Chapter 2339 Sudden Danger

Shen Lin didn't know that someone was already preparing to do something against him.

After working for a day, Shen Lin returned to Mi Yuan's residence.

Although he still didn't want to live with Mi Yuan in his heart, when he came to Xiangjiang, Shen Lin had to accompany his child.

Adults are wrong, but children are not wrong.

As a middle-level manager of MiKe Electronics, Mi Yuan also knows a little about the changes in the stock market in Xiangjiang.

She looked at Shen Lin who looked relaxed and couldn't help but asked with concern: "Shen Lin, can we really defeat Toros this time?"

"Toros is just a person." Shen Lin said with a smile: "Don't think of him as too mysterious."

"He is more about finding flaws and taking advantage of the situation. If you let him find no flaws, he won't have much to do."

"This time, he shouldn't be able to take advantage."

Just as the two people were talking, a voice sounded on the TV: "...very optimistic about Hong Kong's economy and the stability of the currency..."

Listening to the content of the news, a smile appeared on Shen Lin's lips.

Boss Li's activities still had an effect.

With the emergence of this kind of news, I believe investors' confidence in these companies in Xiangjiang will become even stronger.

What Toros and others face will not be a hard bone that cannot be chewed, but a stone that can break their front teeth.

"Ah ah ah..."

Xiaobao, who was less than one year old, waved his fat arms vigorously.

And the position of his finger is the position of the door.

This action means that he wants to get out.

Mi Yuan looked at the excited child and said helplessly: "Ever since I let him go out for a walk, he is almost unwilling to stay at home."

"Just wanted to go out and play."

Hearing Mi Yuan's words, the child waved his little hands faster, as if he was expecting his mother to take him out to play.

Shen Lin looked at the situation and smiled and said, "Mi Yuan, since the child wants to, let's take him out to play for a while."

Mi Yuan hesitated and said, "It's getting late, and you've been tired all day. Why don't you stay at home and let me take him around the yard."

When Shen Lin looked at the child's appearance, he couldn't help but think of Xiao Guoke when he was a child. He knew very well that he could not accompany this child like he did with Xiao Guoke.

Now that I am in Xiangjiang, if I don’t follow my children out for a walk, I’m afraid there will be even fewer opportunities in the future.

"Let's go for a walk."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "I have been in the office all day, and I have already been a little dizzy."

"It's better to take a walk outside."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Mi Yuan hesitated for a moment and then said, "Okay then, let's go out for a while."

Because it was summer, and the weather here in Xiangjiang was basically never cold, so Shen Lin and the others simply changed their shoes and got ready to go out.

"Director Shen, do you want to go out?" Chengzi and others who were in the guest room came over quickly.

Shen Lin waved towards Chengzi and said, "I'll take the kids out for a walk."

Chengzi and Mi Yuan are no strangers, and as Shen Lin's confidant, he also has some understanding of Mi Yuan's situation.

Regarding such things, Nariko felt very troubled.

But his final choice is to do his job well.

"Then let's go out with you, Mr. Shen." Chengzi said in a deep voice.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Chengzi, you don't need to be too nervous. Nothing will happen here in Xiangjiang."

However, Chengzi still insisted: "Dr. Shen, I can ignore other things, but you must not relax about your safety."

"Mr. Cheng has explained that your safety is related to the entire Mihu Electronics." "No matter what we do, we must not relax on your safety."

Mi Yuan stood aside and said, "Shen Lin, let Chengzi and the others follow."

"After all, your safety is very important to us, MiKe Electronics."

"If you don't agree, let's not take the child out."

Hearing what Mi Yuan said, Shen Lin also smiled and said, "Okay, let's go out together."

When Cheng Zi saw that Shen Lin agreed, he breathed a sigh of relief. He cast a grateful look at Mi Yuan and then quickly made arrangements.

In just a few minutes, several MiKe electronic security personnel responsible for protecting Shen Lin followed Shen Lin out.

Although Mi Yuan's villa is not a high-end community like Boss Li, the environment is not bad, and there is a park not far away.

There were not many people in the park at this time, and the warm sea breeze was blowing, which gave people a lazy feeling.

Shen Lin held the child in his arms and talked as he walked. Although the child did not understand most of his words, he made sounds from time to time to cooperate with Shen Lin.



These words caused Shen Lin to laugh from time to time.

Mi Yuan walked behind Shen Lin and couldn't help but feel better when she saw Shen Lin teasing the child.

There was even an expectation in her heart that it would be great if time could stay at this moment forever.

But she knew even more clearly that her expectations would never be realized.

Because Shen Lin has his own family, including Lu Xiaorong, Xiao Guoke, Shen Lin’s little princess, and...

Just when various thoughts were surging in Mi Yuan's heart, Mi Yuan suddenly looked up and saw a person rushing over not far from Shen Lin.

This man reached out from in front of himself and took out a gun...

Seeing this scene, Mi Yuan immediately rushed towards Shen Lin and said: "Shen Lin..."

Shen Lin was teasing the child and didn't even think about the danger. When he heard Mi Yuan's shout, he instinctively turned his head and saw the man with the gun.

Just when Shen Lin instinctively wanted to dodge, the man's gun had already sprayed out a trace of fire.

At this moment, Mi Yuan stood in front of Shen Lin.

Seeing Mi Yuan's body fall with the sound of gunshots, Shen Lin's head was running wildly.

He fell to the ground almost instinctively, using his body to protect the child in his arms.

He knew that this was his best choice now.

Nariko and others never thought that such a thing would happen in this place where there is no danger.

When Mi Yuan exclaimed, they had already seen the situation.

It's just that the man's speed was so fast that Nariko and others didn't have time to deal with it.

When the first gunshot rang out and Shen Lin and Mi Yuan fell to the ground at the same time, Chengzi had already waved an electric baton in his hand and threw it out.

Several other security guards are also veterans selected by MiKe Electronics.

Although they don't have guns in their hands, they are all masters of boxing and kicking.

Moreover, there are basically several employees of MiKe Electronics in their family, and they can be said to be extremely loyal to the boss Shen Lin.

After Nariko took action, two of them who were relatively close to the murderer rushed over at almost the same time. The other two, like Nariko, pointed the electric batons in their hands directly at the man's face. Smashed it over.

For a moment, the man couldn't dodge at all.

But even so, the man still pressed the trigger again!

(End of this chapter)

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