Chapter 2324
As the organizer of this party, Boss Li saw Shen Lin walking in, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He stood up and said: "Dr. Shen, you came just in time, neither early nor late."

This sentence gives people a different meaning.

Lao Wu, who was just saying that Shen Lin was untrustworthy, glanced at Boss Li with a gloomy look.

He could feel the meaning behind Boss Li's words.

So at this time, he felt very unhappy.

Shen Lin smiled at Boss Li, then glanced at Lao Wu and said, "I came at the right time, neither early nor late."

"If I come early, I'm afraid people won't dare to talk nonsense."

"If you come late, you won't hear anyone talking nonsense."

"Mr. Wu, am I right?"

Lao Wu's face turned a little red at Shen Lin's words.

But after all, he is not an ordinary person, and he will not run away just because of Shen Lin's words.

After taking a breath, he replied with a smile: "Dr. Shen, it is said that good advice is hard on the ears but helps the actions. What I just said is the truth."

"Director Shen should know best what Mr. Toros is going to do. Do you think we can resist it, Director Shen?"

"If he can't resist it, Director Shen may lose a lot of money, but what we people will lose is our wealth and lives."

"So, I cannot leave everything I have in the hands of Director Shen."

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Shen Lin's eyes: "President Wu, we can be considered friends."

"If you want to give up and join Toros, I don't think anyone will blame you."

"After all, the money belongs to you, and it's yours to use it however you like."

At this point, Shen Lin paused and said, "However, it is unbearable for some people to do the hard work of climbing outside while eating from the pot."

"Since you have surrendered to Toros, why come to us to stir up trouble?"

Shen Lin's rude words made Mr. Wu's expression change.

He had taken refuge in Toros, but when Shen Lin said it so simply, his face became extremely ugly.

For a moment, he was speechless.

A series of eyes were focused on Mr. Wu's face at this time.

As the big boss of a company, Mr. Wu was not an ordinary person. He calmed down quickly.

"Director Shen, I don't think there is anything worth hiding about taking refuge in Mr. Toros."

Mr. Wu took a breath and said: "And the reason why I am here is actually only one reason, and that is that I treat you all as friends."

"I don't want to see my friends getting their heads bruised and bloody."

"I hope everyone can be sensible and make the right choice for themselves."

"Instead of being instigated by some people and thus losing the industry where I live and work."

Having said this, he deliberately looked at Boss Li and said, "Director Li, we have been working together for many years."

"You should know who I am, Lao Wu."

"The reason why I came here is so that everyone can avoid suffering big losses. I have absolutely no second thoughts."

Boss Li didn't expect that at this point, Lao Wu would actually drag him along.

Although he hated Lao Wu deeply in his heart, on the surface, he still said calmly: "Mr. Wu, I have always felt very clearly that I know who you are."

"But now, what you have done makes me feel extremely disappointed in my ability to recognize people, which I am proud of."

"Now, I really can't see what kind of person you are."

Lao Wu's face twitched. Those words he just said to Boss Li actually had a purpose.As long as Boss Li recognizes his character, a dispute can arise between Shen Lin and Boss Li.

And once two people have a dispute, it will be of huge benefit to him.

But he didn't expect that Boss Li would ridicule him for a while even if Shen Lin didn't take the bait.

Thoughts surged one after another, making his face become extremely uncomfortable.

"Haha, Director Li is right, you know people, you know faces, but you don't know hearts!"

"I originally thought Lao Wu was a good person, but I didn't expect that he would be so..."

"I always thought that Lao Wu was a good friend, but I didn't expect..."

Lao Wu, who felt that he couldn't stay any longer, did not dare to get angry at Boss Li.

There is still a gap between his current status and Boss Li. If he loses his temper at Boss Li at this time, he will be making himself uncomfortable.

So he directed his anger at Shen Lin.

"Director Shen, congratulations very much. You inspired Boss Li and others."

"But in a few days, I want to see how you end up."

"Especially when some stocks become blank sheets of paper!"

Having said this, he strode outside.

Shen Lin looked at Lao Wu who was walking away fiercely, and said calmly: "President Wu, the future is very long, we just have to look forward."

The departure of Boss Wu made the atmosphere in the room suddenly become much quieter.

Boss Li glanced around, and then said to Shen Lin: "Director Shen, everyone has arrived. This time Toros is coming fiercely. How do you plan to deal with it? Why don't you tell everyone."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Toros is indeed famous for his fierceness and seems to be invincible."

"But in fact, he is just a paper tiger. It's okay to bully those soft persimmons with huge flaws."

"But once he encounters hard rocks like us with no flaws, he will be the unlucky one."

Having said this, Shen Lin said: "Everyone, we are playing at home, so I think that after this nonsense, we should focus our main energy on the stability of the market."

"As long as it can be stabilized, no matter how many means Toros has, there is nothing he can do to us."

A short but smart-looking boss said: "Director Shen, how can we stabilize the market?"

"Do you want us to use money to cover it?"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "It is very important to support the price of stocks, especially the prices of the stocks of our major companies."

"As long as we all stabilize, everything can be stable."

"If everyone is unable to stabilize, there will be problems."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Of course we have to do these necessary things."

"However, after doing these things well, we must also do some other means to boost everyone's confidence in us."

Having said this, Shen Lin waved his arm and said: "As long as the market has confidence in our stocks, then Toros, no matter how powerful it is, can't do anything to us."

"And there are other ways to boost confidence besides money."

"For example, Boss Li's credibility is extremely believed by everyone present and most of the investors in Xiangjiang."

"If Boss Li gives a TV lecture on this matter, I believe many people will accept your point of view."

"Another example is publishing comments by some well-known financial personnel. For example, those of us who attended the party came forward to accept some exclusive interviews as appropriate."

"Also, I think we should also..."

In one breath, Shen Lin told some of the methods he knew in his previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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