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Chapter 2314 I watched with a smile

Chapter 2314 I watched with a smile

Shen Lin, all this is Shen Lin’s fault!

Not only did he bring his own reputation into disrepute, but he also cost him control of his company.

"Shen Lin, you and I are from different generations!"

Yan Xianzhen let out an angry roar, his eyes filled with angry flames.

When Zhang Yuqing saw this situation, a sneer flashed in his eyes.

Zhang Yuqing didn't take Yan Xianzhen's performance seriously at all.

You and Shen Lin are inseparable, and you are worthy of it.

What kind of person Director Shen is, cannot be compared to a young man like you who has never experienced hardships.

A sarcastic smile appeared on Yan Xianfu's lips.

This cousin has always looked down upon him.

But now, his cousin looks like a loser.

He also yelled that he and Director Shen were incompatible with each other, so was it just him?
"Xianzhen, you should go home first. This is not the place for you to stay."

"Don't worry, you will never go hungry if your brother has something to eat."

"But you also know that the company is in difficulty now, so we can't let you spend money randomly like before."

"I found out that the average worker's monthly consumption is 1 yuan."

"As for me, I can never stop you from spending money just because you don't work."

"From now on, your monthly expenses will be tentatively set at 5 yuan."

Having said this, he said to Zhang Yuqing and others: "Everyone, I know you feel that I am a little too kind to Yan Xianzhen."

"But who made him my brother?"

"I can't just ignore Xianzhen just because my uncle is hospitalized. That's not something I can do."

Yan Xianfu's words made Yan Xianzhen's eyes crack.

5 yuan!

It sounds like a lot, but when Shao Yan usually invites people to dinner, a meal would cost [-] yuan.

Now, this is his monthly living expenses.

"Yan Xianfu, you have no right to do this. Even if you are the chairman, you can't restrict my money."

Yan Xiazhen didn't have time to think about Shen Lin at this time, so he yelled at his cousin crazily.

Xianfu said calmly: "Cousin, I am the chairman, and I have the right to allocate how the company's money is used."

"What's more, the company's shares belong to our family, not just you and me."

"Fifty thousand is a lot!"

"Brother, if you think it's not enough, you can ask me for money."

"As a brother, I will never lose the money you spent, brother."

Yan Xianzhen didn't believe Yan Xianfu's words.

However, Zhang Yuqing smiled and said: "Chairman Yan really has a deep brotherhood. We shareholders will naturally support your decision."

"But I think companies really need to be more cautious with their money during difficult times."

Yan Xianfu hurriedly said: "Ms. Zhang is absolutely right. I will discuss it with Xianzhen later to see if we can reduce it some."

Yan Xianzhen glared at Yan Xianfu and others and said, "You want to occupy the company, there is no way."

"I'm telling you, I won't let you succeed."

"You all get out of here!"

Yan Xianfu looked at the crazy Yan Xianzhen, and for a moment he didn't know what to do.

And Zhang Yuqing really didn't like Yan Xianzhen who dared to compete with Shen Lin for Mi Yuan.

Seeing him acting rogue here, he said to Yan Xianfu: "Chairman, if someone is making trouble in the company, I don't think we can let it go."

"In that case, there will be no way to control the company's affairs in the future."

Yan Xianfu instantly understood what Zhang Yuqing meant.He was able to become the chairman of the company all because of Zhang Yuqing's support. If he offended Zhang Yuqing, he felt that he might not be able to continue as chairman.

So he waved his hand and said: "Here, call the security guard to come up and send Yan Xianzhen to her home."

In just half a minute, four or five security guards came over.

When Yan Xiazhen saw these people, she was about to struggle, but she was grabbed by the arm and pushed out.

Those who had followed Yan Xianzhen here had different expressions on their faces when they saw this situation, but they all remained silent.

At this time, they had fully understood the situation.

He knew that there would be no benefit in following Yan Xianzhen.

As the future chairman of the group, Yan Xianzhen was furious when he was pushed out of the company like this.

The moment he was released, he wanted to rush in again and take everything back.

But it was a pity that several tall security guards were firmly blocking his way.

No matter how much impact he made, it was like a dragonfly rocking a pillar and had no effect at all.

Even the last time, a young security guard got impatient and used too much force, pushing Yan Xianzhen to the ground.

Under such circumstances, Yan Xianzhen stopped attacking.

He looked at the tall building of his company, feeling full of frustration and unwillingness.

At this moment, he saw several people in front of him.

When he looked carefully, he saw Luo Youwei holding a "Return My Child" sign in her hand.

"I have nothing left. Now you are satisfied. Get out of here. I don't want to see you."

Yan Xianzhen yelled, his expression getting more and more crazy.

Luo Youwei smiled and said: "Hahaha, Yan Xianzhen also has today."

"I'm very satisfied with your current outcome."

"Hahaha, I just feel that this day has come too late."

"If this day could come earlier, I would be even happier."

"Hahaha, I'm so happy."

Yan Xianzhen looked at Luo Youwei who was laughing and didn't know what to say for a moment.

And when he unconsciously looked around, he saw those ex-girlfriends looking at him with contempt.

It seems like he is just a piece of stinky shit!

At this moment, there is a paparazzi who is not afraid of big things. He holds a microphone and interviews the ex-girlfriend of a third-rate star: "According to the news we just received, Mr. Yan Xianfu has become the new chairman of the company."

"What do you think about this matter?"

"Of course I looked at it with a smile. I felt that this matter came too late."

"If this day could come earlier, Yan Xianzhen wouldn't have hurt so many innocent people."

"Hahaha, I'm so happy."

Yan Xianzhen turned away. He couldn't stay here anymore. He didn't know what was waiting for him next?
Yan Xianzhen, who didn't know how he got home, was faced with his mother's gloomy face.

After seeing Yan Xianzhen's arrival, Yan Xianzhen's mother said coldly: "I heard that the chairman of the company became Yan Xianfu, and you were kicked out like a dog?"

Hearing this question, which was like a knife stabbing his heart, Yan Xianzhen's eyes were filled with anger.

He almost roared: "Yes, I was kicked out!"

"So what? I can't control the company, and neither can you."

Listening to her son's answer, Yan's mother almost fainted.

She pointed her finger at her son and said: "Nie Zan, Nie Zan, do you know that if you can't get the company back this time, you will never get it back in the future."

"Do you know that you will have big problems if you do this?"

Yan Xianzhen's hands trembled, but she finally said, "Now that Yan Xianfu is the chairman, what else can I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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