Chapter 2338 Two Choices
The number Toros said made Mr. Nick laugh.

But he smiled and waved his arms and said: "Mr. Toros, thanks to you, I made some money this time."

"But I earned all this money with my own skills."

"So I lost 5000 million yuan, and I still feel very distressed."

Looking at Mr. Nick who looked very uncomfortable, Toros said calmly: "Mr. Nick, if you say that, I have nothing to say."

"If there is nothing else, I won't give it away."

Nick laughed loudly and said: "Mr. Toros, if someone asks me to lose 5000 million, I will never agree."

"But the person who made me lose 5000 million is you, so I am extremely happy."

"After all, without you, I wouldn't be where I am today."

Having said this, Mr. Nick said: "Compared to you, money is nothing."

"I came here this time because I have an important matter, and I hope to discuss it with you."

Toros said calmly: "Please tell me."

"I think we should not waste time."

"Shen Lin himself is very capable, and together with Boss Li and the others, he is also very powerful."

"In addition, Xiangjiang is their territory. If we keep fighting with them, there will be no benefit."

"I think we should not do this kind of thing that is a waste of time but does no good."

Toros said: "What you mean is that we withdraw the funds."

"Yes, let's evacuate. I think we have a better place to go."

"The financial market in the north is now in chaos, and their wealth is extremely rich."

"If we rush over, I believe they won't have many means to resist, and we can definitely make a lot of money."

"Not only is it easy to earn this money, but there is no big risk. Compared with here, it is hundreds of times better."

Go north and make a killing!
Toros fell into thought.

After thinking for a moment, he knew that Nick was right. There was chaos over there. If they went there, they could easily make a lot of money.

But he was not willing to leave like this!
Now that he has not made any money, if he leaves in despair, what will others think of him?

So he took a breath and said, "Nick's words are right. Going there is a good opportunity."

"But I'm not willing to leave like this."

"I think we should stick to it."

Nick looked at the solemn-looking Toros and cursed secretly in his heart.

As far as he is concerned, he very much hopes that Toros can choose the latter. In this case, not only will he not have to fight a tough battle, but he will also be able to make quick profits.

But Toros still persisted, which disappointed him.

But he also knew that he needed Toros now, not that Toros needed him.

"Keep on holding on, are you sure of winning?" Nick said in a deep voice.

Toros said: "My attacks on MiKe Electronics are continuing. I believe MiKe Electronics will fall soon."

"At that time, Boss Li and the others will have no choice but to surrender."

Nick pondered for a moment and said, "It's hard to convince me with what you said."

"I think you should find another way."

Toros shook his head and said: "Besides these, I have no other options for the time being."

"Nick, if you don't have anything else to do, I won't send it to you."

Nick felt a little angry when he heard Toros let him go.

He glanced at Toros, but in the end, he suppressed the anger in his heart.

They still need Toros for many things, so at this time, he can't afford to offend Toros.

After patting Toros on the shoulder and saying good luck, Nick strode out.Looking at Nick leaving, Toros shook his head.

If possible, he would never want to cooperate with someone like Mr. Nick.

Too dangerous!

Just as Toros was sitting on the chair, thinking about the next strategy, Mr. Nick, who walked out of Toros' office, did not leave immediately.

But after saying hello to Sonia, the two people appeared in the basement a few minutes later.

Nick said: "If Toros continues to persist, the hope of success is not too great."

"You are by his side, why don't you persuade him."

Sonia could hear Mr. Nick's accusation, and she smiled bitterly and said: "Mr. Toros is very proud."

"For someone as proud as him, do you think he will listen to my advice?"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Nick's face.

"Sonia, I have to say, you convinced me."

"But if we continue like this, the input and output will be disproportionate."

"If time goes on, those who follow Toros will eventually have their own plans."

"You don't want to see everyone in Toros betraying their relatives."

Sonia pondered for a moment, a trace of determination flashed in her eyes.

She said in a deep voice: "Mr. Toros told me today that Shen Lin is the backbone of the alliance. If something goes wrong with Shen Lin, the alliance will collapse."

"But Mr. Toros doesn't like this plan."

When Nick heard what Sonia said, a trace of sarcasm flashed in his eyes and said: "There's just something about Mr. Toros that he can't see clearly."

"Since he has done this, don't be merciful."

"If a person is soft-hearted, that is the greatest irresponsibility for oneself."

Sonia nodded and said, "Mr. Nick, I understand this too."

"But Mr. Toros, he didn't listen!"

Nick pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this matter."

"Since Toros said that as long as something goes wrong with Shen Lin, everything will go smoothly, then just wait for the good news."

As he spoke, he looked at Sonia and said, "Sonia, I hope that in the future, if Mr. Toros makes any big moves, you will tell me as soon as possible."

"You should know that I am Mr. Toros's best friend."

Sonia hurriedly said: "I will definitely report Mr. Toros's movements to you at any time."

"Please rest assured."

Nick nodded and strode out.

Seeing Nick leaving, Sonia breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Although she and Mr. Nick are old friends, Sonia is very reluctant to face Mr. Nick.

If possible, she hoped she would never meet Mr. Nick.

Because this Mr. Nick is not only ruthless, but also...

As thoughts flashed through her mind, Sonia couldn't help but think of what she said to Mr. Nick.

From Mr. Nick's words, it seemed that he was going to take action against Shen Lin.

Sonia, who was well aware of Mr. Nick's character, felt a trace of anxiety and expectation in her heart at this moment.

What she was worried about was how Mr. Toros would treat her if he knew that she had revealed this matter to Mr. Nick.

And what she looks forward to is naturally Mr. Nick's success.

(End of this chapter)

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