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Chapter 2334 Ask Shen Lin to agree

Chapter 2334 Ask Shen Lin to agree

Boost Wu Zong’s stock!

This is not a difficult thing for Toros.

But to do this, you need real money!
After pondering for a moment, Toros finally said: "Mr. Wu, it is not difficult for me to raise the price of your stock."

"But in this case, I don't think it's necessary."

"I'm selling the stock right now, and it's in my best interest to see your stock lose value."

"This can also drive the market down."

"But don't worry, as an ally, I will never let you suffer any losses."

"When everything is under my control, I will definitely make it up to you."

Mr. Wu's face suddenly became terrifyingly gloomy.

From the perspective of a bystander, Toros's words seem to be very reasonable, but from the perspective of his military commander, Toros now treats him as a stinky boot.

A discarded smelly boot.

Although what Toros said was very good, Mr. Wu also knew that when he was discarded, he would have no value.

This kind of situation is something he is unwilling to accept no matter what.

After taking a breath, he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Toros, I don't have as good a view of the overall situation as you do."

"But I know that if I am abandoned, no other boss in Xiangjiang will follow you."

"I can also speak out and let them know the consequences of following you."

"At that time, the resistance you will encounter will be even greater."

"I don't think you want to end up like me."

After hearing the threat, Toros hesitated and said: "My dear friend, although we have a good relationship, I still want to tell you one thing, that is, don't think too highly of yourself."

"Your biggest flaw is that you think too highly of yourself."

"This is not good!"

"I still have something else to do, so I won't talk to you."

"I think you should understand what you can choose at this time."

While speaking, Toros hung up the phone directly.

Listening to the beeping sound from the microphone, Mr. Wu couldn't believe his ears.


He was abandoned so abruptly.

He couldn't believe it, but it was true.

He is not that important to Toros.

For a moment, a kind of annoyance filled his heart.


Mr. Wu cursed, and his eyes fell on the huge LED electronic screen.

Seeing his own stock prices still falling, his heart felt gloomy.

"Mr. Wu, we..." the secretary just asked softly, not daring to express any meaning.

He had been with Mr. Wu for a while and knew Mr. Wu's temper. At this time, he was very careful about what he said.

Mr. Wu glanced at his secretary, and then said calmly: "How is the market now?"

"Mr. Wu, the market has gone up twenty points." The secretary glanced at the market and replied softly.

This result made President Wu extremely angry.

His stocks have fallen into the doldrums, but the market is actually rising.

Doesn't this mean that he is the only one who is unlucky?
As thoughts flashed through his mind, Mr. Wu finally suppressed the depression in his heart.

This is definitely not the time to be angry.

For him, the most important thing now is to survive.

Only by surviving can everything have hope.

If you can't survive, then there's nothing else to say.As thoughts flashed one by one, a trace of determination had already arisen in Mr. Wu's heart.

He hesitated for a moment, then waved towards the secretary and others.

At this time, he didn't want anyone to see him in such a miserable state, not even his secretary.

The secretary was very careful and led the people away quickly.

After Mr. Wu waited for everyone to leave, he made a phone call that he remembered deeply.

The call was quickly connected. Listening to the familiar voice on the phone, he said respectfully: "Brother Li, this is Lao Wu."

The person on the other end of the phone said calmly: "Hello, Mr. Wu, the relationship between the two of us has not reached the level of calling me brother, so you should call me Lao Li."

"Of course, if you think highly of me and call me Director Li, I will be very happy."

Listening to these plain words full of sarcasm, Mr. Wu's heart twitched.

To be honest, he really didn't want to make this call.

But at this moment, he had no choice.

After pondering for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Brother Li, I know what I did has disappointed you."

"But I have no choice but to do this!"

"You also know me. There are a lot of people in my company, and I can't just watch them all lose their jobs after me."

Boss Li listened to President Wu's argument and said calmly: "President Wu, how you choose is your business."

"These have nothing to do with me."

Mr. Wu hurriedly said: "Brother Li, I really know I was wrong this time."

"That guy Toros eats people without spitting out their bones."

"He said everything was fine, but now he has abandoned me."

"I know that I have committed a heinous crime this time, but I ask Brother Li to forgive my brother this time for the sake of our past friendship."

"I promise, I will follow Brother Li next."

"I will never follow Toros again."

When Mr. Wu said the word "nonsense", his voice was full of determination.

Boss Li said calmly: "Mr. Wu, your thinking is too simple."

"It's not like I didn't give you a chance."

"But if you think that you have climbed onto the high branches of Taurus, you will abandon us old brothers directly."

"You want to come back now, do you think it's possible?"

Having said this, he said calmly: "Because of our past friendship, I will answer your call, but I will not answer your call in the future."

Hearing that Boss Li was about to hang up the phone, Mr. Wu was really anxious.

He said eagerly: "Brother Li, please give me another chance."

"I'll tell you the truth, I really can't support it anymore."

"If the stock continues to fall, then I will have no choice but to beg for food."

"Brother, look back on my years of friendship with you, give me a chance, and I promise you, there will never be a next time."

"I can swear it to you."

At this point, Mr. Wu suddenly said: "Brother Li, we are all fellow villagers. Back then, your father and my father were both brothers who had their heads knocked to the ground."

"I'm a bastard, but for the sake of these two old people, please give me a chance."

Boss Li suddenly fell silent when he heard what President Wu said.

After a while, he said: "The friendship between the two of us is over, but for the sake of the friendship between the older generation, I can forget about it here."

"But this matter is not my decision."

"If you can impress Shen Lin and make him forgive your behavior, then I can pretend that nothing happened."

"If he doesn't forgive you, then there's nothing I can do about it."

(End of this chapter)

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