Chapter 2328

In fact, Boss Li didn't need to tell him, Shen Lin also knew that Toros had already prepared the patent investigation for MiKe Electronics in the United States.

In Toros' view, this is the weakness of Mishell Electronics.

By grasping this weakness, MiKe Electronics can be defeated in one fell swoop.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Thank you, Boss Li, for your concern. Don't worry, this matter will not have a big impact on us."

"We won't fall down because of something like this."

Having said this, Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said, "Wait a minute, we will hold a press conference because of this matter."

"I believe that dark clouds cannot cover the sun."

Boss Li felt a little emotional in his heart when he listened to Shen Lin's plain words.

He has always admired Shen Lin from the bottom of his heart, but now, he feels even more admiration for Shen Lin.

I am afraid that only Mr. Shen could describe this decision, which in the eyes of many people was a major blow to MiKe Electronics, as a dark cloud that cannot cover the sun.

"Director Shen, if you need anything, just ask me. As long as I can do it, I will do my best."

After Boss Li expressed his determination, he hung up the phone.

As soon as Shen Lin put down Boss Li's phone, Shi Congyun came over with another phone.

"Dr. Shen, this is Toros's phone number."

Amidst Shi Congyun's hesitation, Shen Lin took the phone in his hand and said calmly: "Hello, Mr. Toros."

Toros smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, you should have seen the gift I gave you."

"I don't think you like this gift."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Toros, on the contrary, I like your gift very much."

"Because through this gift, I really feel that you are at the end of your rope in this matter."

"That makes me quite happy."

Shen Lin's words stunned Toros for a moment.

But then, he said coldly: "Dr. Shen, I have always heard a saying that a cooked duck has a tough mouth."

"I thought you were different from others."

"But I didn't expect that you would be like them."

Listening to the sarcastic tone in Toros' words, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Toros, you will see if I am tough-talking."

Hearing Shen Lin's casual words, Toros pondered for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, to be honest, I really don't want to be your enemy."

"There is a saying that is very true. Excellent people are the ones who like to deal with the most. They are also excellent people."

Having said this, Toros smiled and said, "I hope to become friends with Director Shen."

"I didn't hide this investigation from Director Shen. I found someone to promote it."

"As long as Director Shen agrees to cooperate with us, then I believe that this investigation will have results soon."

What Toros said was very clear.

And Shen Lin said lightly: "Mr. Toros, I'm afraid I will disappoint you."

"My choice in this matter is to refuse."

Toros was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Director Shen, I think you are too ambitious."

"Your foundation is MiKe Electronics. If you don't have the blessing of MiKe Electronics, do you think the big bosses in Xiangjiang will still treat you with respect?"

"If you didn't have MiKe Electronics, do you think you would still be in your current position?"

"As an old friend who has a lot more experience than you, I tell you, when you lose everything you have, then you have nothing."

"You don't have any friends, and you don't have anything else."

"Everything is fake, only your career is real."

Shen Lin said: "Mr. Toros, I believe everything you said." "But what I want to tell you is that my career does not need to beg others to realize it."

Having said this, Shen Lin smiled and said, "So I can only accept your kindness."

Toros pondered for a moment and said, "Dr. Shen, please seize the opportunity."

"After all, once some opportunities are lost, it is difficult to get them back."


Toros hung up the phone. Finally, from the receiver, Shen Lin felt that Toros's voice was a little loud when he hung up the phone.

He ignored Toros who hung up the phone, but turned his attention to Shi Congyun and said: "Congyun, help me prepare for a press conference."

"It's time for us to speak now."

Shi Congyun hurriedly said: "Okay, Director Shen, I'll prepare now. What do you think about setting the time tomorrow?"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Let's make it tonight."

"People are very concerned about us now, and we can't keep them waiting."

Shi Congyun hesitated for a moment, wanting to say something, but in the end he didn't.

In just a few minutes, York Hansen's phone number came through again.

"Director Shen, our stock has dropped by 5.00%." ​​York Hansen said solemnly: "This drop is lower than we expected."

What York Hansen said is the truth.

When the news of this investigation came out, York Hansen's subordinates made a judgment that MiKe Electronics' products would definitely suffer a big blow.

However, the result was only a 5.00% drop, which was lower than they expected.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "If our stock falls again, you will buy it."

"After all, what a rare opportunity?"

York Hansen's understanding of Shen Lin's words was that Shen Lin asked him to protect the price of his own stock.

He would naturally not object to this matter.

He also knows very well what is most important to his boss.

"By the way, how are Mr. Wu's stocks doing?" Shen Lin did not talk more about MiKe Electronics stocks, but asked York Hansen.

"Director Shen, Mr. Wu's stock price has been able to halve, but now, his stock has stopped falling."

York Hansen hesitated and said: "According to our estimation, his family's stocks should not have changed much recently."

Shen Lin said: "We still can't give up on President Wu's family's stocks."

"Let's communicate with Boss Li and the others. We will make President Wu's stock a junk stock within three days."

Having said this, Shen Lin waved his arm and said, "Don't leave him a chance."

Hearing Shen Lin's words, York Hansen hurriedly said: "Okay, I'll make arrangements right now."

"Director Shen, regarding our company's patent, would you like me to find someone to try it out? I also have some friends in this area."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. York, I know you are saying all this for the good of the company."

"But it's not necessary. I've already prepared a way to deal with this matter."

"You'll see soon enough."

York Hansen was stunned for a moment. He was very concerned about this matter and had been thinking about how to deal with it.

But all he could think of was to find someone to lobby to bring things back.

What does Shen Lin want to do now?

As thoughts flashed through his mind, York Hansen couldn't think of an answer.

(End of this chapter)

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