Chapter 2322 Rejection Again
The calligraphy and painting worth more than 1000 million yuan is definitely one of the masterpieces in the hands of Boss Li.

At this time, Boss Li asked his son to deliver this gift to him personally. Shen Lin knew exactly what his purpose was.

Thinking of what he had discussed with Boss Li, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Thank you, Boss Li, for me."

"These days, I was looking for a great use for calligraphy and painting like this, but I didn't expect that I would encounter such a timely help as Boss Li."

Having said this, Shen Lin looked at Shi Congyun who was standing aside and said, "Congyun, help me choose a gift to give back to Boss Li."

Shi Congyun really didn't know what to say.

As Shen Lin's secretary, she knows that when she returns a gift, she usually returns something of equal value.

Where are these items in Director Shen’s hands now?
It's not that Shen Lin doesn't collect them, it's just that they don't exist here.

"Director Shen, why don't I send him here specially after I return to Beijing?" When asking this question, Shi Congyun felt a little uneasy.

Shen Lin patted his head and said, "Look at my head, I forgot that I was in Xiangjiang."

As he spoke, Shen Lin's eyes fell on a paperweight on his desk.

He hesitated for a moment, then picked up the paperweight and said, "Second Young Master, this paperweight is something I often use. Please give it to Boss Li as a gift in return."

"Please don't dislike it, Boss Li."

Looking at the stone paperweight in his hand, Mr. Li smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Shen. I will definitely bring your gift to my father."

"Goodbye, Director Shen."

Shi Congyun sent Mr. Li to the gate, and suddenly thought that the paperweight Shen Lin sent out seemed to be bought by her.

It seemed to have cost more than 1000 yuan at that time.

Director Shen paid back a gift of more than 1000 million yuan with more than 1000 yuan. This...

Thinking of the possible changes, Shi Congyun quickly came to Shen Lin and said, "Director Shen, the value of that paperweight is 1000 yuan."

"You gave him to Boss Li, right..."

Shen Lin waved his hand towards Shi Congyun and said, "Congyun, you don't have to worry about this matter."

"Boss Li gave me this calligraphy and painting. In fact, the value does not lie in the calligraphy and painting itself. He gave it to me because of Yan Xianzhen's incident."

"Actually, as long as I accept this calligraphy and painting, Boss Li will be very happy."

"As for the rest, you don't have to worry about it."

Looking at Shen Lin who looked calm, Shi Congyun didn't say any more.

But she still felt a little uneasy in her heart.

The next morning, Shi Congyun got up early and arranged for people to clean Shen Lin's residence.

Although Shen Lin said that there is no need to pay too much attention to this matter.

But knowing the status of Toros, she still tried her best to prepare everything comfortably.

No matter what, we can't lose Director Shen's face.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Toros arrived outside Shen Lin's residence on time.

Toros, who was dressed in a suit, was holding a bottle of red wine in his hand. When he saw Shen Lin, he smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, I have a bottle of good wine here. I brought it here to drink and share it with you."

"The so-called happiness of one person is not happiness, happiness is only when everyone is together."

Shen Lin shook hands with Toros, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Toros, let's have a drink later."

Behind Toros, there were several subordinates.

However, they are all professionally trained, and at this time, almost no one speaks.

After entering the living room, Toros started chatting with Shen Lin like a guest at a friend's house.

The content of the chat between the two people is miscellaneous, and it feels like a chat between two ordinary people.

The two even talked about some Hollywood romances. When they were happy, the two even laughed without grace.

"Director Shen, I found that the two of us have too many things in common." "So I think that if the two of us cooperate, we can definitely conquer all directions!" Toros said, looking directly at Shen Lin.

At this moment, he was like a swordsman who suddenly drew his sword, making it difficult for people to avoid it.

Shen Lin looked at the smile on Toros' face and said with a smile: "Mr. Toros, is this a coincidence? I feel the same way."

"Otherwise, how about we do another joint show outside of Xiangjiang?"

Shen Lin's tone was very sincere, as if he really wanted to join forces with Toros.

Toros's face suddenly became serious.

He asked Shen Lin to join forces, and Shen Lin directly gave him a problem, that is, not to be in Xiangjiang.

But if he doesn't make trouble here in Xiangjiang, does he need to find Shen Lin like this?

"Director Shen, I have to admit that you are a nostalgic person."

"But there are some things that you can't just miss the past."

Having said this, his expression showed a hint of solemnity and said: "The general trend is that everyone must choose the side that is most beneficial to themselves."

"And the reason some people don't choose is because they can't choose."

"If I were in your current situation, Director Shen, I believe that Boss Li would directly choose to board my ship. Does Director Shen believe that?"

Shen Lin looked at Toros, who looked very confident, and said with a smile: "Mr. Toros, of course I believe what you said."

"But, I am not Boss Li, let alone Boss Li."

Looking at the calm Shen Lin, Toros picked up the water glass and took a sip of water, his expression even calmer.

There was a hint of indifference in his voice: "Dr. Shen, do you know? If your decision is made, it will be equivalent to being my enemy."

"Of course, Director Shen may not care about being an enemy of an old man like me, but you have to know that our fund is not the only one behind me."

"You are against so many funds and so many people. Do you think you have a chance of winning?"

"If not, why force it?"

Shen Lin looked at Toros, who looked like I am all for you, and said with a smile: "Mr. Toros, we have a saying, there is no premeditated way!"

"Neither you nor the companion you mentioned are on the same path at this time, so naturally there will be no common goal."

"What do you say?"

Looking at Shen Lin who was smiling, Toros's face became extremely ugly.

He pondered for a while, and finally sighed and said: "Director Shen, the reason why I came to you specifically this time is because I don't want to be your enemy."

"I even think we can make a fortune together."

"After all, no one can live with money."

"But your choice is really disappointing!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Toros, I am really sorry for letting you down."

"But I have no other choice in this matter."

"Please forgive me."

Toros pondered for a moment and suddenly said: "Dr. Shen, I heard that your food is very good. I wonder if I am honored to taste it."

Shen Lin said: "Mr. Toros is so polite. You can taste our food. To me, that is a recognition."

"Haha, I'll make some arrangements right now. Let's get drunk and then rest."

Toros smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, I'm not polite."

While the two people were talking, they both burst out laughing.It was as if the dirty thing just now had never happened.

(End of this chapter)

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