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Chapter 2333 Friendship is limited

Chapter 2333 Friendship is limited
Naturally, the secretary did not dare to report what she heard on the phone to Mr. Wu.

He just told Mr. Wu what Lao Xu said about the rising stock price of MiKe Electronics.

In fact, it means telling Mr. Wu that there is really something wrong with their stocks.

When Mr. Wu started, his focus was on the stock of MiKe Electronics.

But in the end, he focused on his own stocks.

After all, no matter how much he has objections to Shen Lin and no matter how much he hates Shen Lin, his foundation is still his own company.

If something goes wrong in his company, it will be a big blow to him.

Looking at his own stock, which fell by two yuan in half an hour, Mr. Wu couldn't sit still.

He felt that if he couldn't come up with any effective means, his own stocks would have big problems.

Just as he was thinking, the phone suddenly rang.

Although Mr. Wu doesn't want anyone to disturb him at this time, he still has to answer some people's calls.

For example, this number appears on the mobile phone screen now.

This is the company's second largest shareholder, although the stocks he holds are far behind those of Mr. Wu.

But on some matters, President Wu still has to respect other people's decisions.

After answering the phone, I heard a hoarse voice coming from the channel: "Mr. Wu, have you read the price of our stock?"

"In just half an hour, my worth suddenly dropped by tens of millions. It's really heartbreaking."

Hearing this, Mr. Wu wanted to say, it doesn't matter if you lose tens of millions. In just a short time, my net worth has dropped by hundreds of millions.

But although it was pleasant to say such words, Mr. Wu could not say them out loud.

Because Mr. Wu is the controller of the company and decides the company's strategy, he must be responsible for this matter.

So after pondering for a while, he smiled and said: "Mr. Chen, I know that this matter has caused you to suffer losses, but this kind of thing is not what I want to see."

"Brother, you also know that I own more stocks than you."

"So my loss is greater."

"But I can assure you, this will pass."

"Our stock will not only return to its original price soon, but will also rise."

Having said this, his voice was full of confidence: "Brother You have been working with me for many years, and you still don't believe me?"

"What's more, even if you don't believe me, you should believe Mr. Toros."

"He will never lie to you about this matter."

Upon hearing Toros, Mr. Chen's voice sounded gentle and said: "Mr. Wu, of course I believe in you and Mr. Toros."

"The reason why I called you in a hurry is because the decline is so big that it's a bit unbearable!"

"I think you should contact Mr. Toros and give us some support. Otherwise, we will be in a lot of trouble."

President Wu hurriedly said: "Brother, I'm about to contact Mr. Toros, don't worry."

"If there is good news, I will inform you as soon as possible."

After saying a few nice words, he hung up the phone.

Listening to the beeping sound coming from the phone, President Wu's face became extremely ugly.

He felt that this time, he was like a grandson.

A grandson who is being called around.

Facing this situation, he didn't like it very much.

After slamming the phone in his hand, Mr. Wu couldn't help but think of Shen Lin.

He felt that his family's stock had fallen so miserably, and he would never believe it if no one was causing trouble.

And the person making trouble is most likely Shen Lin.

Cursing Shen Lin secretly in his heart, Mr. Wu dialed Toros' number.He believes that Toros will never rest at this time and should be paying attention to the stock market like him.

The call was quickly connected, but the voice that came from inside was not Toros's voice, but a stiff stranger's.

"Hello, I'm looking for Mr. Toros."

Although he was angry that Toros didn't answer his call immediately, he still said politely.

The person on the other end of the phone hesitated for a moment, then quickly said: "Hello, Mr. Wu, Mr. Toros is in a meeting with other gentlemen. If your matter is not urgent, can you please wait for Mr. Toros to make time?" Talk again."

Mr. Wu doesn’t know what Toros is busy with.

But at this time, he was extremely impatient.

"Tell Mr. Toros that if he doesn't answer my call, I will consider him to have given up on us, and then we will join Shen Lin."

"I can't wait any longer."

"In just half an hour, my stocks fell too much."

Mr. Wu said coldly: "I hope Mr. Toros knows that there are not many allies like me."

The other end of the phone hesitated for a moment and finally said: "Please wait a moment, I will report to Mr. Toros."

A full three minutes passed before Toros's voice rang on the other end of the phone.

After hearing Toros's words, President Wu was not only not excited, but on the contrary, he felt more resentment in his heart at this time.

This Toros, I gave him such a show yesterday and didn't answer his phone call.

Now again!

This is how much you look down on yourself, so you play with yourself like this.

However, although he was angry in his heart, he also knew that he could not afford to offend Toros at this time.

He took a breath and then said: "Mr. Toros, if our company's stock is not saved, it will collapse."

"You don't have many allies in Xiangjiang."

"If we surrender at this time, you will have fewer supporters."

"It won't be good for you at that time."

Listening to President Wu's threatening words, Toros pondered for a moment and said: "President Wu, I told you yesterday, you have to calm down."

"Don't worry, your stocks will definitely rise."

"And you will definitely get full benefits from this stock market war."

"The prerequisite for you to obtain these is not to mess up."

"As long as you don't mess up, everything can be achieved."

"If you mess up. Then everything will be in trouble."

"Listen to me, just keep calm."

Listening to Toros's obviously perfunctory words, Mr. Wu said angrily: "Mr. Toros, I am willing to make friends with you precisely because I believe in you."

"But your perfunctory behavior will only disappoint me."

"It doesn't matter if I'm disappointed. If our shareholders are disappointed, then I won't be able to support you."

"If you still want to have me as a friend, help me pull up the stock."

At this point, Mr. Wu said with a hint of pleading in his voice: "Mr. Toros, we are friends. You should know that a friend's friendship is limited."

"The support of those shareholders for me is also limited."

"If I don't explain to them, it will be difficult for them to support me as always."

"And without their support, it would be really difficult for me to support you!"

"Help me increase the stock price, and I will be able to explain!"

(End of this chapter)

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