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Chapter 2326: Rice Shell bucks the market trend and rises

Chapter 2326: Rice Shell bucks the market trend and rises

The sun still rises!

For ordinary people, this day does not make any difference.

But for some wealthy bosses in Xiangjiang, today is not an ordinary day.

They are all focused on today.

And the reason why they are paying attention is because a war is about to begin.

Many people are keeping an eye on MiKe Electronics’ stock.

Because these people have already received the news from Mr. Wu, MiKe Electronics will be in trouble, and MiKe Electronics’ stock will also fall.

Since its listing in Xiangjiang, the shares of MiKe Electronics have been sought after by investors. In the eyes of many investors, the shares of MiKe Electronics not only have great potential, but also maintain their value very well.

Therefore, many people advise investors to buy shares of MiKe Electronics if they have money.

It can be said that this is a stock that is welcomed by investors.

Why did MiKe Electronics’ stock fall?

Many people don't understand, but they still choose to be cautious.

After all, it’s all money invested.

"here we go!"

Someone roared, and with this roar, numbers appeared on the LED electronic screen in the stock trading hall.

A field of green numbers.

The moment they saw these numbers, many people were stunned.

"Let me go, the No. [-] stock actually fell!"

"My No. [-] blue stock also fell..."

"How is it possible? This No. [-] stock has not fallen in three years. Why did it fall..."


The drop in stocks is like a bolt from the blue to many people.

After all, most of them have invested their real money in the stocks they care about.

Now that these stocks are falling, the consequences...

Just when everyone was in a state of confusion, someone suddenly shouted: "Look, the stock price of MiKe Electronics has actually gone up."

“It’s true, it’s increased by 5.00%!”

“Although it’s not much, MiKe Electronics is really rising!”

"How can it go up? Didn't Lao Chen say that MiKe Electronics' stock is going to fall?"

In the midst of this chaotic discussion, someone said: "Does anyone buy the shares of MiKe Electronics? If you sell them while they are rising, you will definitely make a fortune."

"What to sell? MiKe Electronics' stock is rising against the market, and it may go even higher next."

"Why would you suffer a loss if you buy it now?"

"Haha, it's not like you tricked us into selling it, and then you can buy the shares of MiKe Electronics. Brother, let me tell you, this is not the right thing to do."


At this time, President Wu was sitting in his home office, looking at the computer screen.

When a green scene appeared on the screen, he felt very happy.

Because his funds have already joined Toros' team, this situation indicates that he is going to make money.

But when he saw that MiKe Electronics' stock was still rising, his face became a little ugly.

The news he got was that MiKe Electronics' stock would fall.

But now, it is rising.

This made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Just when he was thinking about whether he should call the person behind him and ask what was going on, the phone rang.

He hesitated for a moment, but still connected the phone.

"Mr. Wu, did you deliberately trick me? You told me that the stock of MiKe Electronics was going to fall. I sold all the shares of MiKe Electronics in my hands, but now it is rising." "Do you know, Your words have cost me more than 20 yuan!"

Although more than 20 yuan was really not a big sum of money to Mr. Wu, he felt very uncomfortable when he was being pointed at and scolded.

But at this time, he couldn't yell back.

"Brother Sun, we have been good friends for many years. I will never lie to you."

"I heard this news from Mr. Toros."

"Mr. Toros will not lie to us. There must be some misunderstanding about this matter."

Mr. Wu said good things for a while, and then he persuaded his friend.

"Mr. Wu, it's not good!"

A subordinate who was staring at the market said quickly: "Our stocks have fallen!"

After hearing the news, President Wu's expression remained unchanged and he said, "Why are you panicking? Isn't it expected that our stock will fall?"

"Why are you so panicked!"

Hearing this, the subordinate was stunned for a moment, and finally said: "Mr. Wu, our stock has fallen a little differently. Take a look."

Mr. Wu turned around and said, "Let me see what he did. Tell me how much he fell?"

"Two percent...twenty!"

Listening to the hesitant words of his subordinates, Mr. Wu sneered: "That's only [-]%. What does it mean?"

"I'm telling you, if you make such a fuss again, don't blame me for shooting you."

"You...what did you just say? What 20.00%!"

The subordinate who was reprimanded by President Wu.At this time, he hurriedly said: "Mr. Wu, it's our stock. It has fallen by 20.00%."

"Tell me, what should I do about this matter?"

Hearing this, Mr. Wu's face twitched. He quickly came to the computer screen and saw the trend chart of his own stock, which looked like a falling line.

There is no intention of rising at all.

"Why did our stock fall so fast?" After suppressing the anger in his heart, President Wu asked a subordinate.

After all, Mr. Wu is also a person who has experienced ups and downs. He knows that at this time, there is no use in blaming others.

The subordinate looked at Mr. Wu's expression, hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Mr. Wu, the reason why our stock fell has something to do with Boss Li and the others."

"I heard that at ten o'clock this morning, Boss Li and others will announce the termination of cooperation with us."

"If that's the case, investors' confidence in us will be greatly affected."

When Mr. Wu heard the news, he looked much more relaxed.

He smiled and said: "Don't worry, this situation is temporary, we will always rise."

"Don't look at Boss Li and the others who are proud now. Let me tell you, he will always suffer losses."

"And this time, he will still suffer a big loss."

"Humph, let's see."

Seeing this situation, the subordinates did not dare to say anything and just stared at the computer screen.

But in the computer screen, Wu Zong's stock price kept falling. In just half an hour, Wu Zong's stock price had dropped by [-]%.

Just when Mr. Wu felt that he couldn't stand it anymore, a subordinate who stared at MiKe Electronics said: "Boss, MiKe Electronics' stock has gone up again."

Upon hearing the news, Mr. Wu almost fainted out of breath.

He came to the subordinate's computer and looked at the stock price of MiKe Electronics which had risen to [-]%, feeling dissatisfied in his heart.

After hesitating for a moment, Mr. Wu made a call.

As some harsh Mandarin came from over there, Mr. Wu said in a deep voice: "Mr. James, please help me make an appointment with Mr. Toros. I have something to say to him."

The person on the phone said: "Mr. Wu, I know you want to talk to Mr. Toros, but Mr. Toros is too busy. He doesn't have time to see you now."

"How about I make an appointment for you."

(End of this chapter)

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