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Chapter 2337 The Thorn in the Flesh

Chapter 2337 The Thorn in the Flesh
Patent investigation, sales restrictions...

In just two or three days, various actions against MiKe Electronics began to pour in.

After these restrictions were reported, countless fans of MiKe Electronics were angry.

Although they don't know the meaning behind these actions, they still support MiKe Electronics.

They don't want this situation to continue.

Although the Internet has just emerged and chat rooms and forums have not yet appeared, the topic of supporting MiKe Electronics has been constantly brought up.

For example, in the radio song request program, the song requests received by MiKe Electronics accounted for one-third of all song requests.

In Dongzhou, the situation was even crazier. After the sales of MiKe Electronics were restricted, the song requests from the radio station for a whole day were all for Shen Lin and MiKe Electronics.

Along with this spiritual support, MiKe Electronics' products have once again become popular.

For a time, MiKe Electronics’ sales reached a higher level again.

When Shen Lin received the sales data of MiKe Electronics for the past week, he didn't know what to say.

Four days have passed since Toros started attacking and various methods were used.

Although the changes in the Xiangjiang stock market are not small, the overall stock price is still relatively stable.

As boss Li and other big bosses came forward to tell everyone about financial news and the dangers of being attacked, the initially panicked investors gradually began to calm down.

But this kind of stability is not what Toros wants to see.

When he saw on the fourth day that MiKe Electronics' stock was still growing, he couldn't sit still.

Toros knows very well that once MiKe Electronics' stock continues to grow, it will be a disaster for them.

"Sonia, when can you buy the shares of MiKe Electronics?" Toros looked at his most trusted subordinate, with a hint of anger in his voice.

He is very dissatisfied with the current situation.

Sonia is in her 30s and not pretty. The reason why she is able to secure her current position is entirely because of her ability.

She is Toros' right-hand woman.

Helped Toros and did a lot of things.

Hearing Toros's angry words at this time, he hesitated and said: "Mr. Toros, without external changes, it is basically impossible to shake the stock of Mihu Electronics."

Upon hearing this statement, a trace of anger flashed in Toros's eyes.

He originally thought that in this war, even if there were difficulties, victory would still belong to him.

But what he didn't expect was that although the war started this time with great vigor, and the methods he used put MiKe Electronics at the forefront of the storm.

But none of this can change one thing, that is, today's MiKe Electronics is still very strong.

It can even be said that today's MiKe Electronics has not only not deteriorated, but has become better.

And the local companies in Xiangjiang, led by MiKe Electronics, are now showing extremely tough performance. Their input and output are not proportional at all.

There were even losses.

"Do we have any other means?" Toros pondered for a moment and asked Sonia.

Sonia hesitated and said, "The main reason why MiKe Electronics is so determined is because of its person in charge, Shen Lin."

"It can be said that Shen Lin is the pillar of MiKe Electronics."

"If we can take action against Shen Lin, then..."

When Toros listened to his subordinate's words, a trace of gloom flashed in his eyes.

If he attacks Shen Lin, Mi Ke Electronics will definitely cause a huge shock.

Although let's not talk about letting the huge rice shell electrons fall apart.

But as long as something goes wrong with Shen Lin, MiKe Electronics will be in big trouble.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, a trace of expectation arose in his heart.But does it really have to be like this?

And this is not an easy task!

As the person in charge of MiKe Electronics, Shen Lin has many protective people around him. If he turns on this mode, then he...

Thinking of the consequences of the matter, Toros waved his hand and said: "Okay, I warn you to put away this idea."

"Although Shen Lin is our opponent, when we do business, we still have to compete with others in the business field."

"As for other methods, let's not talk about it."

Hearing the seriousness of what Toros said, Sonia didn't dare to say anything anymore.

For a while, the atmosphere in the office was a bit serious.

At this time, there was a sound of pushing the door.Toros turned his head and saw a bald man over 1.9 meters tall walking in.

His face was full of smiles, but when he saw this man, Toros frowned.

He didn't like this man very much.

"Hahaha, Mr. Toros, my old friend, I'm really happy to see you!" The visitor said with a smile when he saw Toros.

Although Toros was unhappy in his heart, on the surface, he smiled lightly and said: "Mr. Nick, I am also very happy to see you."

"I wonder if Mr. Nick comes to me for any advice?"

Hearing the word "advice", Mr. Nick waved his hands heavily and said: "Mr. Toros, my old friend, I don't dare to take advice!"

"I came here this time just to drink coffee with your brother and chat for a while."

Hearing this, Toros sneered in his heart. He had dealt with this ruthless Mr. Nick several times and knew that this man's bottom line was lower than his own.

So many times, he is unwilling to associate with this person.

But he was unwilling to offend the power behind this person.

So the two people are more imaginary and conciliatory.

Toros gave instructions to his subordinates, and someone brought the coffee.

Nick looked around twice, and before Toros could speak, he said presumptuously: "I have something to discuss with Mr. Toros."

"You all leave for a moment."

There was hesitation on the faces of Sonia and others.

Although they all know that Mr. Nick is not easy to mess with.

But if they leave Toros like this after hearing Mr. Nick's instructions, they don't know what will happen in the future.

Just when they were hesitating, Toros waved his hand and signaled them to leave.

Sonia and the others left quickly one by one as if they were granted amnesty.

After Mr. Nick and others left, he said bluntly: "Mr. Toros, do you know how much money I used this time?"

Toros said calmly: "It should not exceed [-] million."

Nick laughed and said: "Mr. Toros, your calculation is very accurate."

"This time I spent US$[-] million."

"But do you know what benefits it has brought to me now by using so much money?"

When Nick said this, before Toros could speak, he said loudly: "It didn't bring any profit at all. On the contrary, I lost 5000 million."

"Although this number is not much, it is 5000 million after all!"

Listening to Nick's somewhat accusatory words, Toros said calmly: "If you say this, then the money you earned during this period is almost [-] million."

(End of this chapter)

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