Chapter 2331
Mr. Wu attached great importance to the memory meeting held by Shen Lin.

After all, his biggest backer is Toros. If Toros values ​​Shen Lin, he must value Shen Lin.

Because he has no way back.

When the press conference ended, President Wu had already obtained the manuscript of the press conference.

Looking at the contents of the manuscript, Mr. Wu looked very ugly.

He left the manuscript on the ground and yelled at his secretary: "This is what the expert talent you introduced to me wrote!"

“When MiKe Electronics was under patent investigation and was restricted in some areas, he actually predicted that MiKe Electronics’ stock price would rise.”

"Is he crazy?"

"What he said is simply nonsense!"

"He is talking nonsense..."

Listening to such roars, the secretary's face showed a hint of helplessness.

He knew very well that there would be absolutely no problems with what the master he found wrote.

And the reason why Mr. Wu roared was not because the content was wrong.

It is true that Mr. Wu does not want MiKe Electronics’ stock to rise again.

But is this something that I can decide on my own?

After Mr. Wu's roar ended, he said respectfully: "Mr. Wu, then I will change a manuscript about MiKe Electronics and bring it to you."

After hearing the secretary's calm words, Mr. Wu's expression slowly calmed down.

He glanced at the respectful secretary and said, "Forget it, although the things written by the person you recommended are full of bias, one thing is good, that is, the content he wrote is still reasonable."

Having said this, he glanced at the secretary and said, "Please ask him to come over."

Although the secretary didn't understand Mr. Wu's thoughts, he quickly agreed and then led the reporters waiting in the living room outside.

"Hello, Mr. Wu." As a financial reporter, the visitor was naturally familiar with Mr. Wu, the big boss.

Although President Wu's betrayal caused his status to drop a lot, this decline still cannot change the reality that President Wu is still one of the big guys.

He still has great strength.

"Reporter Lu, I think you are more than 20 years younger than me. Let me call you Xiao Lu, right?" A smile appeared on Mr. Wu's face at this time.

Looking at President Wu's smile, Xiao Lu didn't know what kind of medicine was being sold in President Wu's gourd.

But no matter what, when facing the big boss, he still has to have the attitude he should have: "President Wu, it is my honor for you to call me Xiao Lu."

"I always thought that a big boss like you should be aloof, but I didn't expect you to be so approachable."

Hearing Xiao Lu say that he was approachable, Mr. Wu burst out laughing.

"Xiao Lu, you are very good at talking. If we cooperate more in the future, you will find that I am just an ordinary person."

"It's just that I have more money than others."

Although Xiao Lu was a good reporter, the meaning of President Wu's words still made his heart beat.

President Wu was clearly telling him that as long as Xiao Lu was obedient, he would be favored by President Wu.

"Mr. Wu, I very much hope that I can have more contact with you in the future."

Mr. Wu looked at the smiling Xiao Lu, and the smile on his face became a little bigger.

He raised the article in his hand and said, "Xiao Lu, your article is very well written."

"But, your intention is wrong."

"And this kind of mistake can be said to ruin an article!"

"I think you should change it."

Reporter Lu knew exactly what he wrote in his article.

He looked at Mr. Wu who was smiling, but he didn't understand what Mr. Wu meant.

If President Wu had made such an arrangement in the past, he might have accepted it.

But President Wu took refuge in Toros, and what he asked him to write was still aimed at Shen Lin.

In this situation, he had to think twice.

Following Mr. Wu, it is very possible to achieve great success, but it is also very possible to disappear into ashes.Do you want to follow Mr. Wu?

Looking at the splendid surroundings, Xiao Lu felt that he should follow Mr. Wu.

After all, if you do this, your life will be easier.

But the result of losing was unbearable for him.

So after pondering for a while, Xiao Lu said in a low voice: "President Wu, thank you for your consideration."

"But I am a bit stubborn."

"Whatever you look for, don't hit the wall and never look back."

"So I can't agree to your request."

President Wu's expression suddenly became ferocious.

If someone like Xiao Lu had opposed him in the past, what they were waiting for was for him to fall into the abyss and never be able to stand up again.

But now, Xiao Lu's words have been spoken in front of him, but he feels a little powerless.

"Xiao Lu, what you said is very good." Mr. Wu said coldly: "But do you know? The most indispensable thing in the world is talent."

"If you don't want the money, some people are willing to ask for it."

"When the time comes, don't regret it."

Various thoughts flashed rapidly in Reporter Lu's mind.

Some of his thoughts tended to cooperate with Mr. Wu, but others tended to make him careful.

In the end, Reporter Lu chose to be careful.

He smiled at President Wu and said, "President Wu, I am always too cautious when doing things."

"So I really can't fulfill your condition."

"So let other people earn this money."

Upon hearing these words, Mr. Wu's face suddenly turned gloomy.

He glanced at Reporter Nalu twice, and then said in a deep voice: "Reporter Lu, I have always felt that we can be friends."

"But you are so disrespectful, which really disappoints me."

"Let's go. I don't think you will have the chance to come to a venue like this in the future."

When Reporter Lu heard this threat, not only did he not regret it, but he felt relieved for a while.

Although Mr. Wu's status is extraordinary, his performance just now was that of anger.

If you cooperate with such a person, you might be the unlucky one.

It's better to break it off if you can.


As Reporter Lu spoke, he left quickly.

Looking at Reporter Lu who showed no nostalgia, Mr. Wu's face turned red.

He slapped the table and said to the people around him: "Three-legged toads are hard to find, but two-legged toads are plentiful."

"Didn't he want this opportunity? I want to let everyone know now what a good opportunity he missed."

Having said this, Mr. Wu yelled at his secretary: "Find me a dozen writers and tell them our plan."

"I don't care what method you use, I want to see the news I mentioned in the newspaper tomorrow morning."

The secretary hesitated for a moment and then said respectfully: "Okay. I'll make the arrangements right away. I believe you will be able to see everything you said soon."

Mr. Wu looked at the respectful secretary, snorted and said: "You must keep your eyes open when looking for someone, but you can't look for someone like Xiao Lu."

"Don't know the rules at all."

As he spoke, President Wu strode away.

He believed that the things he arranged would definitely be done.

(End of this chapter)

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