen Yuanliang lowered his head.

Such a situation made Yan Xianzhen's expression suddenly look ugly.

"Cousin, why didn't you say hello when I came?" Yan Xiazhen came directly to Chen Yuanliang and said in a deep voice.

Chen Yuanliang said nothing, but his face was full of embarrassment.

Just when Yan Xianzhen was about to speak again, someone said: "Cousin, what are you doing here?"

Hearing this greeting, Yan Xianzhen was stunned for a moment. He looked up and saw a fat middle-aged man talking to him with a cold face.

The moment she saw this man, Yan Xianzhen was stunned for a moment.

He couldn't believe his eyes because this person was very familiar to him. He was his cousin Yan Xianfu.

In the past, this smiling cousin was like a Maitreya Buddha in front of him.

As long as he talks, there is nothing he doesn't do without a smile.But now, this cousin looked at him coldly.

Such a situation made his heart skip a beat.

"Brother Fu, why are you here?" Yan Xiazhen's voice contained a hint of reprimand.

However, Yan Xianfu's words at this time were extremely leisurely.

He said calmly: "The reason why I am here is naturally because after my uncle became ill, there was no one in the company to take charge."

"I couldn't watch the company go into chaos, so I had no choice but to step forward."

"After all, our grandfather worked hard all his life to build this company."

"I can't watch it fall!"

Listening to Yan Xianfu's words, Yan Xianzhen's face suddenly turned cold.

"Brother Fu, are you mistaken? The development of this enterprise is entirely dependent on my father."

"You have no inheritance rights to this company at all."

"I think, you still..."

Before Yan Xianzhen finished speaking, Yan Xianfu had already said with a smile: "Cousin, it wasn't me who made a mistake, it was you who made a mistake."

"I own 5.00% of the company's shares, which was left by the old man back then."

“So I’m also able to be a shareholder in the company.”

Having said this, he pointed to a woman sitting next to him and said, "The combined equity of Ms. Zhang and all shareholders is just over 40.00%."

"Our equity has exceeded 50.00%."

"Now, more than 50.00% of the shareholders of this company support me. Cousin, do you think I have the qualifications?"

Yan Xianfu's words made Yan Xianzhen feel like he was struck by lightning.

He knew very well that if the company's chairman became Yan Xianfu, although he would still hold a large number of shares, his identity would actually change dramatically.

As soon as he thought about it, his eyes became a little more ferocious.

"Cousin, betrayed our Yan family?" Yan Xiazhen said angrily.

Yan Xianfu said coldly: "I just take back everything I deserve."

"I have no objection to my uncle being the chairman."

"But what can you do?"

"In addition to looking for women, you still look for women. You have ruined our family's reputation."

"I can't watch our family be destroyed in your hands, so I have to stand up and temporarily manage the company."

It was the first time for Yan Xianzhen to be scolded like this.

This feeling made his whole body want to explode.

He couldn't accept it, a submissive person, treating him like this.

But just when he felt extremely angry, the woman sitting next to Yan Xianfu said: "Director Yan, I think you should introduce me."

Yan Xianfu was very polite to this woman.

He immediately pointed at the woman and said, "Yan Xianzhen, let me introduce to you. This is our shareholder representative, Ms. Zhang Yuqing."

Zhang Yuqing stood up gently, smiled at Yan Xianzhen and said, "Young Master Yan, I'm afraid you don't know me, but I have been famous to you for a long time."

"I am Zhang Yuqing, representing Director Shen of MiKe Electronics. I have 15.00% of the voting rights in our company."

"Happy to see you."

At this moment, Yan Xianzhen finally understood everything.

He felt that everyone around him was looking at him with a look of ridicule.

For a moment, he didn't know what to say at this moment.

His heart was trembling, and so were his hands!

(End of this chapter)

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