Chapter 2336 Destroying the Wolf
Mr. Wu has been holding a breath in his heart!

But now, listening to Shi Congyun's words, he felt that the breath in his heart was suddenly holding back even harder.

He had an urge to hit someone.

After pondering for a moment, he finally said: "Secretary Shi, please tell Director Shen that I am willing to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side."

"As long as Director Shen gives me a chance, you can call me at any time."

Mr. Wu said these words with deep affection.

It can be said that at this time, his heart is full of sincerity!

But Shi Congyun only gave him one sentence: "I understand."

These three short words made Mr. Wu's face turn extremely ugly.

He never expected that Shi Congyun would respond like this.

This is like using your own face to lay floor tiles!
Just as Mr. Wu was thinking about whether he should show his dissatisfaction at this moment, a clicking sound came from the other end of the phone.

The phone is hung up!
For a moment, Mr. Wu’s eyes were filled with anger!
But in the end, all this anger turned into sighs.

Shen Lin didn't answer Mr. Wu's call at this time. Although it was intentional, in fact, Shen Lin was really busy at this time.

Although the sharp rise in MiKe Electronics' stock is a good situation, Toros's counterattack is also proceeding rapidly.

Looking at MiKe Electronics' unparalleled success, Toros seemed to know that it would be difficult to only suppress MiKe Electronics' stocks in the stock market, so he set his target on other stocks.

For example, Boss Li’s family’s stocks.

And along with their attack came some not-so-good news.

If this news were normal, it would not have any impact on Boss Li's stock. However, with the impact of Toros and others, the stock of a company owned by Boss Li has been pulled down by more than ten points.

If it continues, it will be a big trouble.

Although Boss Li has publicly spread the rumor and released a solution to the problem, the stock's decline is still going on.

Of course, President Wu's stock fell even more sharply.

Shen Lin did not stare at the market like Mr. Wu.

He was listening to Jock Hansen's report.

"Director Shen, yesterday's situation has made some people already have the idea of ​​​​changing venues."

York Hansen said: "Just last night, [-] companies expressed their desire to change venues."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Did they mention where they were transferred?"

York Hansen said: "Most of them hope that we can choose the place."

"But when I said we didn't have a good place, five of them made suggestions and hoped to move to the north."

"They feel that if this time passes, they will definitely make a lot of money."

Going there to make a lot of money, Shen Lin thought of the situation in the future, with a sneer on his face.

He said calmly: "We can promote this matter, but don't get too involved."

"After all, now we, Boss Li and the others are fighting against Toros. If we propose to change places, some people will think that we won't be able to hold on for too long."

York Hansen said: "Dr. Shen, I understand this."

"Recently, our company has taken control of five small funds."

"Although these five companies don't have too many assets, and they don't have much say."

"But it's still okay to use them to make waves."

Shen Lin smiled at York Hansen, indicating his agreement with his approach.

York Hansen continued: "Dr. Shen, according to our understanding of Toros, he will never give up on this matter."

"Next, he will take action against our company."

"I think he will also use off-market tricks." Shen Lin smiled and said: "The patent investigation is only one aspect. The next step is to put us on some so-called lists."

"As a result, our sales dropped."

York Hansen listened to Shen Lin's casual words and knew that his boss had already taken these things into consideration.

However, considering some things is one aspect, but how to deal with them is another aspect.

As the person in charge of the financial aspect of MiKe Electronics, he naturally does not want MiKe Electronics to fail.

So he said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, my suggestion is still that we also lobby in some aspects."

"As long as we can afford the price, it will be difficult for Toros to do whatever he wants."

Shen Lin pondered for a moment and then said: "Mr. York Hansen, it's not that I haven't considered what you said."

"I think what you said is very reasonable."

"However, if we lobby, it will not only cost more than Toros and others, but the effect will not necessarily be good."

"After all, people have always regarded us as enemies."

"I think what's more important for us is to make our company stronger."

"As long as we don't beg them, they will have to use our products. Only then will they be able to avoid being strangled."

York Hansen knew that what Shen Lin said made sense, but it was very difficult.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a rapid knock on the door, Shen Lin said come in, and saw Shi Congyun walking in quickly.She came to Shen Lin and said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, the news we just received is that three American companies have sued us on the grounds of malicious competition."

"This involves our electric bicycles, LED energy-saving lamps, and..."

York Hansen frowned as he listened to Shi Congyun's report.

He knows very well that these products are very good products exported by MiKe Electronics.If sales are banned, it will cause considerable difficulties for the export of MiKe Electronics.

"Dr. Shen, this should be Toros' method."

"Now that the news has come out, even if we win the lawsuit in the end, I'm afraid it will be difficult to sell several of our products in a short period of time."

Shen Lin nodded. He had already expected this situation.

After all, in later generations, people have done this before.

The threat of MiKe Electronics at this time is already very great in the eyes of some people.

Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "Congyun, please send a copy of these questions to lawyer Zhang Yuqing."

"Tell her the procedures to follow, and we will follow them."

"As for sales, if our products are prohibited from being sold, then we will stop selling them."

"Anyway, our market is not limited to them."

Shi Congyun agreed and left.

At this moment, Shen Lin noticed that on the big screen in the distance, his family's stocks began to fluctuate again.

York Hansen's eyes were also fixed on the shares of MiKe Electronics.

As soon as the market opened today, MiKe Electronics’ stock has been rising.

Now it suddenly started to drop. Although it didn't drop much, this situation still made him feel a little uncomfortable in his heart.

But he knew in his heart that this kind of thing was not something he could decide.

"Director Shen, this should be a normal reaction."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "For these products, I will ask MiKe Electronics to issue an announcement later on the sales volume of these products."

"Especially the proportion of exports."

(End of this chapter)

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