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Chapter 2319 I've Already Apologised

Chapter 2319 I've Already Apologised

Yan Xianzhen looked at Shen Lin with wide eyes.

If eyes could kill, then Shen Lin might have died countless times.

His expression was filled with anger.

He threw away his dignity to apologize!
It can be said that Shen Lin has trampled everything under his feet.But now, Shen Lin actually said this.

He accepted the apology, but he refused to remove his cousin from his position as chairman.

Is he playing with me?

In anger, Yan Xianzhen yelled angrily: "Shen Lin, you... you are despicable. You asked me to apologize to you, but you are so unfaithful."

"you you……"

Looking at the roaring Yan Xianzhen, Shen Lin said calmly: "Young Master Yan, are you mistaken? I have never said anything to ask you to apologize."

"Besides, do you really think that just because you apologize, the group can be given to you?"

"Don't you feel too good about yourself?"

At this point, Shen Lin's expression became a bit colder and he said, "As human beings, we should not be too confident."

Looking at Shen Lin who was smiling, Yan Xianzhen's heart trembled even more.

He wanted to say something, but couldn't!
Just when he was at a loss, Shen Lin had already waved his hand and said, "Young Master Yan, I still have something to do, so I won't stay with you any longer. Go away without seeing me off!"

Yan Xianzhen really didn't want to leave at this time.

But it was no longer up to him to decide whether to leave or not.

Several security guards came over, quickly helped Yan Xianzhen, and helped him out directly.

"Shen Lin, I will never let you go!"

"You have to die!"

Yan Xianzhen's voice was full of resentment, but at this moment, no one paid any attention to him.

When Yan Xiazhen was pushed out of the door of Shen Lin Villa, Yan Xiazhen finally calmed down.

At this time, he was not angry but regretful.

Why did you provoke him when you had nothing to do?
Now the family business that he was supposed to inherit has become his cousin's.

He knew very well that his cousin would never give him a chance to take back the family business.

Without the support of the family business, he Yan Xianzhen will be just a nobody in the future.

Thinking of words like "little people", Yan Xianzhen's heart was filled with sadness.

Just when Yan Xianzhen's heart was filled with annoyance, a black car stopped in front of him.

Yan Xianzhen instinctively looked up and saw her chubby cousin Yan Xianfu standing in front of him with a smile.

However, Yan Xianfu ignored him. Instead, he smiled and said to a staff member of MiKe Electronics who was standing at the door: "Hello, I am Yan Xianfu of the Yan family. Is Director Shen available now?"

"Mr. Yan, Director Shen is busy."

"If you have anything, I can help you convey it." Although the response from the Mihu staff was polite, it gave people a sense of arrogance.

Faced with this kind of arrogance, Yan Xianfu not only did not get angry, but instead said with a smile: "Please tell me that I hope that Director Shen will have some time and let me treat him to a meal."

"Okay, I will definitely convey it to Director Shen."

The corner of the staff member's mouth twitched. It was obvious that he couldn't accept someone who was older than Shen Lin but called Shen Lin an old man.

Yan Xianfu seemed not to notice the performance of the staff.

After saying a few words with a smile on his face, he came to Yan Xianzhen and said, "Xianzhen, get in the car. Director Shen asked me to pick you up."

Yan Xianzhen turned and left.

He didn't want to see his cousin arrogant.

In the past, he treated himself like a servant.

But what about now?There was a condescending air in his words.

It was as if he was his own master.

Yan Xianzhen felt that she couldn't accept this situation.But just after he took four or five steps, Yan Xianfu said coldly: "Xianzhen, you won't let me lower your monthly spending limit to ten thousand, will you?"

"Yan Xianfu, don't think that you are the chairman of the company, but my father is still the major shareholder."

"Why do you limit my spending?"

Yan Xianzhen roared crazily, as if he wanted to vent all his dissatisfaction on this cousin.

Yan Xianfu smiled softly and said, "Xianzhen, it's true that my uncle is the major shareholder."

"But, if the company doesn't run well, it won't be able to make money."

"If you can't make money, you can't pay dividends."

"Besides, our Yan family's stocks are subject to restrictions, and buying and selling them is not that easy."

Yan Xianfu was reasoning, but when he heard Yan Xianzhen's words, he felt a chill in his heart.

He looked at Yan Xianfu and didn't know what to do for a moment.


Yan Xianfu only said two words at this moment.

Yan Xianzhen hesitated for a moment, and finally followed him into the car.

The driver drove the car slowly. Yan Xianfu didn't say where he was going, and Yan Xianzhen didn't ask either.

The driver was even more aware of the grudges between the two brothers, so he kept silent.

In just 10 minutes, the two people arrived at the company's building.

Yan Xianzhen is very familiar with this place. Almost every time he comes here, he will receive the warmest welcome.

But this time, when he came to the company, almost no one greeted him.

Those who said hello were all saying hello to Yan Xianfu.

"Hello, Chairman!"

"Chairman, you look so good today!"

"Does the chairman have any arrangements? I'm available at any time..."

Listening to these flattering words, the corners of Yan Xianzhen's mouth twitched.

When they arrived at Yan Xianfu's office on the top floor, Yan Xianfu served someone a cup of coffee and then left.

"Xianzhen, do you think the company should be yours?" Yan Xianfu asked with a smile.

"The company's largest shareholder is still my father, so of course the company should be mine." Yan Xiazhen said angrily.

Xianfu, on the other hand, said calmly: "You are wrong. I hold the largest share of the stock. Even if my uncle comes over, it will still be the same."

"As long as Director Shen supports me, you can't take this company away."

Yan Xianzhen didn't know what to say for a moment.

At this moment, I heard Yan Xianfu say: "Have you ever thought about today's situation? Even if I hand over the company to you, you will bring down the entire company in a few years."

"You're talking nonsense. How can the company take off if it's in your hands, but it will collapse if it's in my hands?"

"You are clearly making excuses for yourself."

"Looking for an excuse to occupy the company."

Yan Xianfu smiled and said, "Whether I'm making excuses or not, you'll know after thinking about it."

"I don't understand, what qualifications do you have to provoke Director Shen Lin and Shen when you have nothing to do? No matter whether it is his strength or his ability, you can't compare with him."

"If you two had to compete, there would be one in heaven and one on earth."

"You... what are you!"

Yan Xianfu's last words made Yan Xianzhen feel extremely uncomfortable. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

Just when he was furious, Yan Xianfu had already said: "From now on, when you do something, consider the consequences."

"This is the advice my cousin gives you."

(End of this chapter)

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