Chapter 2330 Buy it back

MiKe Electronics’ PHS is not afraid of restrictions.

MiKe Electronics’ LED electronic screens are not afraid of restrictions!
MiKe Electronics...

As questions were asked one by one, those who came to the development conference discovered that there were really not many things that MiKe Electronics could be restricted by.

Most of the most critical products are under the control of MiKe Electronics.

"Director Shen, your MiKe Electronics products can be unrestricted, but isn't your MiKe operating system afraid of restrictions?"

The speaker was a blond woman who looked to be in her 30s. Although her appearance was average, she was dressed very avant-garde.

Shen Lin smiled at the woman and said, "As for your question, I want to answer that our MiKe operating system does not have any patent issues."

"I'm sure if anyone questioned that, our partners wouldn't agree."

"And our software is always free."

"If they even ban this, then they will face opposition from our users."

MiKe OS is free!

However, advertising in the operating system has never been free.

Hearing Shen Lin talk about free things, many people had a smile on their faces.

But these reporters will not object to the MiKe operating system, because what they use has always been free, with just a few more ads every day.

"Director Shen, I have another question..."

"Director Shen, I want to ask..."

Shen Lin held the press conference for two hours. By the time the press conference was over, Shen Lin's response had been widely publicized.

"Hua Zai, Shen Lin of MiKe Electronics said that the patent investigation will not have any impact on them. Is this true?" A middle-aged stock investor sitting in a tea restaurant asked with confusion on his face.

The person he asked was a young man in his 20s.

The young man known as Hua Tsai said while eating: "I don't think it can be fake."

"If it was false, they wouldn't hold a press conference."

The middle-aged man hadn't spoken yet, but the fat man sitting next to him said, "Hua Zai, if you don't know, don't talk nonsense."

"Now when it comes to technology, who can bypass Lao Mi?"

"I think this Shen Lin is just trying to put money on his face and fool us."

"I don't think we can let his behavior go unchecked!"

Listening to the fat man's words, the middle-aged man sighed: "I think so. Our company used to have a product that was very popular."

"But since Lao Mi raised the prices of some electronic components, their sales have not been very good."

"We also wanted to go around it, but we tried a lot of methods and it just didn't work."

"We can't do it, and I don't think Director Shen can do it either."

After listening to these words, many people also joined in the discussion.

After all, many of them are buying shares of MiKe Electronics, and they are also very interested in the shares of MiKe Electronics.

Just when no one could convince anyone, someone suddenly said: "Old Chen is here, he is a professor, listen to what he has to say."

The people who were talking about it all shut up and looked at the middle-aged man who walked in.

The middle-aged man is also a nearby resident and often eats here, so everyone is familiar with it.

Seeing his neighbor looking at him like this, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, then smiled and greeted everyone: "Everyone is quite early today."

The young man known as Hua Tsai said: "Uncle Chen, I told everyone that Mihu Electronics can basically produce its own products, but everyone doesn't believe it."

"Tell everyone about it."

"Old Chen, let me tell you, why do I think Andy is talking about it? Is MiKe Electronics really that powerful?" As he spoke, the fat middle-aged man patted his shoulder with his palm and said, "This It’s unbelievable!”

Uncle Chen looked around twice and then said with a smile: "Brother Niu, you can't look at everything with the same old eyes!"

"Let me tell you, the strength of MiKe Electronics is definitely beyond our imagination."

Having said this, he said in a deep voice: "After Shen Lin held the press conference, we also studied what Shen Lin said."

"After our research, we found that MiKe Electronics really has the capabilities that Shen Lin said."

"Most of their products can be produced independently in a short time."

"So we concluded that this investigation will not have any major impact on rice-shell electrons."

"There might not even be an impact."

After listening to Professor Chen's words, many people present looked solemn.

For them, Professor Chen's words are credible.

And once MiKe Electronics can achieve self-sufficiency in everything, then...

Just when everyone was silent, the chubby middle-aged man suddenly slammed the table, pointed at the thin man next to him and said, "Lao Hou, this time I was tricked by you."

"I sold all the rice shell stocks at your request."

"Grandma, this time I'm going to have to cut off thousands of pieces of meat!"

The thin man who was accused suddenly blushed.

However, he was not a fuel-efficient lamp. When he heard the fat man's question, he said in a deep voice: "Brother, whether to sell the stock or not is your business."

"I'm just telling you what I know."

"Whether you sell your stocks or not is your decision. It has nothing to do with me."

"What's more, I also lost a lot in this matter."

Hearing Lao Hou's excuse, the fat man felt even more angry. He stood up suddenly and reached out to grab the thin man's clothes.

The thin man retreated quickly. He knew that if he relied on strength, he would be no match for the fat man.

At this time, the only option is to retreat.

The commotion between the two people immediately made some people stand up.

Professor Chen stood between the two of them and said, "How old are you two, and you are still messing around here?"

"The people eating are all old neighbors. By making such a fuss, aren't you letting everyone watch the fun?"

After hearing Professor Chen's words, the two of them looked at each other and said nothing.

For the two of them, they don't want to be embarrassed by fighting here.

But this matter is really a bit too...

Just when the two people returned to their seats, someone said: "You two, please stop arguing. The stock market is closed now. If you sold the stock, instead of regretting it now, you might as well wait until tomorrow morning to buy it back."

"In that case, wouldn't there be no loss at all?"

Hearing this, everyone present smiled.

However, there was a hint of emotion in Professor Chen's expression.

He has done research on economics and has listened to a lot of questions. Seeing that so many people are preparing to buy back the stocks they sold, he feels that this matter may not be easy.

And he was even more worried about other things.

But he didn't have time to talk to others about these things.

After glancing at his friends a few times, he said in a deep voice: "If you want to buy back your stocks, you must do it as soon as possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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