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Chapter 2318 Unexpected Forgiveness

Chapter 2318 Unexpected Forgiveness

The people playing chess are one old and one young.

The old man has a strong spirit and gives people a feeling of being shrewd and capable.

The young man playing chess seemed a bit ordinary, but his demeanor was not much worse than that of the old man playing chess.

Li Ershao glanced at the two people playing chess and stood aside obediently without speaking.

When he arrived, the young man just smiled and did not speak.

The old man asked, "Have you driven away that silly boy from the Yan family?"

"Father, I have asked him to go back." Second Young Master Li said respectfully.

The old man scolded: "Lao Yan is good at everything, but he doesn't know how to educate children, and that's why he created such a sin."

"If I had such an unsatisfactory guy in my family, I would have dealt with him severely to save myself from embarrassment."

After listening to the old man's words, the young man who was playing chess smiled and said: "Boss Li, as the saying goes, a jade cannot be made into a useful tool if it is not polished. Yan Xianzhen needs to be disciplined."

"Let him experience more failures, it will be better for him now."

Li Ershao couldn't help but feel a little more emotional when he heard these light words.

He knew that because of these few words, Yan Xianzhen's life would become even more difficult.

Although he is Yan Xianzhen's good friend, he is not prepared to help much in this matter.

After all, everyone chooses their own path.

He was not prepared to help Yan Xianzhen clean up the mess.

Boss Li smiled and said: "Director Shen is right, let him experience more blows, it will be good for him."

"But Mr. Shen, his father has a good relationship with us after all!"

"It would be a bit unsightly if he was left to be beaten to a bloody head."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Don't worry, Boss Li. I know you are a person who likes to help friends."

"So I will never make it difficult for you to do this."

"Yan Xianzhen will be taught a lesson, but his future will still be about food and clothing."

"After this incident is over, he or she can even take charge of some of the Yan family's business."

"But whether I can replace Yan Xianfu as the chairman of the Yan family is not something I can decide."

Boss Li moved the chess piece slightly, and then said with a smile: "Yan Xianzhen is too young, so it is not impossible to let his cousin take charge for a while."

Having said this, he smiled and said, "We don't have to worry about a child anymore."

"Director Shen, now that the Qunxing Group has been put on the back foot, Mr. Toros and the others have made a lot of profits with their capital!"

"Where do you think Mr. Toros and the others will start next?"

Looking at Boss Li who looked like he was asking for advice, a smile appeared on Shen Lin's lips.

He really wanted to tell the other party that we are all foxes with thousands of years of experience, so we should stop playing this trick.

But in the end, Shen Lin chose to go around in circles and said, "Boss Li, what do you think?"

"As far as I know, your fund has made great gains during this period!"

Boss Li smiled and said in a stiff voice: "I just make a little money with Director Shen. The one who really makes the big money is you, Director Shen."

"Now Taiyu Group's advantageous assets have been integrated into your hands."

"I believe that if Director Shen manages the business well, these assets may turn into a new Mihu Electronics."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "After Qunxing Group gave up, I think the most likely one is Xiangjiang."

"After all, in the eyes of Toros and others, this place is a piece of fat!"

Boss Li had already made judgments about this kind of thing, so after Shen Lin finished speaking, his expression was extremely calm.

He picked up a chess piece and placed it on the chessboard, and said softly: "If Toros and the others come over, our losses will be huge."

"I think we can't just let it go!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "I wholeheartedly agree with what you said, Boss Li." "As the saying goes, water will come to cover us, and we have the advantage of the location, so we are not without the ability to fight back."

Boss Li remained silent, as if he was deep in thought, but Shen Lin knew very well that Boss Li probably already had the answer to the current question.

"Director Shen, are you sure?"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Boss Li, it's hard for me to answer your question."

"No one can say that anything is [-]% sure."

"It's just that for some things, people are forcing us to come to our door. Do we have any other options?"

Looking at the calm Shen Lin, Boss Li nodded gently and said, "Yes, people have come to the door, we can only deal with it."

"Director Shen, I, Old Li, am not a person who likes to be subdued."

After the game of chess was played, Shen Lin said goodbye and left.

When he came to Xiangjiang this time, besides meeting with Boss Li and others, he also had many things to do.

After being sent out of the house by Boss Li, Shen Lin returned to the villa where he lived.

But what Shen Lin didn't expect was that before the York Hansen he was waiting for came over, an uninvited guest came to the door.

This uninvited guest turned out to be Yan Xianzhen.

Hearing Shi Congyun reported Yan Xiazhen's visit, a hint of surprise flashed in Shen Lin's eyes.

But in the end, Shen Lin still smiled and said to Shi Congyun: "Then I will meet him."

Shi Congyun wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't.

Half a minute later, Yan Xiazhen was led over by Shi Congyun.

Shen Lin looked at Yan Xianzhen, who looked nervous and a little red, and said calmly: "Mr. Yan, do you have anything to do with me?"

Yan Xianzhen opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

But when time passed little by little, he finally said: "Shen...Dr. Shen, I was wrong about this matter."

"I don't know how high the sky is and how high it is, so I shouldn't challenge you."

"Please forgive me this time, Mr. Shen."

Listening to Yan Xianzhen's words, Shen Lin curled the corner of his mouth slightly, and then said calmly: "Mr. Yan, I forgive you, you can leave."

Yan Xianzhen was stunned!
When he came to apologize this time, it can be said that he hesitated for a long time.

However, the change in status made him finally make up his mind.

He couldn't let himself become a pauper.

So he came to Shen Lin.

He hopes to regain everything he has lost.

Originally, he thought that this time would be a very difficult thing, but he did not expect that Shen Lin would forgive him so easily.

This made him a little bit unable to believe that it was true.

"Director Shen, are you...are you sure you forgive me?"

Yan Xianzhen's voice trembled a little.

"Yes, I don't take such small things to heart." Shen Lin said calmly.

"Then...then when will you ask Yan Xianfu to give up his position as chairman?" Yan Xianzhen's voice contained a hint of urgency.

At this time, he felt that Shen Lin should just teach him a lesson.

Everything I lost should be back soon.

But after hearing what he said, Shen Lin did not answer immediately. Instead, he said in an unexpected voice: "Mr. Yan Xianfu's position was chosen by the shareholders. Why should he give it up?"

"What's more, whether he gives up this position or not has nothing to do with me."

"Mr. Yan, are you in the wrong place?"

(End of this chapter)

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