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Chapter 2335 He said he was not free

Chapter 2335 He said he was not free

Listening to the beeping sound on the phone, countless thoughts were swirling in Mr. Wu's mind.

Just now he begged Boss Li, which already made him lose face.

It can be said that this was the greatest humiliation he encountered.

But Boss Li wanted him to beg Shen Lin.

He was unwilling to do anything about this matter.

If you ask Shen Lin, you will lose all his people.

But without Shen Lin, if his company's stock price drops further, he will lose everything.

If you are used to being a billionaire, it would not be a good feeling to become a pauper with nothing.

With thoughts swirling one after another, Mr. Wu was unable to make a decision for a while.

I don’t know how long it took, but President Wu’s eyes fell on the huge display screen again.

On the screen, MiKe Electronics’ stock is still rising.

Compared with when it just started, one share of MiKe Electronics has risen by nearly 20 yuan.

This kind of rise can be described as terrifying.

So much so that Mr. Wu regretted why he didn't buy some shares of MiKe Electronics some time ago.

If you buy shares of MiKe Electronics, you might also make money.

However, compared with MiKe Electronics' stock which has been rising, their company's stock has plummeted.

Today, their stocks have become single digits.

If it continues, then...

"Ding ding ding..."

The ringing of the phone broke Mr. Wu's thoughts. Although Mr. Wu was unwilling to answer the phone, he took a look at the caller's number and answered the call.

"Lao You, what's the matter?"

Phone is the third shareholder of the company and he has never been involved in anything. Because he is older than Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu likes to call him Laoyou.

Lao You used to not smile or speak in front of Mr. Wu.

But this time, Lao You's voice was full of anger.

"What's the matter? Mr. Wu, you don't know why I called you, right?"

"The company's stock has fallen like this, what else do you ask me about?"

"Mr. Wu thinks I'm a fool!"

Listening to these angry words, Mr. Wu's first thought was to fight back.

Mr. Wu is not a person who likes to be wronged.

But as soon as this idea emerged, he was suppressed by President Wu.

Although Lao You doesn't have too many shares, he is the third shareholder after all, and he also has many friends.

Offending such a person will not do any good for controlling the company.

He hesitated for a moment and then said: "Lao You, I know you are angry."

"But I can only solve this situation slowly."

"But one thing you can rest assured is that I will never let you suffer any injustice."

"Our money will still be recovered."

Listening to Mr. Wu's words, Lao You's voice became calmer.

"Mr. Wu, I'm not angry with you. I really can't stand the current situation."

"You also know that I don't take money too seriously."

"But if people like us suddenly become paupers, no one can accept it."

At this point, Lao You said in a deep voice: "If Mr. Wu really has no way to change, I can only apply for re-election as chairman."

"I can't just watch as my money is gone." To re-elect the chairman would mean to remove him as President Wu.

In the past, no one in the company would dare to say such a thing.

But now, Lao You said it in front of his face, and in a warning tone, which just didn't take him seriously.

He was furious at this situation.

But anger is anger. Under this situation, he didn't say anything tough.

After confusingly hanging up Lao You's call, Mr. Wu let out a long breath.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he also knew that there were too many people on the board of directors who were dissatisfied with him.

If these points really help Lao You, then his position may really be gone.

Be sure to keep your position!
After taking a deep breath, Mr. Wu made up his mind.

He hesitated for a moment and then dialed Shen Lin's phone number.

As the call was connected, Mr. Wu said politely: "Hello, Mr. Shen, I am Lao Wu!"

However, what came over the phone was not Shen Lin's voice, but a woman's voice: "Hello, I am Director Shen's secretary Shi Congyun."

"Director Shen is in a meeting, what do you want?"

The person who answered the phone was Shen Lin's secretary. He was so polite to Shen Lin's secretary, which made Mr. Wu feel even more uncomfortable.

However, after a slight hesitation, he said carefully: "Hello Secretary Shi, this is Lao Wu. I have something I want to talk to Director Shen about. Please ask Director Shen to answer the phone."

Shi Congyun was naturally aware of President Wu's betrayal.

And she also knew that Shen Dong was organizing people to suppress Wu Zong's stock, and now it had reached a critical moment.

Mr. Wu called me, and I figured he knew what was going on.

"Mr. Wu, I'm really sorry. Director Shen is busy. He has already said not to disturb him."

"How about I give Director Shen a report before he finishes the meeting and ask him to call you back?"

Shi Congyun said it extremely politely, but hearing it in President Wu's ears made President Wu extremely uncomfortable.

If Shen Lin calls him back, can he wait?

After a slight hesitation, Mr. Wu said in a deep voice: "Secretary Shi, I am calling Director Shen this time because of an urgent matter."

"If Director Shen delays this call, it may cause a lot of trouble to MiKe Electronics."

"I hope Secretary Shi will report to Director Shen to see if Director Shen will answer my call."

Shi Congyun hesitated for a moment, but finally said: "Okay, President Wu, I will report to Director Shen, please wait a moment."

While talking, Shi Congyun turned off the phone.

Listening to the extremely quiet voice on the phone, Mr. Wu breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this time, what was on his mind was more about how he should talk to Shen Lin when he answered the phone.

He knew very well that Shen Lin hated him to the core.

At this time, if what he said could not move Shen Lin, then his efforts would be in vain.

But how to impress Shen Lin?
As thoughts flashed through his mind, Mr. Wu made up his mind.

The phone suddenly rang with a click, and Mr. Wu felt that there was someone on the opposite side. He thought it should be Shen Lin, so he said anxiously: "Director Shen, I am calling you this time mainly to admit my mistake to you."

"I was fooled this time, if not..."

"Hello, Mr. Wu, my name is Shi Congyun. Director Shen just said that he doesn't have time now, so please contact me later."

Shi Congyun's voice was still soft.

Mr. Wu's face suddenly turned ugly. He felt that this time, he had thrown the last bit of his dignity to the ground.

"Have you told Shen Lin? I have something important to see him?" Mr. Wu took a breath, with a bit of a roar in his voice.

"I said it, but Director Shen said he didn't have time."

(End of this chapter)

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