Chapter 2323 The storm is coming
Although it is said that one can only get off after getting drunk, both Shen Lin and Toros are very sober.

Toros brought a bottle of red wine, and the two of them only drank half of the bottle.

After sending Toros away, Shen Lin took a short rest, dressed up, and came to Mi Yuan's residence.

Although Shen Lin's heart is full of contradictions about his relationship with Mi Yuan.

But the child has been born, and he must not ignore the child.

Since what happened to Yan Xianzhen, Shen Lin has strengthened the protection around Mi Yuan.

Because Shen Lin had already called Mi Yuan before coming, so when Shen Lin came over, Mi Yuan was waiting for him at home with her children.

Shen Lin had not had much contact with his other son in the past.

But looking at this face that looked very similar to Xiao Guoke, Shen Lin felt strange in his heart.

"Call daddy." Seeing his son staring blankly, Shen Lin took a breath, and then said to the child with a smile.

The child who had just learned to run was a little afraid of Shen Lin.

Hearing Shen Lin's words, he was stunned for a moment and then looked at Mi Yuan.

Mi Yuan's expression changed, and she answered with a smile: "Xiaobao, haven't you been asking where daddy is? This is daddy."

"Come on, call Daddy."

Mi Yuan's words are still very useful for children.

He said with a hint of anxiety: "Dad...Dad..."

Listening to the child's sweet words, Shen Lin responded with a smile: "Hey, call me one more."

Mi Yuan looked at Shen Lin teasing the child, and felt a little warmth rising in her heart.

From the time Shen Lin arranged for her to work here in Xiangjiang, to the accommodation he arranged for her, she already understood a lot.

She was a little resistant to this arrangement at first, but slowly, she accepted it.

She knew very well that no matter how hard she tried, she would never replace Lu Xiaorong's position.

The reason why Shen Lin made such arrangements for himself was mostly because of his children.

However, she was also satisfied with the situation at this time.

In Xiangjiang, I have a good job, some new friends, and my parents are also around...

Children get tired easily after playing for a while.

In just half an hour, the child felt a little sleepy.

After Mi Yuan handed the child to the nanny to take her to bed, she said to Shen Lin, "I'm going to cause trouble for you this time."

Shen Lin knew that Mi Yuan was talking about Yan Xianzhen, so he smiled flatly and said, "It's not your fault."

"You don't have to worry about him anymore. He shouldn't have time to bother you recently."

Mi Yuan said: "How long do you plan to stay when you come this time?"

Looking at Mi Yuan's expression, Shen Lin hesitated and said, "I will stay in Xiangjiang for more than half a month this time."

"There's some work to be done."

"When I have time, I'll come and see Xiaobao."

Mi Yuan hesitated for a moment, then followed: "Then you can come here more often when you have time, so as not to disappoint the little baby."

The two talked about the children for a while, then suddenly the topic stopped.

A gentle wind blew by, and for a while there was some silence in the courtyard.

"Ding ding ding..."

Just when Mi Yuan felt embarrassed, Shen Lin's phone rang.

Shen Lin has two phones. The work phone is mainly held by Shi Congyun.

Those who can directly call Shen Lin are basically the senior executives of MiKe Electronics and Shen Lin's family members.

After picking up the phone and taking a quick look, Shen Lin answered the call directly: "Mr. York, what's the matter?" "Dr. Shen, Toros has decided to launch an attack."

York Hansen said: "As far as I know, nearly [-]% of the funds support Toros."

Having said this, York Hansen said: "Director Shen, there are still some funds that have good relations with us and are asking about our options."

"What do you think we should do?"

Shen Lin said calmly: "Tell everyone that we will fight back against this short selling."

"You tell the funds that have a good relationship with us that I am optimistic about the stock market in Hong Kong. Our fund of Mihu Electronics will not let Toros do whatever he wants."

"If they must do what Toros does, they are going against us."

York Hansen said: "Okay, Director Shen, I will definitely convey this news."

After hanging up the phone from York Hansen, Shen Lin said to Mi Yuan: "I originally wanted to have a meal with my children, but I didn't expect that York Hansen would make trouble at this time."

Mi Yuan smiled and said: "It's okay. When you finish your work, it won't be too late for us to have dinner."

Shen Lin smiled at Mi Yuan, kissed the child hard on the face, and then turned and left.

In just half an hour, Shen Lin arrived at Boss Li's villa.

At this time, more than a dozen luxury cars had gathered outside Boss Li's villa.

The owners of these cars are basically the top rich.

If you don't have enough status, you won't be invited at all.

When Shen Lin arrived, Mr. Li, who was standing at the door, said quickly: "Dr. Shen, my father said that as long as you come, please come over immediately."

"Are everyone here?" Shen Lin asked Mr. Li.

Mr. Li hesitated for a moment and said, "I've been waiting for you."

Shen Lin nodded and walked towards the living room.

Before entering the living room, someone heard someone loudly say: "Boss Li, I don't think we can fight head-on with Mr. Toros and the others."

"It's not like you don't know Mr. Toros's record."

"President Li of the Stars Group, what kind of person is he? Didn't he obediently surrender to Mr. Toros?"

"If we had a head-on fight with Mr. Toros, I don't think it would be possible to win or lose."

"But we will definitely feel very uncomfortable, and it is very likely that we will go bankrupt!"

Hearing these words, Shen Lin frowned.

Before the war even started, some people began to surrender. Such people...

"Lao Wu, don't talk nonsense here. We still have Director Shen?" an old voice said; "Director Shen has expressed that he will work with us in the same boat."

"I think as long as Director Shen helps us, nothing will be a problem."

The man known as Lao Wu said: "Who can say for sure whether Shen Lin will help us? You know, he has joined forces with Toros on the matter of the Star Group."

"Perhaps, when Toros becomes more powerful, he will give up on us decisively."

"Our assets have all been saved little by little. Do we really want to have none left?"

"If you ask me, we might as well cooperate with Mr. Toros. In this way, even if we suffer a lot of losses, we can still keep the green hills and not worry about running out of firewood."

"I believe that as long as we have the capital, we can definitely make a comeback."

"This is much better than placing your hopes on Shen Lin."

Hearing this person mentioning himself again, Shen Lin no longer hesitated, pushed the door open and walked in quickly.

His arrival immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Even Lao Wu looked at Shen Lin with a hint of fear.

Shen Lin chuckled and said, "Everyone, I'm sorry for being late."

(End of this chapter)

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