Back to 84: Getting rich from collecting rubbish

Chapter 2316 How about you change the place?

Chapter 2316 How about you change the place?

Yan Xianzhen returned home in a daze.

Everything at home was as before, but Yan Xianzhen felt that there was something a little strange in the way the servants at home looked at him.

These looks made Yan Xianzhen feel uncomfortable.

He really wanted to yell at these people and ask them to respect his future boss.

But he didn't know what to say.

Find someone to have a drink with!

Yan Xianzhen thought that getting drunk would relieve her worries, so she called her good friend.

The good friend hesitated for a while, but finally accepted his invitation and said he would bring a few people there.

Yan Xianzhen was used to being generous, so naturally she would not refuse such a request.

After making the appointment, Yan Xianzhen simply packed up and drove to a place where she often played.

This place looks very low-key, there is no sign, but in fact, it is a place where the second generation of Xiangjiang people often gather.

Yan Xianzhen herself is a frequent visitor here.

After he stopped the car, he said to the lobby manager who greeted him: "Arrange the best private room for me."

"A few more bottles of XO, I want to drink in the next two days."

In the past, the lobby manager did not dare to refute Yan Shao's arrangements.

He would even give Yan Xianzhen some tips to take his consumption and enjoyment to the next level.

But at this time, the lobby manager looked embarrassed.

Seeing the appearance of the lobby manager, Yan Xianzhen frowned and said, "Do you have any questions?"

"Shao Yan, I don't have any problem, and I respect you very much."


But what?This person didn't say anything immediately, but just looked at Yan Xianzhen with a strange look.

"What do you mean?" Yan Xianzhen was furious. He looked at the lobby manager coldly, and said with a sinister tone in his voice: "Are you afraid that I have no money?"

"No, how could Young Master have no money? It's just that we have this rule. Haha..."

The lobby manager was laughing and waving his hands quickly, as if he didn't mean it. But Yan Xianzhen felt that the lobby manager was actually telling him that this was what he meant.


He was simply insulting himself.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, he looked at the lobby manager with red eyes, and said coldly: "I won't give you a penny of money."


“Swipe my card.”

While speaking, Yan Xianzhen directly threw the black card in his hand over.

As the eldest son of the Yan family, when he throws out the black card, it is basically his highlight moment.

No matter how rude the person was to him just now, after seeing Heika, they would look at him with admiration.

After all, this is a black card.

Basically, it is a black card that can be swiped casually.

The lobby manager took the black card and his smile became even brighter.

After beckoning a waiter to swipe his card, he stood behind Yan Xianzhen like a subordinate.

"Shao Yan, you should understand us, we are all little people."

"Well, business is hard to do now, and you know our difficulties."

Hearing the lobby manager's untrue words, Yan Xianzhen snorted coldly.

Now, he can still feel the true feelings.

What is this person thinking? I think he doesn’t know.

However, he just responded lightly. He had already thought of a way to deal with this guy who looked down upon others.

Just when Yan Xianzhen was thinking about how to vent her anger next, the waiter who went to swipe his card came over with a strange look on his face.

The waiter didn't say anything to Yan Xianzhen, but whispered to the lobby manager.The lobby manager, who had been so cheerful, suddenly became serious.

Just when Yan Xianzhen thought there was something wrong with this guy, he heard the lobby manager say: "Young Master Yan, our waiter just went to swipe your card and something unexpected happened."

"Your card is blocked."

Yan Xianzhen's expression suddenly changed when she heard that her card had been frozen.

He grabbed the waiter's shoulders and said with a hint of urgency in his voice: "What did you say?"

"Sir, your card is really blocked."

"If you don't believe me, you can come with me and have a look."

In the past, Yan Xianzhen would have ignored swiping his card, but now, when he heard that his card had been frozen, he suddenly became a little anxious.

Not paying attention to anything else, he quickly followed the waiter to the front desk.

Sure enough, when the black card was swiped on the card machine, the words "frozen" appeared.

Yan Xianzhen's eyes suddenly turned red.

He snorted and said, "I took the wrong card, please change it."

While talking, Yan Xianzhen took out another spare card of hers.

Although this card is not as good as the black card, there is still no problem if you usually spend 2000 million or [-] million.

But what Yan Xianzhen didn't expect was that this card also showed that it had been frozen.

"I still have……"

As Yan Xianzhen took out the cards one by one, all he saw were frozen words.

There is no need to explain this kind of situation at all, everyone knows what it is.

After Yan Xianzhen's last card showed that it had been frozen, the lobby manager smiled and said, "Young Master Yan, I'm very sorry. I think... I think you should spend money somewhere else."

"After all, it's not cheap here!"

These words made Yan Xianzhen's face flush.

If it were in the past, he would have beaten people.

But the experience of these two days made him improve a lot.

Looking at the lobby manager who looked like he was nothing more than that, Yan Xiazhen pondered for a moment and then said: "Brother, I have already made an appointment with a friend."

"Let's do this. Let my friend go to the private room first."

"I will definitely send the money over tomorrow."

The lobby manager looked at Yan Xianzhen, who looked solemn, and finally said, "Young Master Yan, you are our old customer."

"I am also very nostalgic."

"I can't let you lose face, Mr. Yan."

"Now I will ask someone to open a private room for you, but my power is limited, so your consumption here today cannot exceed 1 yuan."

"If it exceeds [-], you can only pay in cash."

As he spoke, the lobby manager said to a guest who was striding over: "Mr. Chen, if you want to come, why don't you call us in advance so that we can prepare..."

Mr. Chen, whom Yan Xianzhen also knew, was the general manager of a small company.

In the past, people like this were not looked upon by Yan Xianzhen.

But at this time, Mr. Chen just glanced at him calmly, and walked to the elevator surrounded by the lobby manager.

He didn't pay any money at all and walked directly into the lobby.

This situation made Yan Xian gnash his teeth in hatred.

Why pay first? This is basically for yourself.

The dog's eyes are so hot!

One day, I will let you know the consequences of offending me.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Yan Xianzhen was led by the waiter to a private room.

But when he saw the size of the private room, he frowned, because this private room, which was more than 20 bungalows, even though it had a sofa and so on, was really far behind compared to his previous private rooms.

(End of this chapter)

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