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Chapter 2332: What goes up is still going up

Chapter 2332: What goes up is still going up

"The talent is exhausted, Shen Lin is struggling to his death!" 》

"It is impossible for MiKe Electronics to successfully counterattack!" 》

"A Shocking Scam Reveals the Truth About Mi Ke Electronics' External Coercion!" 》


Mr. Wu didn't sleep well all night. When he got up early in the morning, he saw a stack of newspapers beside his bed.

He likes everything in the newspaper.

Looking at these contents, Mr. Wu showed a slight smile in his heart.

He picked up a newspaper and opened it, and saw what was written on it: "I feel extremely disgusted by the poor performance of Shen Lin, chairman of Mike Electronics."

"Shen Lin doesn't even care about the fact that MiKe Electronics is at the end of its rope. At this time, he is still deceiving consumers and shareholders..."

Looking at these contents, Mr. Wu felt extremely happy.

He spent a full hour looking through these reports.

After he briefly freshened up, the secretary came over.

"Things were done well this time." Mr. Wu said with rare praise.

"As long as you work hard, I won't treat you badly."

Listening to Mr. Wu's praise, the secretary's eyes flashed with a hint of darkness.

Those who can become President Wu's secretary are basically the best of the best.

Although he did not write these articles, he knew the role these articles could play.

He believed that President Wu also knew what was going on.

The fact that Mr. Wu still valued these articles so much even though he clearly knew it, could only show one thing, that is, at this time, Mr. Wu had no way to deal with Shen Lin.

This kind of situation makes people uncomfortable just thinking about it.

"Thank you, President Wu, for taking this seriously. I will work hard in the future and will never let you down, President Wu."

The two chatted for a while, and then Mr. Wu came to his stock operating room.

This operating room is completely modeled after a trading floor. Just one hundred-inch LED electronic screen costs hundreds of thousands.

It can be said that it fully reflects President Wu's wealth.

Mr. Wu sat in his seat and did not say a word.

But the secretary understood what Mr. Wu meant and asked someone to quickly open the screen and call up the stocks of MiKe Electronics and his own.

Although the data was still the same as yesterday, looking at the curve on the screen, Mr. Wu's face became gloomy for a while.

Anyone who sees his or her stock falling by 50.00% will not be too happy.

Although the secretary noticed President Wu's expression, there was nothing he could say about this kind of thing.

Talking too much can lead to mistakes. At times like this, it is better not to say anything at all.

it has started!

After a period of silence, someone suddenly spoke.

With these words, almost all eyes fell on the huge screen.

The stock price of MiKe Electronics has not moved, and the stock price of its own company has not moved either.

This is very normal, after all, the market has just opened.

But just when the secretary breathed a sigh of relief, MiKe Electronics' stock price suddenly changed.

In just an instant, the stock price of MiKe Electronics changed from beginning with three characters to beginning with four characters.

More than 40 shares!
It suddenly increased by nearly ten yuan!
This is too exaggerated!
The secretary was stunned for a moment, and quickly said to the operator standing aside: "Is there something wrong? Why has the stock of MiKe Electronics risen so much?"

"This is not normal!"

The operator's forehead also began to sweat.

As a staff member of the General Wu family, his salary is very high.

But the high salary also means that if something goes wrong, he will have to face the thunderous wrath of President Wu.After a moment's hesitation, he said loudly: "Let me see what's wrong."

As he spoke, the operator moved quickly.

In just a few seconds, the room was filled with the sound of keyboard typing.

But 2 minutes later, the operator stopped and said: "Mr. Wu, I checked and there is no problem with our system."

"And most stock prices are normal."

The secretary's heart skipped a beat. Just when he was about to speak again, Mr. Wu roared: "You said there is no problem, then let me ask you why the stock price of MiKe Electronics has fluctuated so much."

"Tell me the reason for this."

While speaking, President Wu's palm hit the table hard.

Mr. Wu used fluctuations instead of rising prices.

From this sentence, the secretary could feel President Wu's resentment.

However, this kind of thing is not something that his little secretary can decide.

So after hesitating for a moment, he closed his mouth.

The operator said: "Mr. Wu, the high growth rate of MiKe Electronics can only show that they...their recognition is high and many people buy their company's stocks."

"As for the rest, it doesn't mean anything."

Listening to the operator's words, Mr. Wu's face twitched.

MiKe Electronics has a high recognition rate, damn it!

Just when Mr. Wu's temper was about to explode, the operator pondered for a moment and said cautiously: "Our stock continues to fall. There are ups and downs, which means there is no problem with our data."

After hearing this, the secretary stood up immediately.

He knew that Mr. Wu would be furious at this moment. This unlucky operator was really good at talking.

"Can you speak or get out of here!"

The secretary roared loudly. He wanted to vent his anger on his boss, otherwise, he might be in trouble.

The operator was stunned for a moment and then reacted.

He looked at Mr. Wu who was ashen-faced, hesitated for a moment, and left quickly.

Mr. Wu took a long breath, and then said to his secretary: "Call Mr. Xu at the exchange and ask about the current stock price."

When the secretary heard about this arrangement, he knew that President Wu was still determined not to give up.

He still hopes that MiKe Electronics’ stock price will decline.

Although he knew very well that President Wu's expectations were basically impossible to realize.

But as a subordinate, since the boss has arranged it, he must do it.

Otherwise, disaster may be waiting for him.

"Okay, I'll fight right now."

As the secretary spoke, he dialed the phone. When he asked his question, Lao Xu on the other end of the phone said: "As soon as the market opened today, the stock price of MiKe Electronics rose crazily."

"Many people suddenly have confidence in MiKe Electronics."

"And I asked around, and the people who bought these stocks were basically the people who sold the shares of MiKe Electronics yesterday."

"I heard that each of them felt very regretful after watching the press conference, so they repurchased like crazy."

"If you want to buy it, you can also buy some. I think MiKe Electronics' stock is still very promising in the future."

Upon hearing these words, the secretary was ready to hang up the phone.But Lao Xu continued: "You need to pay more attention to your company's stocks."

"The market has just opened now, and it has dropped by more than a dollar."

"If it falls at this rate, there won't be much left after a while."

"Brother, when disaster strikes, we will all fly away. Your brother, please find a way out for yourself in advance."

"Don't be stupid, you won't get anything by then."

(End of this chapter)

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