Chapter 2327 Long planned
For Toros, Wu always admired him from the bottom of his heart.

But at this time, listening to Secretary Toros's procrastination, he couldn't help but burst out: "Please put Mr. Toros on the phone immediately."

"If Mr. Toros doesn't answer my call right now, then I feel like Mr. Toros has abandoned his friend."

"In this case, I have no choice but to choose Director Shen."


Hearing Mr. Wu's roar, the man who had just rejected him hesitated and said, "Wait a moment."

In just one minute, Mr. Toros's voice came from the other end of the phone.

He smiled and said: "My dear friend, is there something wrong with you coming to me in such a hurry?"

Listening to Toros' friendly words, Mr. Wu relaxed a lot.

He said in a deep voice: "Mr. Toros, the reason why I was so excited just now was not directed at you."

"I'm excited for a reason."

Having said this, he hesitated for a moment, and then continued: "Mr. Toros, I hope you can understand my feelings."

"Previously, you told me that MiKe Electronics' stock would plummet."

"But now, not only has MiKe Electronics' stock not fallen, but it has also risen a lot."

"But what about me? I am like a fool. Our company's stock not only did not rise, but fell by 30.00%."

"It's hard for me to stay calm in this situation, what do you think?"

When Toros heard this, he smiled and said: "My friend, I understand your mood very well."

"Don't worry, what you want to see will be seen soon."

"The good days of MiKe Electronics will not last long. You will soon be able to see the moment when MiKe Electronics is unlucky."

"I hope you will be in a happy mood next time."

After hearing these words, President Wu's expression changed.

Just when he was about to continue asking, he heard Toros say: "Go watch TV, my friend, there is something you are interested in."

While speaking, Toros hung up the phone.

This time, President Wu's mood was full of contradictions.

Toros just called him after he became anxious. This shows one thing, that is, Toros still values ​​himself.

After talking to himself, he hung up the phone regardless of his own obstruction. This showed that he was not that important by Mr. Toros' side.

This situation was a bit difficult for him to accept.

The TV was quickly put up. Although Mr. Wu didn't know the meaning of Mr. Toros's words, he still insisted on watching it.

Time passed little by little, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Just when Mr. Wu was a little impatient and felt that Toros was lying to him, he heard but said inside: "Today... the patent department is investigating several patents of Mihu Electronics and is not allowed to During the investigation, products involving these patents..."

Listening to the last sound, Mr. Wu couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, he finally knew where Mr. Toros's killer move was?

As for Mr. Wu, he doesn’t care why MiKe Electronics is being investigated.

What he cared about was what benefit this investigation could bring him.

This news has been announced, and Shen Lin will definitely be unlucky, or even...

"Let's go, don't look here, let's go to the stock hall." Mr. Wu looked at the subordinates around him and waved his hand.

Those who can watch TV with Mr. Wu are basically Mr. Wu’s confidants.

They were not surprised by Mr. Wu's surprise when he heard that MiKe Electronics was restricted.

Some of them were even overjoyed.

After all, Shen Lin is their common opponent.

In just ten minutes, they arrived at the stock hall.Just when Mr. Wu was about to appear, someone heard someone say: "Mr. Wu, your stock has fallen a lot. Many people are saying that your stock price may be cut in half. What do you think of this statement? ?”

Hearing this question, Mr. Wu laughed and said, "What do you think? I'll laugh at it."

"The strength of our company is obvious, and we don't need to be dependent on anyone."

"What I want to say is that only through the forging of fire can real gold be made."

Mr. Wu's words aroused several cheers.

But he said bitterly: "Mr. Wu said it well, but I don't know if your company's stocks are what you said."

"Haha, I think it will."

Just when Mr. Wu answered in the affirmative, someone suddenly said: "Oh no, something happened to MiKe Electronics."

“Mike Electronics’ patents are suspected of infringement and are being investigated.”

Hearing this news, Mr. Wu smiled even more on his face.

However, someone also asked: "Old Zhong, are you telling the truth?"

"Why is it not true? I heard it really."

The speaker was a middle-aged man in his 30s. He said quickly: "Everyone who wants to sell stocks should sell them quickly."

"Let me tell you, when more people know this news, you may not be able to sell it."

Mr. Wu laughed and said, "Old Zhong is right."

After hearing Mr. Wu's affirmation, Lao Zhong said in a deep voice: "Mr. Wu, did you know the news in advance? Otherwise, you wouldn't have said that MiKe Electronics' stock was going to fall."

Hearing Lao Zhong's question, President Wu laughed and said, "Old Zhong, I knew a little bit about what you said in advance."

"But not many."

"But what I want to say is that this matter is not simple."

"Once Mr. Toros attacks with all his strength, MiKe Electronics has very little hope, so if you should plan in advance, you must plan in advance."

"Otherwise, not only is time wasted, but money is also wasted."

While speaking, President Wu's eyes fell on the big screen again.

The stocks on the big screen turned green at this time.

Although their company's stock price also fell sharply, he was happy in his heart.

Because his gains will be more.

His attention is all on the stock of MiKe Electronics, and he wants to see the stock fall.

But compared with these, he would rather see Shen Lin in a hurry.

This time, Mr. Toros seemed to have penetrated into Shen Lin's weakness.

While President Wu was talking about Shen Lin, Shen Lin was watching the video about MiKe Electronics played on TV.

His expression was very calm, as if he was not surprised by this incident.

Just as Shen Lin was pondering, the phone rang.

Although Shi Congyun was feeling a little confused at this time, she knew very well that at this time, as Shen Lin's secretary, she could not allow others to disturb Shen Lin.

After all, this matter is of great importance.

So Shi Congyun quickly answered the phone, and after inquiring about the caller, she said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, this is Boss Li's phone number."

After Shen Lin answered the phone, he heard Boss Li on the phone say: "Director Shen, I also have some connections over there."

"I just had a chat with those friends, and they said they didn't know anything about this kind of situation."

"This was prepared, but we just waited until now to do it."

(End of this chapter)

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