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Chapter 2325 Looking forward to tomorrow

Chapter 2325 Looking forward to tomorrow
After more than an hour of discussion, most people left.

Although Boss Li has prepared the meal, no one will wait to eat at this time.

This is the most critical time for everyone.

Shen Lin did not leave immediately. He, Boss Li and three or four other people came to Li's restaurant.

At first glance, there is nothing outstanding here, but every utensil is carefully selected.

Shen Lin sat on the sofa casually, drinking a cup of tea.

Boss Li coughed and said, "Director Shen, there were so many people just now, it's not appropriate for us to say some things."

"But now, the people gathered here are all our own people."

"So I won't hide it!"

"I very much agree with the methods that Director Shen said to stabilize people's hearts."

"There are several methods among them. I thought about them and found them to be very good."

Having said this, Boss Li's expression became more solemn and said: "But we cannot let Lao Wu go as he is."

"If we don't come up with a charter and allow Lao Wu to act recklessly, the final loss will be the prestige of us people."

Shen Lin smiled faintly and did not say anything immediately.

Although his position in the party has become more and more important.

But for some things, Shen Lin became able to remain silent and was basically unwilling to speak.

Seeing that Shen Lin remained silent, Boss Huo continued: "I agree. If it is normal, everyone has different opinions, which is acceptable."

"But when everyone is most important, not only do they not help, but they stab them in the back. This kind of thing must be dealt with in time."

No one objected to the two bosses.

Boss Li glanced at Shen Lin and said, "Director Shen, among us, you have the sharpest vision. What do you think we should do?"

Shen Lin and Mr. Wu have no friendship.

What's more, the lack of speculation in what he just said has already made Shen Lin not have a good impression of this military commander.

When he heard Boss Li's question, he smiled and said: "I think we should be thunderous."

"Didn't he say that he wanted to adapt to Toros? Then let's smash him down."

"Break a bone in his stock in one day."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin suddenly said: "I heard that Mr. Wu has several important projects, all of which are cooperating with you guys."

"I see you guys, don't be polite."

"After all, it's a big no-no to be kind and soft-hearted."

Boss Li nodded and said, "Dr. Shen, you will be in charge of this action against Lao Wu."

"Although we have severed ties with Lao Wu, we still had friendship back then."

"It's hard to do anything with him!"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, leave this matter to me."

"But I think that in addition to our efforts on this matter, we also need efforts in other aspects."

He said to Boss Li: "We don't want the stock market in Xiangjiang to have problems, and naturally others don't want it either."

"These are our allies."

"In this matter, we must make our own allies more and the other party's allies fewer."

"Only in this way can we win steadily."

Having said this, he said to Boss Huo and Boss Li: "You two, why not take advantage of this moment to take care of some things."

Boss Li and Boss Huo understood what Shen Lin was talking about. They looked at each other and said solemnly: "We are both responsible for this matter."

"But Director Shen, in some aspects, you have greater influence!"

Shen Lin smiled but said nothing.As soon as the conversation was over, the servants of the Li family brought up a coarse porcelain jar. Boss Li said with a smile: "This jar of wine has been around for some time. Back then, it was still me..."

Shen Lin didn't pay attention to what Boss Li said about the history of wine.

His thoughts were all on the Chief Military Officer.

Mr. Wu was also drinking at this time!

The person he drank with was also a person who attended the party at Boss Li's house.

At this time, Mr. Wu's face was a little red, and his whole person gave people the feeling of scolding Fang You.

"Brother Sun, tell me what happened today. Has Boss Li lost his mind?"

"We brothers have been with Boss Li for many years. Although we cannot say that we have been through life and death, we have made a lot of contributions to him."

"But what about him? Not only does he not care about this, he actually believes in the words of a junior Shen Lin."

"Tell me something you don't like to hear. Who is Shen Lin?"

"Compared to our brothers, his friendship is not 01:30 worse."

Boss Sun held the wine glass and did not speak.

The reason why he agreed to Mr. Wu's invitation was not only because he had a lot of friendship with Mr. Wu, but also because he was afraid of Toros in his heart.

If Mr. Wu can help and connect with Mr. Toros, then his pressure will be reduced a lot.

"Brother Sun, let's not talk about Shen Lin's matters, let's talk about our own matters."

"I heard that Mr. Toros has set the first target of attack this time on the stock of Mihu Electronics."

"Just be optimistic, the price of MiKe Electronics' stock will definitely drop."

"If I have ideas about MiKe Electronics, I can join in. I dare not say anything else. I am sure that it will benefit me."

Mr. Sun said: "Lao Wu, MiKe Electronics' stocks have always been trusted by investors."

“Are you sure that the stock price of MiKe Electronics will drop?”

Lao Wu waved his hand and said, "Brother Sun, I can still lie to you about this matter."

"Mr. Toros is absolutely confident in taking action."

"Just wait, MiKe Electronics' stock will not fall unless it falls this time."

As he spoke, Lao Wu raised his glass and said, "Come on, let's have a drink first. I hope we can see a dizzy face tomorrow."

In his heart, Mr. Sun was quite willing to make friends with Shen Lin.

But at this moment, facing the wine glass raised by Lao Wu, he had no other choice.

After having a drink with Mr. Wu, he couldn't help but said: "Old Wu, I know that some of the things you said make sense."

"But seeing our hard-earned foundation being plundered wantonly makes me feel very uncomfortable!"

Mr. Wu smiled and said: "Old Sun, what you said really makes me feel that you have been living in vain all these years."

"The so-called non-toxic and non-husband!"

"All young people understand this sentence, why have you forgotten it?"

"Boss Li and the others are reluctant to part with their own business. I understand this, but I don't understand your choice."

"You, you must be more flexible."

"Only flexibility can allow us to develop better. Maybe after this incident is over, the two of us can sit in Boss Li's position."

"At that time, everything will be decided by us."

Mr. Sun was still undecided in his heart.

Although in his heart, he felt that what Mr. Wu said was reasonable, he was also afraid of Shen Lin, Boss Li and others.

"Brother, if you can't make up your mind now, just wait and see what the scene will be like tomorrow before you decide." Mr. Wu didn't force him, he just patted Mr. Sun on the shoulder and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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