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Chapter 2317 You are too far behind

Chapter 2317 You are too far behind
In just over ten minutes, the door was pushed open.

A young woman with dyed yellow hair walked in. She glanced at the private room and cursed: "Such a small private room, this is too rubbish."

Hearing these words, Yan Xianzhen's lips trembled.

For a long time, few people spoke to him like this.

This made him feel extremely angry in his heart.

Just when he felt angry, the woman's eyes fell on Yan Xianzhen again.

She knew Yan Xiazhen, and after glancing at Yan Xiazhen twice, she opened the door and walked out.

Yan Xianzhen thought this young woman was pretty just now, but she didn't expect that she would just leave.

Just when he chased out instinctively, he heard the woman talking on the phone: "Brother Ma, what are you talking about?"

"A loser who even lost his company found a small private room. Aren't you embarrassing me?"

"Okay, I won't tell you anything anymore, I'm leaving first."


Listening to these words, Yan Xianzhen's eyes were filled with tears, but there was nothing he could do.

He returned to the private room, picked up a glass of wine, drank it, and then quietly waited for his friend to arrive.

But time passed little by little, and no one knocked on the door except the young woman with yellow hair.

Impatient, he dialed his friend's phone number directly.

But what came from the phone was the voice of the person on the phone.

Hearing these voices, Yan Xianzhen's face turned ferocious.He knew that he might have been blacklisted by the other party.


A dog-like thing, it used to follow me around and beg for mercy, but now, it dares to do this to me!
When I get everything back in my family, I will definitely ruin your reputation.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Yan Xiazhen walked out of the private room cursing.

There was no one to send him as a gift, let alone anything else.

But just as he was about to go out, he was stopped by the security guard.

Listening to the words asking her to pay the money, Yan Xianzhen felt like she was going crazy.

Yan Xianzhen finally left the bar after being stopped by security for half an hour.

He could feel that many people were looking at him.

He could feel the sarcasm in these eyes.


Angry, unwilling, annoyed...

Thoughts were swirling in Yan Xianzhen's heart. The moment he came to the street, he made up his mind.

No matter what, he wants to get back everything he lost.


Do we have to find Shen Lin?
No, this is not necessarily the case!
In Xiangjiang, there are many big bosses.

If Boss Zheng doesn’t help him, he can still go to Boss Li or Boss Huo!

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Yan Xianzhen made up his mind.

In just half an hour, Yan Xianzhen had arrived in front of a villa.

The momentum of this villa is eight times greater than that of their Yan family's villa.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" The personable concierge said with a hint of smile and elegance.

Looking at the concierge's calm expression, Yan Xianzhen said, "I'm looking for Boss Li, please tell him that Yan Xianzhen from the Yan family is here."

The concierge hesitated for a moment, then said with a smile: "Young Master Yan, our master has gone on vacation these two days."

"If you need anything, you can call."

Hearing this, Yan Xianzhen's expression suddenly turned ugly.

He had just checked Boss Li's itinerary through a friend and knew that the boss was at home now.

But I just reported my name here, and the concierge didn't even report it, but gave me such an answer.

What is this for?
Is this looking down on yourself?

The anger that had been suppressed in his heart suddenly burst out.

He slapped the concierge who blocked him in the face. "You dare to stop me no matter what. Open your eyes and see clearly that even though your young master Yan is down and out, nothing like you can stop him."

"Get over here and report!"

The concierge covered his face, his expression full of anger.

"Young Master Yan, I don't know how to stop you. It's the master who is really not at home."

The concierge, who knew Yan Xianzhen's identity, finally said with great frustration.

Looking at the concierge who was still trying to stop him, Yan Xiazhen's expression turned extremely ugly.

He said coldly: "Get out!"

As he spoke, he rushed towards the villa.

"Young Master Yan, you can't go in. The master is really not at home!" Although the concierge was beaten, he still stepped forward quickly.

For him, if he cannot stop Yan Xianzhen, his future will probably be very miserable.

Yan Xianzhen ignored the concierge at all and continued to rush forward.

In just a few seconds, Yan Xianzhen had already walked through the door.

Just as he continued to move forward, he heard someone say: "What are you doing? Stop."

Hearing this, the concierge stopped, and Yuan Xianzhen also looked towards the person who spoke.

The person speaking was a middle-aged man in his 30s. Although he was not tall, he was extremely stable.

Seeing this person, a smile appeared on Yan Xianzhen's lips.

"Brother Li, do you want to stop me too?"

There was a trace of embarrassment on the middle-aged man's face: "Xiaoyan, we have always been on good terms."

"If I can decide this matter, I will definitely help you."

"But you know, I really can't make the decision on this matter."

"So, you'd better go back to save us some embarrassment when we meet again later."

Yan Xiazhen looked at Brother Li who was rubbing his hands, and for a moment, he felt aggrieved.

He said excitedly: "Brother Li, we are a good family."

"When you wanted to start your own business, my dad helped you a lot."

"You pat your conscience and say, if my father hadn't helped you back then, would you have really been able to pass Uncle Li's test?"

"you you……"

Brother Li's face suddenly turned livid. What happened back then was like a curse to him.

He really didn't like anyone mentioning what happened back then.

But the person who mentioned it was Yan Xianzhen, which made him very uncomfortable.

Facing Yan Xianzhen's accusation, he took a breath and said, "Xiao Yan, I stopped you because I didn't want you to come out in despair."

"You should know what kind of person my father is."

"Do you think that the friendship you talk about can really make my father change his mind?"

"You should think about what you are compared to Shen Lin."

These words were like a slap on Yan Xianzhen's face.

For a moment, Yan Xianzhen felt like he didn't know what to say.

Just when he was hesitating, Brother Li had already continued: "In your case, the person who untied the bell must also tie the bell."

"Boss Zheng has already told you the solution, so don't think about anything else."

"No one wants to offend Shen Lin."

"Even if your father recovers, everyone's choices will be the same."

This last sentence made Yan Xianzhen's heart tremble.

This was not a fact he could accept, but Brother Li's words forced him to accept it.

After hesitating for a while, he turned away.

Brother Li sighed and walked towards the inside of the villa.

In the courtyard of the villa, two people were playing chess.

(End of this chapter)

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